Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potential by Optimizing Energy Consumption in Office Building in Tehran Using Energy Plus Software
Subject Areas : Energy
Saeed Shajari
Azita Behbahaninia
Ashkan Ebdali Susan
1 - Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
2 - Department of Environment, Faculty of Agriculture and Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Greenhouse gas, Energy Plus software, Thermal Comfort, Energy audit,
Abstract :
Background and Aim: Energy consumption in the country's buildings is about two to four times the average energy consumption in other countries of the world. Also in the construction sector, public and government buildings account for 70% of this energy consumption. The limited energy resources and the effects of losses on its excessive consumption make a suitable and optimal plan necessary from the perspective of energy consumption. The purpose of this study is to investigate and change the pattern of energy consumption in office buildings in order to reduce greenhouse gases.Methods: In order to perform optimization in the studied building, the amount of energy consumption and details related to the heating, cooling and lighting systems of the selected building were measured, collected and measured through field visits with the help of a luxury meter. In this study, using energy plus software, energy consumption for the building, which is in the group of buildings with high energy consumption, was simulated. It should be noted that the values of energy loss, comfort level and energy consumption indicators in the building. The selection was also calculated.Results: The results show that effective optimization measures in the building can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce energy consumption by 14 to 20 percent annually.Conclusion: According to calculations, an average of 50% of annual energy consumption is wasted, which can be reduced to 30% by performing audit measures and thermal comfort, which is sometimes calculated to be more than 60% in certain seasons in the building increased.