Investigating the Relationship between Participation–based Component of Total Qulity Management and Organizational Commitment (Case study: Islamic Azad University-Izeh Branch)
Subject Areas : Business ManagementAli Atafar 1 , Mahmood Daniali Dehhoze 2 *
1 - Associate Professor, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Ph.D student in Business Administration, University of Isfahan /Teacher of Islamic Azad University, Izeh Branch, Izeh, Iran
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, participation, Emotional Commitment, Norm commitment, Rational commitment,
Abstract :
Nowadays, in order to achieve sustainable development regarding management and human resources, such considerations as increasing efficiency, reducing waste material, winning the competitions and the like, proper and successful contribution of the staff in the organization’s affairs and decision-makings seem necessary. The purpose of the present research is to study the rate of participation index and its relationship with organizational commitment in Islamic Azad University. The main hypothesis of the research is that there is a significant relationship between the rate of participation and organizational commitment. The statistical population includes all the staff and faculty members of Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad University. The research sample consists of 114 subjects, chosen by stratified random sampling. For data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire of total quality management with the reliability of 0.955 and Alen–Mayer questionnaire of organizational commitment with the reliability of 0.91 have been used. For data analysis, T-test of independent groups, One-sample T-test, and correlation coefficient have been applied. The results indicated that regarding the rate of contribution, the Izeh Branch of Islamic Azad University is in a favorable state. Also, the results showed a significant relationship between the rate of participation and emotional commitment, between the rate of participation and rational commitment, and the rate of participation and norm commitment of the staff and faculty members in the university under study.
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Mowday, R.T.(200),Chickens, Pigs, Breakfast, and Commitment. The Organizational Behavior Division: p.3.
Olia, M. (1999). Total Quality Management (TQM) and its Position in Higher Education. Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education. 18, 44-27, (In Persian).
Osseo-Asare, A.E.Jr and Longbottom, D. (2002), "The need for education and training in the the use of the EFQM model for quality management in UK higher education instiutions", Ouality Assurance in Educattion, 10(1):26-37.
Parsa, A. (1980). Total Quality Management in Classroom. Teaching and Evaluation. Journal of University of Science and Education and Psychology, 3(2), 54-57, (In Persian).
Paton, S. (1994)," Is TQM dead?", Ouality Digest, 4(2):1-5.
Patrick William, L. (1998), "Astudy of the use of teams in the total quality management process. As implemented through finance and university services at the university of Iowa", a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the doctor of philososophy degree in the graduate college of the university of Iowa.
Proitz, T.S, Stensaker, B. and Harvey, L. (2004), "Accreditation standard and diversity: an analysis of the EQUIS accreditation reports", Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6): 736-753.
Rahnavard, F. (1999). Explanation of Participatory Management Philosophy. Journal of Applied Management of Public Administration, 44, (In Persian).
Richardson, M.(1997), "Total quality management and belief system of higher education administrators", Dissertation Abstract International, 58(3):471-A.
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Rodie, .R. and Klrin, S.S (2000), “Customer participation in Services production and dwlivery", in Swart, T.A and lacobucci, D.(Eds), Handbook of Services Marketing and Manangement, Sage, Thousand Oaks , CA.
Roopchand, R.(1997), "The critical analysis of total quality management in continuous higher education:, Dissertation Abstract International, 58(12:4527-A).
Samawi, H. (2006). The Study of Total Quality Management in the Education System of Ramin University of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Master Thesis, Ahvaz: Shahid Chamran University, (In Persian).
Scholl, R.W (1981), Differentiating Organization Commitment from Expectancy as Motivating Froce. Academy of Management Review, 6(4):589-599.
Temponi, C. (2005), “Continuous improvement framework: implications for academia", Ouality Assurance in Education, 13(1):17-36.
Vozzana, G., Elfink, J. and Bachmann, D.P (2000), "A longitudinal study for total quality management process in business college”, Journal of Education for Business, 76(2):69-74.
Waks, S. and Moti, F (1999), " Application of the total quality management principles and ISO 9000 standards in enginerring education", European Journal of Engineering Education, 24(3):249-259
Bass, K. and Dellana, S.(1996), “Assessing the use if total quality management in the business schoolcalssroom”, Journal of Education for Business, 41(6): 339-343.
Beach, A. (2000). Comprehensive Quality Management for Education. Translated by: A. F. Lamie, Tehran: Quality Improvement Committee of the Ministry of Health, Dermatology and Medical Education, (In Persian).
Borhani, F. (2002). Investigating the Factors Affecting on the Organizational Commitment of the Employees of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Master Thesis, Tehran: Islamic Azad University of Science and Research, (In Persian).
Brown, R. (2003), Organizational commitment in perspective: Re-configuring the multidimensional approach. California State University. Retrieved 2003, from http://www. Saber. research.
Brown, R(2003), Organizational commitment in perspective : Re-configuring the multidimensional approach. California State University. Retrieved 2003, from http:// www. Sbaer. Uca. Edu/research.
Cermark, D.S.P., File, K.M. and Prince, A.R.(1994), “Customer participation in service specification and Delivery”, Journal of Applied Business Research, 10(2): 41-52.
Chalabi, M. (1976). The Commitment of Work. Research letter, 5, 75-104, (In Persian).
Chizmar, J.(1996), “Total qua; ity management (TQM) of teaching”, http://www.etln. Org.UK/.
Claycomb, C; Lengnick-Hall, C.A. and LNGS, L.W. (2001), "The customer as a productive resource: a pilot study and staraegi implocations", Journal of Business Strategies, 18(1):47-69.
Comesky, R, Mc Cool, S; Bymess, L. And Weber, R.(1994), Implementing total quality management in higher education. Magana Publication, INS, Madison, Wisconsin.
Edwards, D.(1991), "Total quality management in higher education", Management Services, 35(12):18-20.
Feghahi, F. (2002). Dynamic Organization Management. Tabriz: Forouzish Publication, (In Persian).
Ehigie, B.O and Mc Andrew, E.B.(2005), "Innovation, diffusion and adoption of total quality management (TQM)", Management Sesion, Vol.43,No.6, pp.925-940.
Faruk Unal, O.(200), "Application of total aualuity management inn higher education", institution Qafaz university.
Fill, M.G.(2004), "A TQM approach to tranclator training: balanceing stakeholders, needs and responsibilities", Translator Training Consultant, Achievement for Consultancy and Training (CAT), Kuwait.
Ghasemi Zad, A. (2002). An Analytical Study on the Faculty Members' Excitement (Teachers and Managers) of Shiraz University for Adoption of Thinking of Total Quality Management. Master's Thesis, Shiraz: Shiraz University, (In Persian).
Hashmi, K. (1994), "Introduction and implementation of total quality management (TQM)", htt://www. Isixsig RNA. Com/.
Horine, J.E Hailey, W. and Rubach, L. (1993), "Shaping America's Future", Ouality Progress, 26(10):41-51.
Industrial Management Organization. (2005). Quality Management is a Culture not a Tool. Tadbir Monthly, 162, 14-16, (In Persian).
Kanji, G.K; Malek, A. and Tambi, B.A. (1999a), "Total quality management in UK higher education institutions", Total Oulity Management, 10(1):129-153.
Kelley, S.W; Skinner, S.J. and Donnelly, J.H (1992), "Organizational socialization of service customers", Journal of Business Reaserch, 25:197-214.
Kianian, H. (2008). Identifying the Viewpoints of Students, Students and Managers of Agricultural School on the Application of the Basic Principles of Quality Management in Khuzestan province. Master Thesis, Varamin: Agricultural and Natural Resources University of Varamin, (In Persian).
Kotze, T.G. and Plessis, P,J. (2003), “Students as co co- producers of education: a proposed model of student socialization and participation at tertiary instiutions", Ouality Assurance in Education, 11(4): 186-201.
Lengnick- Hall, C.A., Claycomb, V. and Lnks, L.W. (2000), "From recipient to contributer: examinig customer roles and w=experienced outcomes", European Journal of Marketing, 34(3&4):359-383.
Mauer, L.J. and LOPA, m.l. (2003), "Implementing a quality management approach in the desigan delivery and of a statistical process control course", Journal Food Science Education, 2:41-46.
Matieu John E. and Dennis Zajac (1990), “A Review and Mata Anlysis of Antecedents, Correlation and consequences of organizations commitment Psychological Bulletin, 108. 171-199.
Mayer, R.C. & Schoorman, F.D. (1998), Differentiating antecedents of organizational commitment: a test of March and Simom's model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19:15-28.
MC Donald, D (1996), “Total quality management: a case stud the cherry Hill public scholls New Jersey", Dissertarion Abstract Internationl , 57(11).
Miller, D. and Hatrtwick, J.(2002), "Spotting management fads", Harvard Business Review, 80(10):26-34.
Mills, P.K and MORRIS, J.H (1986), "Clients as partial employees of service organization: role development in client participation", Academy of Management Review, 11(4):726-735.
Mitchell, T. (1973). People in Organizations, The Basis of Organizational Behavior. Translated by: H. Shakeren, Tehran: Growth, (In Persian).
Monavvarian, A. (1980). Total Quality Management, or Business Process Reengineering. Journal of Applied Management of Public Administration, 52, (In Persian).
Morhed, G. (1995). Organizational Behavior. Translated by: M. Alvani & Gh. R. Memarzadeh, Tehran: Morvarid Publication, (In Persian).
Mowdey, R.T., Porter, L.W & .Steers, R.M.(1982".(Organizational Linkage; The Psychology of Commitment, Absenteesm, and Turnover", New York: Academic Press,PP:20-22.
Mowday, R.T.(200),Chickens, Pigs, Breakfast, and Commitment. The Organizational Behavior Division: p.3.
Olia, M. (1999). Total Quality Management (TQM) and its Position in Higher Education. Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education. 18, 44-27, (In Persian).
Osseo-Asare, A.E.Jr and Longbottom, D. (2002), "The need for education and training in the the use of the EFQM model for quality management in UK higher education instiutions", Ouality Assurance in Educattion, 10(1):26-37.
Parsa, A. (1980). Total Quality Management in Classroom. Teaching and Evaluation. Journal of University of Science and Education and Psychology, 3(2), 54-57, (In Persian).
Paton, S. (1994)," Is TQM dead?", Ouality Digest, 4(2):1-5.
Patrick William, L. (1998), "Astudy of the use of teams in the total quality management process. As implemented through finance and university services at the university of Iowa", a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the doctor of philososophy degree in the graduate college of the university of Iowa.
Proitz, T.S, Stensaker, B. and Harvey, L. (2004), "Accreditation standard and diversity: an analysis of the EQUIS accreditation reports", Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6): 736-753.
Rahnavard, F. (1999). Explanation of Participatory Management Philosophy. Journal of Applied Management of Public Administration, 44, (In Persian).
Richardson, M.(1997), "Total quality management and belief system of higher education administrators", Dissertation Abstract International, 58(3):471-A.
Ritzer, J. (1995). Theories of Sociology in the Contemporary Period. Translated by: M. Sallati, Tehran: Scientific Publication, (In Persian).
Rodie, .R. and Klrin, S.S (2000), “Customer participation in Services production and dwlivery", in Swart, T.A and lacobucci, D.(Eds), Handbook of Services Marketing and Manangement, Sage, Thousand Oaks , CA.
Roopchand, R.(1997), "The critical analysis of total quality management in continuous higher education:, Dissertation Abstract International, 58(12:4527-A).
Samawi, H. (2006). The Study of Total Quality Management in the Education System of Ramin University of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Master Thesis, Ahvaz: Shahid Chamran University, (In Persian).
Scholl, R.W (1981), Differentiating Organization Commitment from Expectancy as Motivating Froce. Academy of Management Review, 6(4):589-599.
Temponi, C. (2005), “Continuous improvement framework: implications for academia", Ouality Assurance in Education, 13(1):17-36.
Vozzana, G., Elfink, J. and Bachmann, D.P (2000), "A longitudinal study for total quality management process in business college”, Journal of Education for Business, 76(2):69-74.
Waks, S. and Moti, F (1999), " Application of the total quality management principles and ISO 9000 standards in enginerring education", European Journal of Engineering Education, 24(3):249-259