A Study of Elements and Dimensions of School Culture with Achievement Motivation: A Case of Middle Schools in Mobarake (Esfahan Province)
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planningمژگان عارفی 1 , جهانبخش رحمانی 2 , سهیلا صفایی 3 *
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Keywords: motivation, achievement motivation, school culture, School culture dimensions,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was the relationship between the elements and dimensions of school culture (educational point of view, group learning, pupil behavior, teacher attitude, parent's opinion, facilities, materials and physical environment) with, achievement motivation among first to third grade Middle school female and male students of Mobarake. So, from among 6155 Middle school students, 463 (240 female & 223 male) students were randomly selected by cluster, multi-stage sampling. The method of the study was correlation measurement. For the sake of data gathering two questionnaires (Hermance achievement motivation and researcher-made of school-culture) were used, which the reliability of these questionnaires were confirmed by factor analysis and experts respectively, and the above seven mentioned dimensions were obtained. The stability of school culture questionnaire was estimated by Cronboch's Alpha methods was 0.93, the validity coefficient of Hermance questionnaire was 0.86 which was analysed by Chronboch's Alpha. For data analysis the statistical procedures of Pearson Correlation and Regression Analysis and Independent T were used. Data analysis showed that: 1) There was a significant relationship between the elements and dimensions of school culture and achievement motivation. 2) School culture dimensions could predict achievement motivation and the most predictable pupil achievement motivations were: educational point of view, teacher attitude, and physical environment. 3) There was a difference in school culture components among male and female students.