Evaluation and presentation of conclusions
Subject Areas : political sociology
Gholam Hossein Fakher
samineh bahadorijahromi
عبدالحمید دلشاد
Keramatollah Rasekh
1 - PhD student in Political Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
2 - jahrom Branch
3 - رییس دانشگاه علمی - کاربردی
4 - Associate Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran
Keywords: Governance, social capital, South Pars, foundation data theory.-- ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to present the components of Kamrani based on social capital with a qualitative approach based on the theory of ground theory. The statistical community of this research includes experts in the field of management and social sciences and 15 people were selected as a sample using the snowball method. Data collection tool, semi-structured interview and data analysis method, content analysis was done using three stages of coding. In this regard, the main and secondary categories were extracted from the interview data. According to the concept of governance based on social capital, it was presented in the form of causal, central, contextual, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences. Causal conditions have three main categories of environmental factors, policy-making factors and structural factors, the central phenomenon includes two categories of governance based on social capital and human capital, background conditions which include two categories of organizational factors and educational factors, strategies have two categories of management and Leadership and the category of social communication and finally the results with four categories of development and promotion of the position of South Pars, organizational development, increase of social capital and improvement of accountability and increase of social responsibility of South Pars were obtained. The results show that the function of governance based on social capital by discovering facts is a supplement for productivity in South Pars Company. Key words: governance, social capital, South Pars, foundation data theory.
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