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    Sustainability, Development & Environment ( Scientific )
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  • About the journal

    Journal of Sustainability, Development & Environment (JSDE) is a monthly publication affiliated with the Graduate School of the Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU). This Journal publishes scientific-research papers in the fields of Environmental Science, Engineering, and Management. The authors may submit their papers through the online “paper submission” link and follow up the reviewing process accordingly. The submitted papers can be published after peer reviewing, consequent revisions, and final acceptance. The policy of the Journal is to select the most qualified papers and to accelerate the overall reviewing process so that the authors can be informed about the outcome at the soonest.




    This Journal is an open-access Journal Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.( CC BY 4.0)

    All rights concerning the Journal reserved by the Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch.

      Type: Scientific-research (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology)

    Release Sequence: monthly

    Referee type: double-sided hiding

    Average referee time: 2-6 months

    Language of the journal: Persian (abstract: English)

    Type of publication: electronic

    Access type: Free (full text)

    Number of pages allowed: 10-12 pages

    submission costs: One million Rials 

    Acceptance and printing costs: Two million Rials 

    If there is suspicion of misbehavior or alleged fraud the Journal and/or Publisher will carry out an investigation following COPE guidelines. If, after investigation, there are valid concerns, the author(s) concerned will be contacted under their given e-mail address and given an opportunity to address the issue. Depending on the situation, this may result in the Journal’s and/or Publisher’s implementation of the following measures, including, but not limited to:

    " This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws" 

      • If the manuscript is still under consideration, it may be rejected and returned to the author.

     If the article has already been published online, depending on the nature and severity of the infraction:

    • - an erratum/correction may be placed with the article

      - an expression of concern may be placed with the article

      - or in severe cases retraction of the article may occur.

    Creative Commons License

    This Journal is an open-access Journal Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.( CC BY 4.0)


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  • Affiliated to
    IRSEN & Islamic Azad University - Science and Research Branch
    Executive Manager
    Print ISSN: 2423-3846
    Online ISSN:2783-1833

    Publication period: Quarterly

    Graduate School of the Environment and Energy,
    Islamic Azad University,
    Science and Research Branch,
    P.O.Box 14515 - 775
    Tehran, Iran

    Tel.: (021) 44861709-2710-2709



    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 5
    Number of Issues 24
    Printed Articles 123
    Number of Authors 950
    Article Views 21123
    Article Downloads 6286
    Number of Submitted Articles 421
    Number of Rejected Articles 111
    Number of Accepted Articles 180
    Acceptance 37 %
    Time to Accept(day) 170
    Reviewer Count 10
    Last Update 1403/09/28