The impact of DBAE Curriculum on Art Education of Primary School Students
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningesmaeil kazempour 1 * , khalil ghaffari 2 , maryam oughani hamedani 3
1 - Department of education, Khomein branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran.
2 - Department of education, Tonekabon branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran.
3 - M.A Educational planning. Researcher of education organization of Hamedan, Hamedan, Iran.
Keywords: Curriculum, primary school, Art Education, DBAE,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was the review of the impact of the discipline based art education curriculum on art education of the primary school students. This study was done quasi experimental. The populations of the study were all of the fifth grade students in Tonekabon in 2010-2011. And the statistical samples included two groups of 25 experimental and control which were chosen in random cluster sampling. The validation tools of researcher-made test, for measuring the art education treatment was used in four components that were calculated by 0.93 α Cronbach Alpha after approval. The results of MANOVA test showed that no meaningful difference was observed between the art education test in art production and art criticism fields in two groups. So the DBAE in art production and art criticism fields have no effect on art education treatment of the students. Where as meaningful difference was observed between post-test art education of students in art history and aesthetic fields. Therefore DBAE in art history and Aesthetic fields affects art education of the students.
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