Role of effective feedback on students' motivation in learning
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningHosein Samavatyan 1 * , Hamze Kazemi Mahyari 2
1 - ستادیار گروه روانشناسی دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران
2 - کارشناس ارشد مدیریت MBA، مربی مؤسسه جهاد دانشگاهی خوزستان، اهواز
Keywords: Feedback, motivation, effective feedback, Learning,
Abstract :
The purpose of present research was to determine the influence of effective feedback on students’ motivation in learning. The kind of this practical and descriptive-survey research was correlation and field study. The population of this research included 4435 Ahvaz Jahad daneshgahi students in 2012-2013. 153 students were selected by sample size formula and sampling was done by srtarified random method. The descriptive statistical indicators (mean, standard division, frequency, and percentage) were used to describe data, and the structural equation modeling was used to test the research theory. By using CMIN/DF, RMSEA, AGFI, NNFI (TLI), NFI,CFI, and IFI factors, the model test results showed that the model had a suitable goodness-of fit with data. The results showed that three characteristics have effect on the students’ motivation in learning from the students’ perspective: the feedback type, feedback time and feedback structure, however the time had the most effect. Also only time has effected on health agents of Learning and structure and type of feedback has no effect on health agents of Learning.
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