Surveying the Degree of Attention to Education for Sustainable Development in the Elementary School's Social Sciences Curriculum
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum PlanningMaryam Rezaie 1 * , Gholam Ali Ahmadi 2 , Sayyed Mohammad Reza Imam Jomaa 3 , Sadeq Nasri 4
1 - Doctoral student in curriculum studies at Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University
2 - Assistant professor and faculty of Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University
3 - Assistant professor and faculty of Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University
4 - Assistant professor and faculty of Tehran Shahid Rejaei Teacher Training University
Keywords: education for sustainable development, Curriculum, elementary school, Social, sciences,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the degree of attention to education for sustainabledevelopment in the curriculum (textbooks and teacher guides) in the elementaryschool's social sciences. The research method is the mixed one (exploratory and content analysis). The populationis consisted of the whole social sciences textbooks and teacher guides ofelementary school and global UENSCO documents. In this research the size ofsample numerically is equal to the population. The tools for gathering data areglobal UNESCO documents and the researcher- made content analysis form. Toverify the formal validity and the content of the tools, 20 experts(specialized in education, UENESCO,environment, sociology and economy) were consulted and they confirmedboth the validity and content. The reliability was confirmed by Holesti formulaas 92%. To analysis the data, the Shannon's entropy analysis was used. Theresults showed that in the whole elementary school's social sciences textbooks,the impact factor is highest in citizen rights and conservation of environment,whereas the lowest one was seen in sustainable consumption and excessiveconsumption. In both textbooks and teacher guides of elementary socialsciences, the education for sustainable developmentcomponent is not in proportion as it would be. In the elementaryschool's social sciences curriculum, the components of cultural dimension(cultural critique, cultural rehabilitation, maintenance of culture andreligious system and beliefs) and socio- economic and environmental dimensionslack the frequency.
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