The possibility of inferring the justice system as fairness from within the discourses of the Islamic Republic
Subject Areas : polotic
Afshin Habibzadehkolli
Reza Akbari noori
khodayar mortazavi asl
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2 - political science,Islamic Azad University of south tehran , tehran, Iran
3 - Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, South Tehran Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: justice, Islamic Republic, public interest, right, good, discourse,
Abstract :
The concept of justice and the system based on it has always been one of the important topics of political thought and philosophy. John Rawls, one of the greatest contemporary political philosophers of the West, in his book Justice as Fairness, tries to explain in a political understanding of justice, the necessities of realizing the greatest possible freedom and equality for the citizens of a democratic society. The theoretical framework of the article is the theory of justice as fairness and the research method is discourse analysis. The main question is to what extent is it possible to infer the justice system as fairness according to Rawls from the discourses of the Islamic Republic? In this connection, one of the main topics is the discussion about the ratio of public interests and individual and group interests, because according to Rawls, the justice system is the institutionalized area of public interests, which is due to the institutions of the basic structure of society, which is also associated with the existence of the country or The existence of the nation-state is ongoing. In this regard, the opinions of Morteza Motahari and Abdullah Javadi Amoli, two well-known clerics, have been examined as the main conceptualizers of the analysis of the discourse of justice, from which the possibility of extracting a theory of justice close to justice as fairness can be calculated. The result is that Motahari's point of view is more capable of interpreting the justice system as fairness in the discourse of political Islam than Javadi Amoli's point of view.
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