• Kafi.Mohammad Influence of levels of irrigation, nitrogen and potassium on yield traits of blue panic grass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Kakehmami.Azad The effect of grazing intensity on vegetation and soil at different distances of village critical centre (Case study: Panjalo village in Moghan) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Kamrani.Morteza Response hybrid cultivar of corn to limitations irrigation during reproductive stage in Mugan area [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • karami.ezzat The Inheritance of Some Quantitative Traits in the Chickpea through the Generation Mean Analysis [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]
  • Karimizadeh.Rahmatollah Evaluation of morphophysiological traits and drought tolerance indices in some advanced durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) lines under supplementary irrigation and irrigation conditions [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Kashani.Ali Study of plant density and zinc application on some agronomic characteristics of 6 winter canola cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Khadem.Sahar The effect of foliar application of zinc element and transplanting time on agronomic and physiological characteristics of two rapeseed cultivars [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • khalaj.hamideh Evaluating non-linear regression models in growth analysis of Cucurbita pepo L. [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • khazaie.hamidreza Evaluation of Different Levels of Soil Moisture and Seed Hydroperimination on Yield and Yield Components of Vigna radiate L. in Mashhad Climate [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Kheiry.Azizollah The effect of salicylic acid, glycine betaine and gamma amino butyric acid foliar spray on Carla antioxidant activity under water deficit stress [ Vol.12, Issue 40 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Khoshnod yazdi.Asghar An investigation on ecological characteristics of Ephedra major in Bojnourd Rangelands [ Vol.12, Issue 41 - Summer Year 1399]