Evaluation of vocational training curriculum in terms of consideration to facilities and materials workplace
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningmaghsood amin khandaghi 1 * , sedighe kazemi 2 , Hamideh pakmehr 3 , sayyed mohsen asghari-nekah 4
1 - Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Farhangian University, Mashhad
3 - PhD Student in Curriculum studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
4 - Faculty Member at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: vocational training high school, Curriculum, Evaluation, facilities and materials,
Abstract :
This study aimed to evaluation facilities and materials of workplace environment in vocational training high school. The research method in this study was the evaluation. The statistical population included all of vocational workplaces of the country in vocational training high schools of intellectual disabilities. The sampling methodology was multistage cluster and by way of appropriate assign in five selected provinces was observed workplaces. In order to collect data were used from observation check lists that was made in two sections of conditions and organization workplace environment and in seven filed of skills that have been established reliability and validity all of them. Observation of workplaces showed facilities and materials in workplaces of weaving carpet grow of apartment plants art of living at home is relatively in desirable condition. Whereas workplaces of fabric sewing had desirable facilities, carpentry workplaces, Barry netted on wood and cucurbits were in undesirable level. Also, in Comparison between workplace facilities for the seven filed of skills it was revealed that fabric sewing workplace was better than Cucurbit plants and netted Berry workplaces. Carpentry workshops, Carpet weaving, grow of apartment plants and art of living at Home were in better condition than the lattice Barry wood workplaces.With regard to the findings, were presented recommendations for further planning in this area.
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