Determining the Relationship between Strategic Thinking and Multiple Intelligences (Based on Howard Gardner’s MI Theory) among Sales and Business Managers
Subject Areas : Business Management
Soleyman Iranzadeh
Ali Sadegi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Instructor and Faculty Members, Tabas Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tabas, Iran
Keywords: Interpersonal intelligence, multiple intelligences, Strategic Thinking, Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence, Logical/Mathematical Intelligence, Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence, Visual /Spatial Intelligence, Musical/Harmonic Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence,
Abstract :
In today’s changing context, understanding the conditions and predicting the main processes are the only ways through which the organizations can improve their status among the competitors. Such a thing can be achieved solely by managers with high levels of strategic thinking. The purpose of the present research is supporting organizations in appointing managers with high levels of strategic thinking by employing multiple intelligences theory as a leading theory in considering individual differences so that these managers would definitely improve the organization status among their competitors. The research hypothesis was as follows: There is a significant relationship between strategic thinking and verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, musical/harmonic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal intelligences. The findings of the study showed a significant relationship between visual/spatial, logical/mathematical, interpersonal intelligences and strategic thinking.
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