Providing a Model for the Development and Implementation of Entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University
Providing a Model for the Development and Implementation of Entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas : Education Management
Said Mozafari 1 , Mahmod Abolghasemi 2 * , Gholamreza Sharifirad 3
1 - Ph.D.Candidate of Educational Management Department,Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University,Qom, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Leadership and Educational Development Department, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of Educational Management, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Islamic Azad University, entrepreneurial mentality, self-productive university, frustration of relying on absolute knowledge, economic and social missions,
Abstract :
The role of universities in economic and social development in recent years has been the subject of debate among researchers and policymakers in higher education to such an extent that, in their view, entrepreneurial universities are recognized as a key player in competition, economic growth and wealth. In this study, using a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative), a model for the development and implementation of entrepreneurship in the Islamic Azad University has been provided. The statistical sample of the study in the qualitative section included 20 university officials, entrepreneurial managers, professors, science and technology park managers, entrepreneurship specialists, managers of knowledge-based companies, private companies, business education officials, science and technology park director, robotics company CEO, and the students who were purposefully selected and interviewed.The sample of the quantitative section included 365 people who answered the questionnaire. The coding process (open, axial and selective) was used to analyze the qualitative data and Amos software was used for analyzing the quantitative data. The research findings in the qualitative part indicated that the model includes infrastructure, management, environmental human resources and operational dimensions. In the quantitive data analysis, the model indicators showed a good fit.The coverage value of p was equal to 0.313, which indicates the suitability of the model. On the other hand, the root mean square of the estimation error as an important index had a value of 0.07 which is less than 0.1. Other pattern fit indicators such as TLI 0.92, NFI 951/0, CFI 94/0, IFI 94/0, RFI 0.911 and normalized Chi-square index to 1.45 degrees of freedom indicate optimal fit and pattern confirmation.
The role of universities in economic and social development in recent years has been the subject of debate among researchers and policymakers in higher education to such an extent that, in their view, entrepreneurial universities are recognized as a key player in competition, economic growth and wealth. In this study, using a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative), a model for the development and implementation of entrepreneurship in the Islamic Azad University has been provided. The statistical sample of the study in the qualitative section included 20 university officials, entrepreneurial managers, professors, science and technology park managers, entrepreneurship specialists, managers of knowledge-based companies, private companies, business education officials, science and technology park director, robotics company CEO, and the students who were purposefully selected and interviewed.The sample of the quantitative section included 365 people who answered the questionnaire. The coding process (open, axial and selective) was used to analyze the qualitative data and Amos software was used for analyzing the quantitative data. The research findings in the qualitative part indicated that the model includes infrastructure, management, environmental human resources and operational dimensions. In the quantitive data analysis, the model indicators showed a good fit.The coverage value of p was equal to 0.313, which indicates the suitability of the model. On the other hand, the root mean square of the estimation error as an important index had a value of 0.07 which is less than 0.1. Other pattern fit indicators such as TLI 0.92, NFI 951/0, CFI 94/0, IFI 94/0, RFI 0.911 and normalized Chi-square index to 1.45 degrees of freedom indicate optimal fit and pattern confirmation.
Key Words: Islamic Azad University, self-productive university, entrepreneurial mentality, frustration of relying on absolute knowledge, economic and social missions.
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Amir Pour, F, Kavousy, E, Moazemi, M. (2021). affected factors on entrepreneurial University in Islamic Azad University, Journal of Business Management, 13(1), 490-507, [in Persian]. dor:20.1001.1.22520104.1400.
Astebro, T., Bazzazian, N., &Braguinsky, S. (2012). Startups by recent university graduates and their faculty: Implications for university entrepreneurship policy, Journal of Research Policy, 41(4), 663-677.10,4995HEAd21.2021.13008.
Bikse, V., Lusena-Ezera, I., Rivza, B., & Volkova, T. (2016). The Transformation of Traditional Universities into Entrepreneurial Universities to Ensure Sustainable Higher Education, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18(3), 75-88. doi:10.1515/jtes-2016-0016.
Blenker P.; P. Dreisler, Kjeldsen, J. (2006). Entrepreneurship Education–the New Challenge Facing the Universities, A Framework or Understanding and Development of Entrepreneurial University Communities, Working Paper, Department of Management, Aarhus School of Business and University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1-162.
Bronstein, J., &Reihlen, M. (2012). Entrepreneurial university Archetypes: A meta synthesis of case study literature, Journal of Indutry and Higher Education, 18(2), 192-121. doi:10.5367/ihe.2014.0210.
Davey T, Hannon P, Penaluna A. (2017). Entrepreneurship education and the role of universities in entrepreneurship, Journal of Industry and Higher Education, 30(3), 171-182.doi:10.1177/0950422216656699.
Feola, R, Parente, R, Cucino, V. (2020). The Entrepreneurial University: How to Develop the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Academia, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 12(4), 1-22.
Foss, L, Gibson, D, V. (2015). The Entrepreneurial University Context and Institutional Change.Routledge, 1-312.
Guzmán, J, N. (2021), Development of Entrepreneurship in Universities, International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 11(2), 32-48. doi:10.4018/IJEEI.2021070103.
Hossinger, S. M., Chen, X., & Werner, A. (2020). Drivers, barriers and success factors of academic spin-offs: a systematic literature review, Journal of Management Review Quarterly, 70(1), 97-134.
Huezo-Ponce, L, Fernández-Pérez, V, Rodríguez-Ariza, L. (2021). Emotional competencies and entrepreneurship: modeling universities. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,17(2),1497-1519.
Igbo, L, Zubairu, U. (2021). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in Universities, Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship, 5(1),42-59. doi:10.21009/JOBBE.005.1.03.
Jabbari F, Azizi M, Salehi J, Navazeni B. (2020). International Academic Entrepreneurship: Measuring Indicators, Ihej, 12 (2),144-170, [in persian]
Klein, S, B, Pereira, F, C, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial university: conceptions and evolution of theoretical models, Revista Pensamento Contemporâneoem Administração,14(4),20-35.doi:10.12712/rpca.v14i4. 43186.
Lahikainen, K. (2021). The emergence of a university-based entrepreneurship ecosystem, Thesis for: Doctor of Science (Economics and Business Administration,
Lacetera, N. (2006). Multiple missions and academic entrepreneurship, Allied Social Science Associations, AEA Conference Papers. Boston, 52 pp.
Malerba, F., & McKelvey, M. (2019). Knowledge-intensive innovative entrepreneurship, Journal of Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 14(6), 555-681 doi:10.1561/0300000075.
Marjani, H. (2019). University of Entrepreneurship and University Entrepreneurship; Investigate infrastructure issues and requirements, Tehran: Higher Education Research and Planning Institute,1-158.[in persian].
Moradi Pardanjani, H, Jafari, P. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of the entrepreneurship curriculum of Islamic Azad University, Journal of Higher education curriculum studies, 4 (7), 161-139, [in persian].
Nabi, G., &Linan, F. (2011). Graduate entrepreneurship in the developing world: intentions, education and development, Journal of Education and Training,53(5), 325 – 334.doi:10.1108/00400911111147668.
Nowiński, W., Haddoud, M. Y., Lančarič, D., Egerová, D., &Czeglédi, C. (2019). The impact of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and gender on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in the Visegrad countries, Journal of Studies in Higher Education, 44(2), 361-379. doi:10.1080/03075079.2017.1365359.
Pugh, R., Lamineb, W., Jackd, S &Hamiltond, E. (2018). The entrepreneurial university and the region: what role for entrepreneurship departments? Journal of European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1835-1855.
SafariyanNavikhi, M. (2019). Design and evaluation of model fit for entrepreneurial university (Case study: Payame Noor University). Ph.D. Thesis. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, [in persian].
Salamzadeh, A., Tajpour, M., & Hosseini, E (2019). Corporate entrepreneurship in University of Tehran: does human resources management matter? International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development. 10(3), 276-292. doi:10.1504/IJKBD.2019.103218.
Shaemibarzoki, A, Mohamadi, M. (2015). Investigating the role of transformational leadership on manpower productivity by emphasizing on the role of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Journal of transformational Management, 6 (12),1-28, [in persian] doi:10.22067/pmt.v6i12.33623.
Simeone, L., Secundo, G., &Schiuma, G (2018). Arts and design as translational mechanisms for academic entrepreneurship: The metaLAB at Harvard case study. Journal of Business Research. 85, 434-443.
Staniulyte, J. (2021). Towards the entrepreneurial university: the principal-agent problem. Journal of Quality & Quantity, 56, 2971–2988. doi:10.1007/ s11135-021-01246-z
UNESCO. (2004). Report on Trends and Developments in Higher Education in Europe. Paris, UNESCO, 1-43.doi:10.1080/13538322.2013.772464
Walsh, J. P., Huang, H. (2012). Local Context AcademivEntreneurship and open Science Publication Secrecy and Commercial Activity among Japanese and US Scirntists. Journal of Reserche Policy. 43(2), 245-260. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2013.10.003
Wang, X, Sun, X, Liu, S, Mu, C. (2021). A Preliminary Exploration of Factors Affecting a University Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Journal of Frontiers in Psychology. 12(1), 1-12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.732388
_||_Adejimola S, Olufunmilayo T.O. (2009). Spinning off an entrepreneurship culture among Nigerian university students: prospects and challenges. Afr. J. Bus. Manage,3(1), 80-88.
Amir Pour, F, Kavousy, E, Moazemi, M. (2021). affected factors on entrepreneurial University in Islamic Azad University, Journal of Business Management, 13(1), 490-507, [in Persian]. dor:20.1001.1.22520104.1400.
Astebro, T., Bazzazian, N., &Braguinsky, S. (2012). Startups by recent university graduates and their faculty: Implications for university entrepreneurship policy, Journal of Research Policy, 41(4), 663-677.10,4995HEAd21.2021.13008.
Bikse, V., Lusena-Ezera, I., Rivza, B., & Volkova, T. (2016). The Transformation of Traditional Universities into Entrepreneurial Universities to Ensure Sustainable Higher Education, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18(3), 75-88. doi:10.1515/jtes-2016-0016.
Blenker P.; P. Dreisler, Kjeldsen, J. (2006). Entrepreneurship Education–the New Challenge Facing the Universities, A Framework or Understanding and Development of Entrepreneurial University Communities, Working Paper, Department of Management, Aarhus School of Business and University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1-162.
Bronstein, J., &Reihlen, M. (2012). Entrepreneurial university Archetypes: A meta synthesis of case study literature, Journal of Indutry and Higher Education, 18(2), 192-121. doi:10.5367/ihe.2014.0210.
Davey T, Hannon P, Penaluna A. (2017). Entrepreneurship education and the role of universities in entrepreneurship, Journal of Industry and Higher Education, 30(3), 171-182.doi:10.1177/0950422216656699.
Feola, R, Parente, R, Cucino, V. (2020). The Entrepreneurial University: How to Develop the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Academia, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 12(4), 1-22.
Foss, L, Gibson, D, V. (2015). The Entrepreneurial University Context and Institutional Change.Routledge, 1-312.
Guzmán, J, N. (2021), Development of Entrepreneurship in Universities, International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 11(2), 32-48. doi:10.4018/IJEEI.2021070103.
Hossinger, S. M., Chen, X., & Werner, A. (2020). Drivers, barriers and success factors of academic spin-offs: a systematic literature review, Journal of Management Review Quarterly, 70(1), 97-134.
Huezo-Ponce, L, Fernández-Pérez, V, Rodríguez-Ariza, L. (2021). Emotional competencies and entrepreneurship: modeling universities. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,17(2),1497-1519.
Igbo, L, Zubairu, U. (2021). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education in Universities, Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship, 5(1),42-59. doi:10.21009/JOBBE.005.1.03.
Jabbari F, Azizi M, Salehi J, Navazeni B. (2020). International Academic Entrepreneurship: Measuring Indicators, Ihej, 12 (2),144-170, [in persian]
Klein, S, B, Pereira, F, C, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial university: conceptions and evolution of theoretical models, Revista Pensamento Contemporâneoem Administração,14(4),20-35.doi:10.12712/rpca.v14i4. 43186.
Lahikainen, K. (2021). The emergence of a university-based entrepreneurship ecosystem, Thesis for: Doctor of Science (Economics and Business Administration,
Lacetera, N. (2006). Multiple missions and academic entrepreneurship, Allied Social Science Associations, AEA Conference Papers. Boston, 52 pp.
Malerba, F., & McKelvey, M. (2019). Knowledge-intensive innovative entrepreneurship, Journal of Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 14(6), 555-681 doi:10.1561/0300000075.
Marjani, H. (2019). University of Entrepreneurship and University Entrepreneurship; Investigate infrastructure issues and requirements, Tehran: Higher Education Research and Planning Institute,1-158.[in persian].
Moradi Pardanjani, H, Jafari, P. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of the entrepreneurship curriculum of Islamic Azad University, Journal of Higher education curriculum studies, 4 (7), 161-139, [in persian].
Nabi, G., &Linan, F. (2011). Graduate entrepreneurship in the developing world: intentions, education and development, Journal of Education and Training,53(5), 325 – 334.doi:10.1108/00400911111147668.
Nowiński, W., Haddoud, M. Y., Lančarič, D., Egerová, D., &Czeglédi, C. (2019). The impact of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and gender on entrepreneurial intentions of university students in the Visegrad countries, Journal of Studies in Higher Education, 44(2), 361-379. doi:10.1080/03075079.2017.1365359.
Pugh, R., Lamineb, W., Jackd, S &Hamiltond, E. (2018). The entrepreneurial university and the region: what role for entrepreneurship departments? Journal of European Planning Studies, 26(9), 1835-1855.
SafariyanNavikhi, M. (2019). Design and evaluation of model fit for entrepreneurial university (Case study: Payame Noor University). Ph.D. Thesis. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, [in persian].
Salamzadeh, A., Tajpour, M., & Hosseini, E (2019). Corporate entrepreneurship in University of Tehran: does human resources management matter? International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development. 10(3), 276-292. doi:10.1504/IJKBD.2019.103218.
Shaemibarzoki, A, Mohamadi, M. (2015). Investigating the role of transformational leadership on manpower productivity by emphasizing on the role of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Journal of transformational Management, 6 (12),1-28, [in persian] doi:10.22067/pmt.v6i12.33623.
Simeone, L., Secundo, G., &Schiuma, G (2018). Arts and design as translational mechanisms for academic entrepreneurship: The metaLAB at Harvard case study. Journal of Business Research. 85, 434-443.
Staniulyte, J. (2021). Towards the entrepreneurial university: the principal-agent problem. Journal of Quality & Quantity, 56, 2971–2988. doi:10.1007/ s11135-021-01246-z
UNESCO. (2004). Report on Trends and Developments in Higher Education in Europe. Paris, UNESCO, 1-43.doi:10.1080/13538322.2013.772464
Walsh, J. P., Huang, H. (2012). Local Context AcademivEntreneurship and open Science Publication Secrecy and Commercial Activity among Japanese and US Scirntists. Journal of Reserche Policy. 43(2), 245-260. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2013.10.003
Wang, X, Sun, X, Liu, S, Mu, C. (2021). A Preliminary Exploration of Factors Affecting a University Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Journal of Frontiers in Psychology. 12(1), 1-12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.732388