Assessing the feasibility of the intellectual paradigm of desirable urban social anarchism in Iran (Case study: Eslamshahr city)
Subject Areas :
فاطمه ادیبی سعدی نژاد
fatemeh mehri
1 - جغرافیاو برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم پایه، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اسلامشهر، ایران
2 - جغرافیاو برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم پایه، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اسلامشهر، ایران
Keywords: Paradigm, structural-interpretive analysis, anarchism, social anarchism Eslamshahr city,
Abstract :
Introduction: Ideal and healthy social anarchism, as an intellectual and social movement, seeks to create societies without domination and hierarchy, which are based on the principles of cooperation, solidarity, and social justice. Objectives: This article has tried to identify and cluster the factors affecting the realization of social anarchism in ،Eslamshahr city from the point of view of ideal and healthy social anarchism with structural-interpretive method. Methods: The research method is descriptive-analytical. In order to identify factors, content analysis method was used. The data collection tool is in the form of interviews and questionnaires. The relationships between the factors affecting the desired social anarchism in the city of Eslamshahr from the point of view of ideal and healthy social anarchism have been determined and analyzed in an integrated manner using a new analytical methodology under the title Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). Results and Discussion: In terms of the general analysis of the system environment, the findings showed that all the factors affecting the realization of desirable social anarchism in the city of ،Eslamshahr from the point of view of ideal and healthy social anarchism were placed in the group of dependent factors that have the power of influence and dependence. Conclusion: The results indicate that the factors of attention to social justice in the city, promotion of unity and social cohesion and democratic participation of the people have the most impact with the power of influence of 10. It acts as an effective factor on the realization of desirable social anarchism in the city of Eslamshahr, which has the most power of influence and acts as the foundation stone of the model. Conclusion: The results indicate that the factors of attention to social justice in the city, promotion of unity and social cohesion and democratic participation of the people have the most impact with the power of influence of 10. It acts as an effective factor on the realization of desirable social anarchism in the city of Eslamshahr, which has the most power of influence and acts as the foundation stone of the model.
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