Effective E-Business Strategy Development Model or Combined BS and BI Approach to Improve Productivity
Subject Areas : Management (system orientation)Mostafa Kolahdoozi 1 , Reza Radfar 2 * , MohammadAli Afshar Kazemi 3
1 - Ph.D.candidate, Department of Information Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Technology Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: strategy, Business Intelligence, E-business, Business Continuity Management,
Abstract :
Changing the business environment and increasing the complexity of organizational decisions are important issues that organizations can use e-commerce to deal with. The successful deployment of e-commerce depends on the existence of specific strategies without which all the efforts of the organization may fail. Therefore, the success of establishing and implementing e-commerce lies in the application of appropriate strategic management. In line with this issue, the present study was an attempt to develop an effective e-business strategy development model or combined BS and BI approach to improve productivity. In this applied study, expert systems were used. Finally, based on the results and considering two components of business continuity management and business intelligence, some strategies have been proposed to draw attention to strategic planning in e-business.
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_||_Abadanian,N.,Rezaee,Z., & Abadanian, M.(2017). Strategic Classification and Management of Services in E-Commerce, International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Tehran, Permanent Secretariat of the Conference, 45-69[In Persian].
Adel, J. (2015). Why Business Models Matter. Harvard Business Review 80(5): 86-92
Baloch,M.,Mahmood,L.(2019). Describing the Influences of Strategies Implemented in E-Commerce, First National Conference on New Attitudes in Management, Accounting and Economics, Roodsar, Islamic Azad University of Roodsar and Amlash Branch.32-45[ In Persian].
Borut,P., Oliveira,T.(2019). Justifying business intelligence systems adoption in SMEs Impact of systems use on firm performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(1), 210-228.
Brands, K., M. (2015). Business analytics: Transforming the role of management accountants. Management Accounting Quarterly, 16(3) 1–12.
Deniz,A., Kogan,A., Vasarhelyi, M., & Yan,Z.(2019). Impact of business analytics and enterprise systems on managerial accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 25, 29–44
Farsangi,S.,Naserasadi, A.(2017). Critical Success Factors and Their Impact on E-Commerce Strategy, First National Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Ahvaz, Islamic Azad University of Sosangerd Branch.10-34[In Persian].
Kao, R., And Zhu, F. (2017), Business Model Innovation And Competitive Imitation: The Case Of Sponsor-Based Business Models, Strategic Management Journal; 34(4), 464-482.
Lee, A., Park, P. (2009): Roadmap forbusiness models definition in manufacturing companies. Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 7(1) 383-388
Liptis, D., Philips, J. (2016). Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs. Boston: Harvard Business School Press
Nikbakht,H.,Nasserasadi,A.(2017). Investigating the Challenges of Strategic Management of E-Commerce, Second International Conference on ICT Management, Tehran, Iran. 1-12[In Persian].
Pezhman,N.,Fariba,R., & Bazyar,Z.(2017). E-commerce Strategy, Fifth Conference on Modern Research in Science and Technology, Kerman, Iran.12-34[ In Persian].
Rezaeenezhad,Z.,Abadanian,N., & Adadanian,M.(2017).StrategicManagement Process in E-Businesses, International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Tehran, Permanent Secretariat Conference, .45-77[ In Persian].
Rouat, R., Deokar. M. (2014). beyond the exchange: the future of B2B. Harvard Business Review 201(11): 86-96
Rima,J. (2011). Business Model Design: An Activity System Perspective. Long Range Planning 43(2/3): 216-22.
Hayes, J and Finnegan, P. (2005). Assessing Potential of e-Business Models: towards a framework for Decision-maker. European Journal of Operation Research 160(2): 365-379.
Silvi, R., Bartolini, M., Raffoni, A., & Visani, F. (2012) Business performance analytics: Level of adoption and support provided to performance measurement systems. Management Control, 3, 117–142.