Explanation the Role of Academic Achievement Motivation on Implementing Self-Leadership Strategies (Case: Students of Birjand University)
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningJavad Pourkarimi 1 , Ebrahim mazari 2 * , kobra khabare 3 , Farhad Farhadi Amjad 4
1 - دانشگاه تهران
2 - دانشگاه تهران
3 - دانشگاه تهران
4 - دانشگاه تهران
Keywords: Self-Leadership Strategies, academic achievement motivation, Students,
Abstract :
This study aimed to explain the role of academic achievement motivation on students implementing of self-leadership strategies at Birjand University. Research method was descriptive and correlational that for explain the model was used the LISREL software (LISREL 8.7). The statistical population was all students in university Birjand, that with multistage cluster sampling 4020 students of the Faculty of Science and Letters were selected and the second stage of sampling, sample size was determined 351 students. Self- leadership questionnaire of Neck & Manz (2002) with the reliability (α =0/80) and academic achievement motivation questionnaire of Hoseini et al (2008) with the reliability (α =0/91) were used to collect data. One-sample t-test results showed academic achievement motivation and self-leadership strategies are in good condition. Structural equation modeling showed academic achievement motivation effect on self-leadership strategies (γ =0/69). Also, effected on self-talk (γ =0/44), self-reward (γ =0/36), self-punishment (γ = 0/43), self–guidance (γ =0/34), visualization successful performance (γ =0/34) and focusing on natural rewards (γ =0/55).
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