University challenges in compiling of the suitable content with competencies of lifelong learner
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningsedighe karimi 1 * , Ahmad Reza Nasr 2 , Mostafa Sharif 3
1 - دانشگاه اصفهان
2 - انشگاه اصفهان
3 - دانشگاه اصفهان
Keywords: University, lifelong learner, curriculum content, challenge, competences,
Abstract :
The present research was to identity university's challenges on the selecting and organizing the content according to the lifelong learning principles. In this mix method research, the perspectives of 24 public universities principals that were selected by the purposeful sampling method from the chain kind were collected by the quasi- organized interview and the method of analysis content. In the quantitave part, the perspectives of 153 faculty members of these universities that were selected by the method of the stratified random sampling were considered by a research- made questionnaire. Its content validity was confirmed bu experts and its reliability was estimated 0.96 by Cronbach's alpha. The data was analyzed by the descriptive and inference statistics methods and the software of SPSS17. The results showed the university challenges in selecting and organizing of content are: un-applied lesseons, lack of knowing the research method in the educational major, less emphasis on the general ability and lack of the notice on the quality of the college student research activity. There is not a meaningful difference (p>0.05) between the perspectives of the faculty members on the basis variables of the sex, the kind of university, academic rank and education.
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