An Ethics and Performance-Based Model for Promoting Faculty Members’Social Responsibility: The Case of Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran
Subject Areas : Education ManagementZahra Najafzadeh Ojghaz 1 , ُُSamad Karimzadeh 2 * , Fattah Nazem 3
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Educational Management, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen,Iran
Keywords: Islamic Azad University, Professional Ethics, Social Responsibility, Occupational Performance,
Abstract :
This developmental mixed-methods enquiry was undertaken to propose a model for promoting the social responsibility of faculty members at various branches of Islamic Azad University (IAU) in Tehran Province based on their professional ethics and occupational performance. The research population comprised 5371 full-time and part- time faculty members from whom a sample of 361 was selected based on Kukran formula. The qualitative phase of the study involved collecting and analyzing the views of 30 experts in the field concerning the dimensions and indicators of the social responsibility construct via Delphi technique. The findings emerging from the qualitative analyses delineated five major factors and 25 indicators tapping the level of social responsibility, and the quantitative analyses indicated significant and positive relationships between faculty members’ social responsibility and their professional ethics and occupational performance. Based on the findings, a model has been proposed for promoting faculty members’ social responsibility at various branches of IAU in Tehran in which professional ethics and occupational performance function as independent variables with the former being of paramount importance.
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Aluchna, M. (2010). Corporate social responsibility of the top ten, examples taken from the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Social Responsibility Journal, 6(4), 611-626.
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Ghelavandi, H., Kabiri, A., & Soultanzadeh, V. (2014). Social Responsibility Interface Teamwork of Urmia University Employees. Applied Sociology Journal, 25(53). [In Persian]
Jabbour, C. (2010). Greening of business schools: A systemic view. Int. J. SustainabilityHigher Educ, 11(1), 49-60.
Karima, R., Oshima, Y., & Yamamoto, K. (2006). Identification of subjects for social responsibility education at universities and the present activity at the University of Tokyo. Environmental Sciences, 13(6), 327-337.
Lukman, R., Innocent, A., & Olakunle, D. O. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurship (CSRE): antidotes to poverty, insecurity and underdevelopment in Nigeria. Social Responsibility Journal, 11(1), 56 – 81.
Maqbool, S., & Zameer, M. N. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: An empirical analysis of Indian banks. Future Business Journal, 4(1), 84-93. [In Persian]
Mohsenin, S., & Sfidani, M. (2014). Structural equations based on partial least squares using smart-PLS software (educational and practical). Tehran: Mehrban Nashr. [In Persian]
Mortazavi, S., Pour Azad, N., Amir Razavi M, P., & Sadeghi Moghadam, M. (2011). Investigating the moderating role of the variable of the importance of social responsibility on the relationship between social responsibility and organizational commitment; Study sample: Food industry companies in Mashhad. Social Sciences Ferdowsi Mashhad University, 2(16), 193-217. [In Persian]
Nejati, M., Shafaei, A., Salamzadeh, Y., & Daraei, M. (2011). Corporate social responsibility and universities: A study of top 10 world universities’ website. African Journal of Business Management, 5(2), 440-447. [In Persian]
Niazazari, K., Enayati, T., Behnamfar, R., & Kahroodi, Z. (2014). Relationship between Professional Ethics and Job Commitment. Iran Journal of Nursing, 27(87), 34-42. [In Persian]
Reybold, D., & Halx, L. (2008). Professional integrity in higher education development. Journal of College Student, 49(2), 110-124.
Salehi Omran, I., & & et al. . (2012). The Study of the Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility Indicators in Industrial Centers and Universities. Quarterly of Iranian Higher Education Association, 4(2). [In Persian]
Shafeei, R., & Azizi, K. (2013). Organizational Social Responsibility. Tehran: SAMT Publications . [In Persian]
Tingchi liu, M., Anthony , W. I., Guicheng, C. R., & Brock, J. (2014). The important of corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and perceived brand quality on customer-based brand preference. Journal of services marketing , 28(3), 181- 194.
Uadiale, O. M., & Temitope Olamide, F. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance in Developing Economies: The Nigerian Experience. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 3(4), 44- 54.
Ubius, U., & Alas, R. (2009). Ruth alas organizational culture types as predictors of corporate social responsibility. Engineering Economics, 61(61), 90-99.
Vahidi Elizaie , E., & Fakhari, M. (2015). The impact corporate social responsibility on the corporate financial performance of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. Accounting and Auditing Research, 7(27), 82-99. [In Persian]
Vinzi, E. V., Chin, W. W., Henseler, J., & Wang, H. (2010). Handbook of partial least squares. Berlin: Springer.
Wuncharoen, C. (2013). The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance From The Hotel Industry of Kho samui Island, Thailand. Proceeding of 3rd Global Accounting, Finanace and Economics Conference. Rydges Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved
Zare bahram abadi, M., & Doreh, I. (2011). The relationship between job attachment, responsibility and emotional analysis with job satisfaction. Counseling Culture and Psychotherapy, 1(4), 1-140. [In Persian]