An Analysis on the Critical Theory of Education and Its Implications for the Curriculum
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningرحمت اله خسروی 1 * , سید مهدی سجادی 2
1 - دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
2 - دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
Keywords: education, Curriculum, critical theory,
Abstract :
According to the critical theory, education is seen as an inseparable factor from human and social evolution. This theory considers school, curriculum, teaching and learning as factors and activities which go beyond mere academic affairs and have political, economic, social and educational implications. In this regard, the present study attempts to analyze the critical theory of education and its implications for the curriculum. In this study, "Speculative Essay" is used as research method and "Review of Documentation" is used as a tool for information gathering. According to the research purpose, topics such as philosophical foundations of critical theory of education, the education process in this theory, critical theory implications for the curriculum and the criticisms related to it have been surveyed.