The performance of urban management in the regeneration of worn-out urban tissues (Case example: Samen area of Mashhad)
Subject Areas :
seyedeh elham davari
محمد مولایی قلیچ
marzieh amini
mojtaba jafari
1 - Kabardi Comprehensive Scientific University
2 - دکتری، جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشکده جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران
3 - PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Mashhad, Iran
4 - . Master of Rural Geography, Department of Sustainable Rural Development Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
Keywords: Urban Management , re-creation, worn texture, Samen district of Mashhad,
Abstract :
Inefficient urban tissues are areas of the city, which have fallen behind the development process and have become the center of problems. The purpose of this research is to identify the key success factors in the realization and formation of regeneration management in the central context of Mashhad metropolis. The present research is an analytical description of an applied type. The method of collecting information is library and field. (There were field surveys including the distribution and completion of questionnaires by experts and city managers and citizens living in the area of Thaman in Mashhad, which is between 376 citizens of Mashhad and 152 experts and city managers. It has been distributed in the form of simple random sampling. In order to analyze the data in the quantitative part, one-sample t-test, paired t-test, and Friedman's ranking test were performed using SPSS and Lisrel software. The results of the assessment of the situation of the regeneration management at the level of the worn-out texture of the city center have been evaluated in an unfavorable condition. The dimensions of regeneration management have been unsuccessful in the longevity of the population in this range, also according to Friedman's ranking test of the economic factor with a low rank (1.36) among the dimensions of regeneration, it has a greater impact on the lack of It has the promotion of regeneration management in the worn-out context of the center of Mashhad (Samen area). Therefore, (Samen area) can give a beautiful face to the city by using its special design and architecture principles. This is due to the participation of the citizens and creating a desire in them in case of solving the existing problems in the city. Providing opportunities in all the above dimensions will be practical.
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