• Kazemian.Mina Evaluating the effect of different nitrogen consumption on sesame yield, albumin and globulin proteins electrophoresis [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Khalili.Fatemeh Effect of Different Irrigation Methods and Superabsorbent Polymer on Yield and Water Productivity of Corn [ Vol.8, Issue 24 - Spring Year 1395]
  • khazarian.victoria The Effect of Water Deficit on Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Vegetative Characteristics and Grain Yield of Corn Hybrids [ Vol.8, Issue 24 - Spring Year 1395]
  • kheirkhah.Mohammad The effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer and different planting density on yield and yield component of Persian shallot (Allium altissimum Regel.) [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Kheyri.Norollah Study of morphological traits, yield components and qualitative and quantitative yield in landraces and improved cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.) [ Vol.8, Issue 27 - Winter Year 1395]
  • Kheyri.Norollah Effect of time of foliar application and type of liquid fertilizer on quantitative and qualitative yield of ratoon rice (var. Tarom) [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Kheyri.Norollah Effect of plant density and planting pattern on yield components and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) var. Tarom Amrollahi [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • Khosravi.Hamed The impact of vermicompost and bio super absorbent on yield and root characteristics of Chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)Cultivars [ Vol.8, Issue 25 - Summer Year 1395]
  • Khosravi.Hamed Survey the effects of vermicompost and bio superabsorbent on yield components and physiological characteristics of chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) cultivars [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Autumn Year 1395]
  • khosravi.mehri Study of Pb, ‍Cd accumulation on some physiological responses in Oleaeuropea for phytoremediation applications [ Vol.8, Issue 26 - Autumn Year 1395]