An investigation into the Impact of Project-based Learning on Improving Writing and Speaking as Productive Skills
Subject Areas : Applied Linguistics
Mohammad Iman Askari
Mehrdad Rezaee
1 - Department of English Language, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of English Language, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Project-based, productive skills, Speaking, Writing,
Abstract :
In the present study, there was an attempt to investigate the impact of project-based learning on the productive skills (writing and speaking) of Iranian EFL learners. The participants of the study were selected out of 90 EFL learners who were given a piloted PET and the results were used to select 60 learners whose scores fell within the +/- one standard deviation from the mean. These 60 selected learners were randomly divided into two equal groups each consisting of 30 participants. One group served as the experimental group that received the main treatment (project-based learning) in line with Stoller (2006) and another as the control group. Then, the two groups took the pretest of speaking and writing to assure that they were homogeneous in terms of speaking and writing. After the 12 sessions of treatment, the participants took writing and speaking posttest The results of independent samples t-test indicated that project-based learning had a significant effect on both the writing and speaking performance of the participants in the experimental group.
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