An Analysis of Level Proportion between Science Teaching Method of Primary School’s Teachers from Perspective of Attention to Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): A Critical Inquiry Approach
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Noushin Gashmardi
seyyed mohammad seyyedkalan
1 - Department of Biology Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Primary School, Teaching Strategies, Science.,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is analysis of Level proportion between science teaching method of primary schools from perspective of attention to PCK. The qualitative research method was critical inquiry. The statistical population of the research was selected from the thoughtful teachers and heads of science subjects of the second elementary school (fourth, fifth and sixth) of Bushehr and Ardabil cities, and 18 people were selected until theoretical saturation. The measurement tool is the convergent interview protocol. The focus group interview approach was used for answer the research question and collect data. The data analysis was done with the thematic analysis model of Atride and Sterling (2001). For the credibility of the interviewees themselves and for reliability, two independent evaluators were used, and the Scott's pi reliability coefficient was 0.81. The findings showed a total of 131 basic concepts, 15 organizing themes and 5 meta-themes; A) orientations towards science teaching, (b) knowledge of student understanding, (c) knowledge of educational strategies and representations, (d) knowledge of science curriculum, and (e) knowledge of science learning assessment were obtained. As a result, PCK is needed by all elementary school teachers in order to effective teaching in science. Also, the correct evaluation of pck in the proportion between teachers' methods of teaching sciences will help them in teaching science effectively. Finally, the results of this study emphasize the need to implement teachers’ professional development (pre- service and in- service) for their growth in the field of PCK
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