Analysis of the state of math implemented curriculum in fourth grade
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningnasrin sadeghi 1 , Maghsud Amin Khandaghi 2 * , Mahmud Saidi Rezvani 3
1 - M.Sc. of curriculum, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Corresponding Author, Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.
Keywords: Flanders System of Interaction Analysis, Mathematic Curriculum, implemented curriculum, Evaluation, teaching,
Abstract :
Implemented curriculum situation and in another definition the teaching-comprehending activity and the stuffs happen in the class, is a connection between intended curriculum and attained curriculum. This is because of the intended goal can be achieved by implemented curriculum. Also, the implemented curriculum is affected by intended curriculum and attained curriculum. It is worth to notify the knowledge, point of view and the ability of the teacher has also a big influence on the implemented curriculum. The studies show that the mathematic course is considered as important criteria for the development and progress in the world and also a basic knowledge for the other branch of sciences. However, the results of international competitions and internal outcome show that Iran don’t have a proper level of qualification in this course. Therefore, this study tried to investigate the important role of implemented curriculum of the mathematic course on the achievement of intended training goals. To do this, the current study from the statistical population of the fourth and fifth level of elementary school at region 7 of Mashhad in 1389-1390, 72 classes were selected. Two type of the teacher behavior were evaluated. At first step, the training style of the teacher was evaluated and analyzed using Flanders system of interaction analysis. In the next step, the data provided by prepaid evaluation sheet was collected and then by using one-directional variance and Duncan analysis was collected an analyzed. The results show that most of teachers use the direct and inactive method. These teachers prefer speeches rather than asking questions and therefore most of student talking is about what teachers want and intended not the creative and free discussions. The analysis of summative evaluation is also showing them in inactive manner. These results don’t show significant difference for the teachers with different scientific and employment backgrounds.
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