Investigating the Role of Knowledge Management Implementation in Labor Productivity in Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch
Subject Areas : Business Management
Soleyman Iranzadeh
Mehdi Pakdel Bonab
1 - Associate Professor, Industrial Management Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Club of Young and Elite Researchers, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Islamic Azad University, Labor Productivity, Knowledge Management,
Abstract :
We aimed to determine the role of knowledge management implementation in labor productivity in Islamic Azad University, Tabriz. The research method was descriptive and its objectives were practical. The study population consisted of 680 employees of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz. Through the use of stratified random sampling, the sample was calculated 245 by Morgan sampling table. Data collection included two questionnaires: knowledge management and employee productivity. Knowledge management model was based on Probest et al model and had seven components including knowledge identification, knowledge acquisition, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, knowledge storage, knowledge usage and finally evaluation of knowledge management. Employee productivity model was based on Achive model and contained indicators such as credit of decisions, job knowledge, performance feedback, environmental compatibility, workplace satisfaction and motivation. After testing for normality using the Kolmogorov - Smirnov test, we used double and multiple regressions to analyze the data. The results of the data analysis show that each of the seven factors of implementing knowledge management (knowledge identification, knowledge acquisition, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, knowledge storage, knowledge usage and finally evaluation of knowledge management) is efficient to improve the productivity of the employees in Islamic Azad University of Tabriz. According to the results, knowledge storage maintains the highest level (0.33) and provides the strongest contribution to explaining the criterion variable and can predict 33 percent of the changes in labor productivity. Then the order of preference is as follows: knowledge usage (0.31), the evaluation of knowledge management (0.27), knowledge acquisition (0.17), knowledge identification (0.10), knowledge sharing (0.08) and knowledge development (0.06). It is confirmed that the significance of the model is F=13.25 and by Watson cameras (2.06) significance level is (Sig= 0.000).
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Al-Alawi A.I, Al-Marzooqi, N.Y, Mohammed, Y. F. (2007), Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: Critical success factors.Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(2): 22-42.
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Down Port, T. H., & Lawrence, P. (2000). Knowledge Management: Success in the Global Information Economy. Translate by: H. Rahman Sarsht, Tehran: Sapco Publishing, (In Persian).
Ghareh Choorloo, K. (2010). Investigating the Effect of Knowledge Management Activities on Nongovernmental Performance of Organizations, A Case Study of Regional Electric Company and Regional Water Company of AHS Province. Master's Thesis, Tabriz: Al-Ghadir University, (In Persian).
Guodong Ni, Wenshun Wang, Jianping Wang Zhifang Zong. (2010), "Institute Of project Management Of school Of Mechanics &Civil Engineering".China University Of Mining & Technology, pp.62-67.
Gupta, A. and Macdaniel, J. (2002), "Creating competitive advantage byeffectively managing knowledge: A framework for knowledge management", Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 40-49.
Holsapple, C. W., and K. D. Joshi. (2000), an investigation of factors that influence the management of knowledge in organizations. Journal of strategic information systems, 9(2): 235-261.
Kelly, L., & Booth C. (2004), Dictionary of Strategy: Strategic management A-Z. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Makeen, J., Zack, M. (2005), “towards a learning organization: the application of process-based knowledge maps to asset management” (a case study) knowledge and process management Chichester:Apr2007, Vol.14, Iss2, pg131. pqdweb?.
Malhotra, yogesh. (2002), Rol of organizational learning in knowledge management.
Mirzapour, M. (2009). Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizations' Performance: Evidence from Iranian International Companies. Master's Thesis. Tabriz: Tabriz University, (In Persian).
Mir Sepasy, Na. (2003). Strategic Human Resource Management. Tehran: Mir Publishing, (In Persian).
Mohayidin, M all. (2007), The Application of Knowledge Management in Enhancing the Performance of Malaysian Universities, ISSN 1479-4411,TITLE The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, available online at
Nadler, L., & Nadler, Z. (1990), The Handbook of human resource development. United States & Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Nazem, F. (2007). The Perceptions of Administrative Employees on the Productivity of Service Managers and Its Components in Different Areas of Islamic Azad University. Journal of Andishehaye Tazeh Dar Olomeh Tarbiyati, 3, 23-11, (In Persian).
Nonaka, I, &Takeuchi. (2001), "How Organizations Learn" International Thomson Business Press 1996, pp.18-31.
Norouzian, M. (2005). Application of Knowledge Management in the Public Sector, 156, , (In Persian).
Nouri zadeh, M. (2008). Efficiency Calculation, Behbod Monthly. 24, 30-25, (In Persian).
Probst, Gilbert; Steffen Raub & Kai Romhardt. (2000), "Managing Knowledge: Building Blocks for Success". John Wilely & Sons.
Renckly, Richard, G. (1997), Human Resources. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Rozdar, N. (2003). A Survey on Knowledge Management and Its Impact on the Performance of Bahman Group Managers in Tehran. Master's Thesis, Tehran: Islamic Azad University of Science Research Branch, (In Persian).
Salavati, A. (2010). The Application of Knowledge Management Model in Iranian Government Organizations, Challenges and Strategies. Industrial Management Quarterly, 12, 124-108, (In Persian).
Sibson, Robert Earl. (1992), Strategic planning for human resources Management. New York, NY: American Management Association.
Talibi, B., Pakdel bonab, M., Winter, Gh. (2011). Study of Knowledge Management Process in Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. Research Project, Tabriz: Islamic Azad University, (In Persian).
Wernerfelt, B. (1984), the Resource-Based View of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal5 (2): 171-180.