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    Journal of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law ( Scientific )
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      1 - مسئولیت مدیران در ورشکستگی به تقصیر در حقوق ایران با نگاهی به مبانی فقهی آن
      hamid khatibzadeh mohammadreza pasban ali zare
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      ورشکستگی به معنای عدم امکان پرداخت دیون توسط تاجر می باشد. بحث ورشکستگی تاجر اعم از ورشکسته به تقصیر یا تقلب یکی از مباحث مهم در حیطه تجارت است. احصاء مواردی از مصادیق ورشکستگی به تقصیر در ماده 541 قانون تجارت دال بر اهمیت این موضوع است. به محضی که تاجر ورشکسته شد، با ص More
      ورشکستگی به معنای عدم امکان پرداخت دیون توسط تاجر می باشد. بحث ورشکستگی تاجر اعم از ورشکسته به تقصیر یا تقلب یکی از مباحث مهم در حیطه تجارت است. احصاء مواردی از مصادیق ورشکستگی به تقصیر در ماده 541 قانون تجارت دال بر اهمیت این موضوع است. به محضی که تاجر ورشکسته شد، با صدور حکم تاجر محجور تلقی می گردد و حق دخالت در اموال ودارایی های خود ندارد. مسئولیت مدنی تاجرورشکسته نسبت به سهام داران یا طلبکاران برکسی پوشیده نیست. و طبق قاعده کلی تاجر مسئول است مگر اینکه بتواند ادله ی بر رافع بودن مسئولیت مدنی خود ارائه دهد و اثبات کند.این پژوهش به روش توصیفی – تحلیلی و با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ی، مبانی فقهی - حقوقی مسئولیت مدنی تاجر ورشکسته به تقصیر را بررسی کرده است. دراین میان مبانی حقوقی از قبیل: نظریه تقصیر، نظریه خطر، نظریه مختلط، نظریه تضمین حق، ودر میان مبانی فقهی، آیات قرآن کریم و قواعد فقهی ازقبیل: اتلاف، لاضرر و احترام موید مسئولیت مدنی وضامن بودن تاجرورشکسته می باشند. Manuscript profile

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      2 - Jurisprudential and legal assessment of the inclusion of the provision of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code for criminals with relative impairment of discrimination and perception
      Fatemeh Noori roomanan abbas tadayyon Behnam Yousefian Shuredeli
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      In Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator has decreed a ruling that is defensible in some ways, but in some respects rejectable. The rejection of this substance is more important and its positive functions have been challenged. In some respects it can be c More
      In Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator has decreed a ruling that is defensible in some ways, but in some respects rejectable. The rejection of this substance is more important and its positive functions have been challenged. In some respects it can be criticized that the removal of two punishments of Hadd and Qesas on condition of proof of doubt in the growth and perfection of intellect in adult offenders under 18 and the second possibility of the fall of these two punishments can only be noted in the case of adult offenders under 18 years of age that with a realistic attitude, there is no logical reason for either. In relation to the recent direction, the question arises whether the sentence of this article can be extended to the perpetrators with relative disabilities of the clean power according to this direction. This is a legal and jurisprudential point of view. This is a legal and jurisprudential point of view. It seems that if the philosophy of ratification of this article is proof of doubt in the development and perfection of the criminal mind, it should be said that none of the two directions reject the ruling of this article which has been mentioned above, and therefore, the ruling prescribed in this article is applicable to all offenders who have partial disabilities and comprehension, and therefore, it should be assumed that the criminals who suffer from this condition should not be assumed to be guilty of this condition. The realization of criminal responsibility and the impossibility of determining and executing the punishment, whether Hadd or Qisas or other punishments. The type of the paper, the foundation, its approach, descriptive-analytical, method of doing it, the library study and the means of collecting information in it are also jacking. Manuscript profile

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      3 - Feasibility study of the development of hereditary factors
      seyedhamed hoseini Amirreza Dehghani nia shirin shahi
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      The present study has addressed the issue of whether it is possible to develop the causes of inheritance due to the role of will in hereditary factors or not? The answer to this question is expressed by explaining the role of will in hereditary factors and examining the More
      The present study has addressed the issue of whether it is possible to develop the causes of inheritance due to the role of will in hereditary factors or not? The answer to this question is expressed by explaining the role of will in hereditary factors and examining the abolition of characteristics and texts that are in conflict with the development of hereditary factors, whose development has been proposed through two perspectives. The first view is obtained by the absolute view of voluntariness and the principle of voluntariness in actions in such a way that we can make the condition of inheritance in contracts that are the result of agreement of wills, and the second view introduces the Ḍimān Jarirah Guardianship as a contract of protection and responsibility and considers this guardianship as a cause of inheritance that has no characteristics, so its characteristic can be revoked. So, there are some cases that are examples of this guardianship, such as adoption and child contract derived from gamete donation. In all these cases, there is a kind of support and responsibility. Therefore, in the absence of kinship relationship, it will be possible to include the condition of inheritance in them. Manuscript profile

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      4 - Islamic Teachings and Decriminalization
      Mohammad Ghaffari Rahim Nobahar
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      Abstract: This article tries to shed light on some Islamic foundations and concepts ‎according to which decriminalization becomes either permissible or necessary. Among ‎those foundations is insistence of Islamic teachings on different rights and freedoms of &lr More
      Abstract: This article tries to shed light on some Islamic foundations and concepts ‎according to which decriminalization becomes either permissible or necessary. Among ‎those foundations is insistence of Islamic teachings on different rights and freedoms of ‎citizens and particularly those return to their privacy. Islamic teachings also insist ‎promotion of good and virtue through free choosing of citizens rather than coercive ‎and external bans and restrictions. This approach, in its turn, requires a minimalistic ‎criminalization and occasionally decriminalization. Sometimes, experimental findings ‎achieved from criminalization suggest decriminalization. Religiously, these experiments ‎are valuable and cannot be belittled or ignored. Decriminalization in its Islamic reading, ‎however, in no way, consists with removal of blame from behaviours which are ‎religiously condemned and evaluated as evil. What is religiously assumed as vice cannot ‎be normalized or destigmatized. However, since criminalization follows some practical ‎considerations, every single evil is not, necessarily, a crime. Moreover, fighting evils is ‎not limited to criminalization or insistence on keeping a behaviour criminal.‎Keywords: Islamic criminal law, criminalization, social control, taʿzirāat, Ultima Ratio ‎principle.‎ Manuscript profile

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      5 - Adele feghhi
      Davood Hasanpour Razeah Akbari
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      چکیده مسئله غنا از دیرباز در فقه شیعه مورد بحث بوده و دیدگاههای گوناگونی درباره آن مطرح شده است. گرچه فقهای عامه غنا را فی‌نفسه حرام نمی‌دانند، بلکه معتقدند که باید با محرّمات دیگر مقارن باشد؛ اما فقهای شیعه فی‌الجمله بر حرمت فی‌نفسه غنا ادعای اجماع کرده‌اند. تنها اختلا More
      چکیده مسئله غنا از دیرباز در فقه شیعه مورد بحث بوده و دیدگاههای گوناگونی درباره آن مطرح شده است. گرچه فقهای عامه غنا را فی‌نفسه حرام نمی‌دانند، بلکه معتقدند که باید با محرّمات دیگر مقارن باشد؛ اما فقهای شیعه فی‌الجمله بر حرمت فی‌نفسه غنا ادعای اجماع کرده‌اند. تنها اختلاف نظر بین فقهای شیعه، در این مسئله است که آیا همانگونه که عده‌ای از فقیهان به آن قائل هستند، غنا در کلام حق هم حرام است، یا اینکه غنا حتماً باید در کلام لهوی باشد، آنگونه که برخی دیگر قائل به آن هستند. در این میان، برخی از فقهای متأخر مانند محدّث کاشانی در وافی و محقق سبزواری در کفایة‌الاحکام قائل شده‌اند که غنا فی‌ حد ّذاته حرام نیست؛ این عده در بیان اختلاف نظر خود، ادّعا می‌کنند که روایات ناهی از غنا، منصرف به متعارف غنا در آن زمانی بوده که مقارنات حرامی وجود داشته است؛ مانند زمان بنی‌امیه و بنی‌عباس که زن‌ها در حضور مردها و در قالب کلمات باطل غنا می‌خواندند و از آلات ملاهی نیز استفاده می‌کردند Manuscript profile

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      6 - تأثیر حرج استقبالی در رافعیت حکم
      reza poorsedghi fatemeh gharib
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      شمول قاعده لاحرج بر فرض «حرج استقبالی» اعم از یقینی و احتمالی، دارای آثار مهمی در مسائل فقهی و حقوقی است. با این‌حال در منابع فقهی بحث مفصل و مستقلی دراین‌ موضوع صورت نگرفته است. در برخی موارد انسان با موضوعاتی مواجه است که در صورت عدم چاره اندیشی، در آینده More
      شمول قاعده لاحرج بر فرض «حرج استقبالی» اعم از یقینی و احتمالی، دارای آثار مهمی در مسائل فقهی و حقوقی است. با این‌حال در منابع فقهی بحث مفصل و مستقلی دراین‌ موضوع صورت نگرفته است. در برخی موارد انسان با موضوعاتی مواجه است که در صورت عدم چاره اندیشی، در آینده موجب مشکل یا مشکلات طاقت فرسا گردیده به گونه‎ای که راه گریزی برای آن متصور نیست حال سوال این است که در چنین مواردی آیا می توان با استناد به حرج استقبالی حکم فعلی را رفع کرد؟ مطالعه حاضر که با روش تحلیل انتقادی منابع فقهی را مورد ارزیابی قرار داده نشان می دهد دو قول عمده در این زمینه مطرح‌ است طبق یک دیدگاه استناد حرج متوقف بر صدق فعلی حرج است و طبق دیدگاه دیگر حرج استقبالی نیز موضوع قاعده حرج بوده و رافع حکم الزامی است. استواری هر دیدگاه بر ادله متعدد یکی از چالش‌های حل این مسئله است. از منظر نگارندگان برای حل این مسئله حرج استقبالی یقینی از حرج استقبالی احتمالی باید تفکیک یابد. در حرج استقبالی یقینی ادله رفع حرج از استواری بیشتری نسبت به ادله عدم رفع برخوردار است ولی حرج استقبالی احتمالی دارای تفصیل بین شدت و ضعف احتمال است. Manuscript profile

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      7 - the rule of no_harm in official documents
      nadere jafarzade asghar arabiyan
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      تمام شاخه های دانش دارای قاعده است فقه نیز مانند دیگر علوم ، قاعده ضد است. قواعد فقهی جایگاهقاعده لاضرر، یکی از قواعد مهم و آمره فقهی است که در موضوع و محمول به نحو توسیع و تضییق حکومت واقعی دارد یعنی موضوع و حکم ضری را واقعا و نه ظاهرا برمی دارد. چه در قول نفی ضرر یا ن More
      تمام شاخه های دانش دارای قاعده است فقه نیز مانند دیگر علوم ، قاعده ضد است. قواعد فقهی جایگاهقاعده لاضرر، یکی از قواعد مهم و آمره فقهی است که در موضوع و محمول به نحو توسیع و تضییق حکومت واقعی دارد یعنی موضوع و حکم ضری را واقعا و نه ظاهرا برمی دارد. چه در قول نفی ضرر یا نهی از ضرر، چه شرعی یا حکومتی. در اسناد رسمی لازم الاجرا -که به تجویز قانونگذار بدون نیاز به طرح دعوا در دادگاه، مبادرت به اجرای مفاد سند میگردد- حکم ضرری طی فرایندی مرفوع خواهد بود. بدین نحو که درصورت محرز بودن ورود ضرر حاصل از نفس عملیات اجرایی به محض اعلام هریک از طرفین و یا ثالث ، قابل رسیدگی در اداره ثبت محل ، سپس در هیأت نظارت است. این فرایند رسیدگی به اعتراض، ترجمان حاکمیت لاضرر است که از سوی قانونگذار بلحاظ اعتباربخشی به اسناد رسمی لازم الاجرا و در راستای اهدافی که در رسمیت بخشی به اسناد مطرح است بدون نیاز به طرح دعوا در دادگاه، به ادارات ثبت واگذار شده است. در هر حال به حکم رأی هیأت عمومی دیوان عالی کشور امکان تظلم به دادگاه و شکایت از تصمیم قطعی هیات عالی نظارت به قوت خود باقی خواهد بود. Manuscript profile

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      8 - Capacities of Al-Faragh theory and its application in law and legislation
      farzaneh salemrahbar saydmohamadreza ayati Kazem Rahman Setayesh
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      یکی از مهم ترین نقشها و کاربردهای نظریه منطقه الفراغ کاربرد آن در تدوین و تشریع قوانین است. مقصود از منطقه الفراغ منطقه ای است در شریعت که خالی از حکم الزامی ثابت است. بر طبق این نظریه حاکم اسلامی در منطقه ای که خالی از احکام الزامی ثابت است به تشریع قوانین می پردازد. ا More
      یکی از مهم ترین نقشها و کاربردهای نظریه منطقه الفراغ کاربرد آن در تدوین و تشریع قوانین است. مقصود از منطقه الفراغ منطقه ای است در شریعت که خالی از حکم الزامی ثابت است. بر طبق این نظریه حاکم اسلامی در منطقه ای که خالی از احکام الزامی ثابت است به تشریع قوانین می پردازد. این تحقیق با روش توصیفی تحلیلی به واکاوی ظرفیت و کاربست نظریه منطقه الفراغ در تدوین و تشریع قوانین می پردازد. طبق نظر اهل تسنن مصلحت به عنوان منبعی برای تشریع احکام و قوانین است. در حالی که طبق نظر عالمان شیعه مصلحت موضوعی برای تغییر احکام است و در منطقه فارغ از حکم با لحاظ مصلحت می توان به تدوین قوانین پرداخت. با استقرائی که در مبانی حقوق معاملات در تجارت و معاملات ساده و قراردادهای نوین حقوق اداری صورت گرفت، منطقه فراغ قراردادهای تجاری، نفع تجارت و نه تجار، منطقه فراغ معاملات ساده، عدالت محوری و نفع طرفین، منطقه فراغ قراردادهای حقوق اداری، نفع عمومی در جایی که تصدی‌گری دولت در نهاد معامله کننده وجود دارد و ذکر مصلحت در خصوص قرارداد نهادی که حاکمیت دولت است، معرفی شده و مجموعا به عنوان دستاورد نوآورانه این پژوهش معرفی می گردد. Manuscript profile

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      9 - Re-examining the jurisprudential foundations of the civil responsibility of the media نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن»
      maryam pourbabaei fariba pahlevani abbas samavati
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      Abstract:The importance of the media in today's era is not hidden from anyone. In today's world, the media is considered as one of the most important and influential tools in people's lives and their thoughts. The expansion of media and the use of it by humanity in vari More
      Abstract:The importance of the media in today's era is not hidden from anyone. In today's world, the media is considered as one of the most important and influential tools in people's lives and their thoughts. The expansion of media and the use of it by humanity in various fields has caused it to be one of the most important challenges in the last century. The lack of strong laws in various fields of media and the violation of ethics and human privacy in the media have prompted governments to seriously reconsider the legislation in the field of media. Now the question is, who is responsible for compensation if a loss is caused by the media? Because in Iran, the laws and rights are derived from Islamic principles. Considering the damage that some media causes to the rights of individuals, this researchAn analysis has tried to examine the jurisprudential foundations of the civil responsibility of the media in order to make the correct decision of the Islamic State in the matter of legislation.Keywords: media, civil responsibility, waste rule, harmless ruleنماد «مورد تأیید انجمن»نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن» Manuscript profile

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      10 - Examining the powers of the right to discipline the child in Shia jurisprudence and Iran's legal system
      sajad elahi karim salehi abas jazaeri farsani
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      The right to punishment is an issue that exposes children's rights to danger and abuse in national and transnational spheres.On the other hand, disciplining children and harming the health of the child's body and soul has become an issue that parents and guardians are c More
      The right to punishment is an issue that exposes children's rights to danger and abuse in national and transnational spheres.On the other hand, disciplining children and harming the health of the child's body and soul has become an issue that parents and guardians are clinging to as a weapon to exercise their own taste and also to abdicate their responsibility.Of course, this issue is not the same everywhere, but providing a model for judicial use in dealing with this phenomenon in general is one of the important issues of children's rights.In this way, by analyzing the descriptions mentioned in the laws of Iran and the United States, followed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.The different result and disapproval of the Iranian law was determined from the two conditions of criminal justice, as well as the lack of attention to the legal foundations of this phenomenon.Therefore, it is believed by tradition that the different policy of Article 9 of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law was written without considering the basics of guardianship of the child and did not distinguish between guardians who have guardianship or other guardians.On the other hand, it is very different from the international documents in this field, and it has not mentioned the right to punish from the point of view of discipline, which is mentioned in Article 158 of the Penal Code.While the above-mentioned law has been prescribed in the field of interpretation, which is against the requirement of criminal revision.Therefore, with the mentioned arguments, it is suggested to amend Article 9 of the Protection Law and Article 158 of the Islamic Penal Code. Manuscript profile

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      11 - Jurisprudential and legal bases of criminalization of refusal of rescue and rescue in the absence of obligation and contract
      Mehri Salehi Ebrahim Yaghouti Vali Rustavi
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      The institutionalization of the culture of helping a person in danger needs strong foundations so that it can be based on them permanently and permanently. Refusal to help a person in danger is against jurisprudence and legal as well as moral and religious standards and More
      The institutionalization of the culture of helping a person in danger needs strong foundations so that it can be based on them permanently and permanently. Refusal to help a person in danger is against jurisprudence and legal as well as moral and religious standards and according to the single article of the penal law Refusal to help the injured, abandoning this common duty is criminalized based on various bases and according to the rule of "Qa'ida al-Ta'azir Lekol Muharram" it is necessary to punish those who help. A person is required to save another's life, he asks the question, what are the most important bases and sources that consider the ruling on the obligation to help necessary? Refusal to help a person in danger is based on various legal bases, including social cooperation, respect for the right to life. Naturally, utilitarian thoughts, the will of governments and social motives originate.From the foundations of jurisprudence, it is possible to refer to the jurisprudential rules of "aiding wrongdoing", "law of harm", "rule of al-Ta'zir for all Muharram" and enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil. It is also possible to refer to the verse "Innallah Ya'amru bi'al-adl al-ihsan" , ihsan in its literal sense is also considered as one of the most important jurisprudential sources of the need to help another person. The findings of the research show the place of aid and relief and the importance and necessity of helping a distressed person in jurisprudence. Since jurisprudence is considered the most important legal source, therefore, the criminalization of this case in a single article is fed from the jurisprudential source. Manuscript profile

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      12 - A Jurisprudential Re-examination and Reflection on the Punishment of Innate Apostasy of Neutrality of the Problem
      Payam Forouzandeh (Corresponding author) Saleh Montazeri
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      The jurisprudential nature of the neutral will affect this neutral in the assignment of rulings. Some jurists have considered third nature to be neutral. The result of this basis will be the non-implementation of any hadd (punishment) of natural apostasy on the neutral, More
      The jurisprudential nature of the neutral will affect this neutral in the assignment of rulings. Some jurists have considered third nature to be neutral. The result of this basis will be the non-implementation of any hadd (punishment) of natural apostasy on the neutral, but this opinion is against the well-known view of most jurists, who consider the human sex to be limited to male and female. The three other views in this regard, i.e. the view of neutral attachment in the punishment of innate apostasy, to a woman or a man, or optional in the implementation of one of those two hadds, are based on the most jurists views. This is despite the fact that the basis of the monopoly of human gender in being male and female has been criticized and there are many problems with it. The sure value of these problems will be the disappearance of the abstract knowledge of male or female neutrality and, as a result, the lack of a solid basis for all three aforementioned views. In this article, while examining the views of jurists, the authors have come to the conclusion that regardless of the acceptance of each of the aforementioned bases, the application of each of the hadd of natural apostasy of a woman or a man to the neutral has faced problems. As a result, the view of most Imamiyyah jurists, who consider the neutral in the innate apostasy of the woman, is criticized. Rather, his action will be subject to the Principle of "Al-Ta'zir li Kul Amal Al-Haram ". Manuscript profile

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      13 - An Examination of the Evidential Value of Testimony in Imamiya Jurisprudence and Iran's Legal System and the Impact of Psychological Factors on Testimony
      Heidar Fatahi (Corresponding author) Ruhollah Sepehri Abbas Pahlevanzadeh
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      The testimony of witnesses in all legal systems, including the Islamic legal system and Iran, is recognized as one of the proofs of legal and criminal claims, because the Holy Qur'an refers to testimony in many cases and the need to provide it in lawsuits. In the hadith More
      The testimony of witnesses in all legal systems, including the Islamic legal system and Iran, is recognized as one of the proofs of legal and criminal claims, because the Holy Qur'an refers to testimony in many cases and the need to provide it in lawsuits. In the hadiths narrated from the pure and infallible Ahl al-Bayt, as well as the companions of the Prophet Mohammad, there is a lot of emphasis on this. In some cases, there are differences of viewpoints among Islamic denominations regarding the conditions of the witness. For example, there is a difference in the testimony of a child, but there is consensus among jurists in the area of reason and legitimacy of the person. On the other hand, the impact on the legal concept of testimony is also something that cannot be hidden, which has received special attention in recent decades. Of course, in the legislative system, this important issue has not been taken care of as much as it should be, but psychological needs have caused legal scholars to deal with this issue. This is because the impact of some factors such as mental habits, age, race, personality, feelings, and emotions on the testimony is so important that it can cause irreparable damage. Manuscript profile
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      1 - Islamic Teachings and Decriminalization
      Mohammad Ghaffari Rahim Nobahar
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      Abstract: This article tries to shed light on some Islamic foundations and concepts ‎according to which decriminalization becomes either permissible or necessary. Among ‎those foundations is insistence of Islamic teachings on different rights and freedoms of &lr More
      Abstract: This article tries to shed light on some Islamic foundations and concepts ‎according to which decriminalization becomes either permissible or necessary. Among ‎those foundations is insistence of Islamic teachings on different rights and freedoms of ‎citizens and particularly those return to their privacy. Islamic teachings also insist ‎promotion of good and virtue through free choosing of citizens rather than coercive ‎and external bans and restrictions. This approach, in its turn, requires a minimalistic ‎criminalization and occasionally decriminalization. Sometimes, experimental findings ‎achieved from criminalization suggest decriminalization. Religiously, these experiments ‎are valuable and cannot be belittled or ignored. Decriminalization in its Islamic reading, ‎however, in no way, consists with removal of blame from behaviours which are ‎religiously condemned and evaluated as evil. What is religiously assumed as vice cannot ‎be normalized or destigmatized. However, since criminalization follows some practical ‎considerations, every single evil is not, necessarily, a crime. Moreover, fighting evils is ‎not limited to criminalization or insistence on keeping a behaviour criminal.‎Keywords: Islamic criminal law, criminalization, social control, taʿzirāat, Ultima Ratio ‎principle.‎ Manuscript profile

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      2 - Jurisprudential and legal assessment of the inclusion of the provision of Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code for criminals with relative impairment of discrimination and perception
      Fatemeh Noori roomanan abbas tadayyon Behnam Yousefian Shuredeli
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      In Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator has decreed a ruling that is defensible in some ways, but in some respects rejectable. The rejection of this substance is more important and its positive functions have been challenged. In some respects it can be c More
      In Article 91 of the Islamic Penal Code, the legislator has decreed a ruling that is defensible in some ways, but in some respects rejectable. The rejection of this substance is more important and its positive functions have been challenged. In some respects it can be criticized that the removal of two punishments of Hadd and Qesas on condition of proof of doubt in the growth and perfection of intellect in adult offenders under 18 and the second possibility of the fall of these two punishments can only be noted in the case of adult offenders under 18 years of age that with a realistic attitude, there is no logical reason for either. In relation to the recent direction, the question arises whether the sentence of this article can be extended to the perpetrators with relative disabilities of the clean power according to this direction. This is a legal and jurisprudential point of view. This is a legal and jurisprudential point of view. It seems that if the philosophy of ratification of this article is proof of doubt in the development and perfection of the criminal mind, it should be said that none of the two directions reject the ruling of this article which has been mentioned above, and therefore, the ruling prescribed in this article is applicable to all offenders who have partial disabilities and comprehension, and therefore, it should be assumed that the criminals who suffer from this condition should not be assumed to be guilty of this condition. The realization of criminal responsibility and the impossibility of determining and executing the punishment, whether Hadd or Qisas or other punishments. The type of the paper, the foundation, its approach, descriptive-analytical, method of doing it, the library study and the means of collecting information in it are also jacking. Manuscript profile

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      3 - The feasibility of the scientific evidence of the execution of Qasama in the certification of criminal cases
      Samaneh Alavi Seyed Javad Khatami
      Issue 25 , Vol. 13 , Autumn 2020
      Kasameh is one of the proofs of the criminal case used in the courts, and the scientific evidence is based on the development of in-house technology of the judge in science. This descriptive-analytical paper, combined with documentary and library data collection, seeks More
      Kasameh is one of the proofs of the criminal case used in the courts, and the scientific evidence is based on the development of in-house technology of the judge in science. This descriptive-analytical paper, combined with documentary and library data collection, seeks to answer the following questions that today, given that people often swear by the facts, do not use the passage And where is the proof of retribution, where is the rule of law for the accused? Is it possible to substitute scientific proof for the sake of caution in temperature and population? And finally, it turns out that given the length of the evidence to prove each other's criminal claims, one can use the scientific evidence and the credible results that are within the judge's knowledge, which is then the case. The measure will not be reached and the precautionary principle in temperature and population will also apply to the accused Manuscript profile

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      4 - Islamic Jurisprudence from Free Ijtihad to Scholastic Ijtihad
      Jalil Omidi
      Issue 8 , Vol. 4 , Autumn 1390
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      Ijtihad as a meditation in sources and purposes of Islam to obtain an opinion for unknown cases has been regarded as a collective duty. This historical obligation has been performanced in various methods during the Islamic history. Before the establishment of jurisprudence schools, free or independed Ijtihad was the current paradigm; however after that period the depended Ijtihad and bounding over the rules and methods of the great former jurists (faghih)was accepted and followed as common or standard methods. Scholastic jurists that have been divided to: absolute, exegesis and preference mujtahid, have the same knowledge that the establishers of the schools have. In spite of this they were bounding over the former leader’s rules, principles and methods in their meditation or exposition. Passing the Jurisprudence from period to other has not created any interruption in its historical process. Therefore matters such as jurists imitating, closeness of ijtihad and absence of jurists in an age was not happened at all. Manuscript profile

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      5 - Feasibility study of applying forgery and its provisions on new contracts
      farzaneh ahmadi Alireza Amini saydmohamadreza ayati
      Issue 28 , Vol. 14 , Autumn 2022
      Reward is one of the legitimate contracts in the school of Islamic Jurisprudential that can be used as a basis for contracts in today's process. An analysis of the truth of Reward and its judgements suggests that new contracts in the field of services and supervising th More
      Reward is one of the legitimate contracts in the school of Islamic Jurisprudential that can be used as a basis for contracts in today's process. An analysis of the truth of Reward and its judgements suggests that new contracts in the field of services and supervising the actions and work of individuals, which are called anonymous contracts, can be interpreted as contracts of Reward. In this regard, the generalization of the judgement of Reward on emerging contracts is based on the characteristics that have been proposed by the jurists for Reward, and we can briefly mention some of them: Non-conditionality of knowledge to action and exchange, non-conditionality of determining the agent, non-contradiction of Reward with negation of negligence and also belonging of Reward to action and omission, possibility of coming together term and action, possibility of belonging of Reward to any kind of action and benefit, including commercial, industrial and service, etc. In this paper, among the new contracts in progress, four contracts were addressed that have received less attention in other researches, which are network marketing, oil contracts, CODE-SHARING and medical contracts. The result of the adaptations indicted that contracts can be concluded in the form of Reward contracts. Manuscript profile

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      6 - Examining the powers of the right to discipline the child in Shia jurisprudence and Iran's legal system
      sajad elahi karim salehi abas jazaeri farsani
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      The right to punishment is an issue that exposes children's rights to danger and abuse in national and transnational spheres.On the other hand, disciplining children and harming the health of the child's body and soul has become an issue that parents and guardians are c More
      The right to punishment is an issue that exposes children's rights to danger and abuse in national and transnational spheres.On the other hand, disciplining children and harming the health of the child's body and soul has become an issue that parents and guardians are clinging to as a weapon to exercise their own taste and also to abdicate their responsibility.Of course, this issue is not the same everywhere, but providing a model for judicial use in dealing with this phenomenon in general is one of the important issues of children's rights.In this way, by analyzing the descriptions mentioned in the laws of Iran and the United States, followed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.The different result and disapproval of the Iranian law was determined from the two conditions of criminal justice, as well as the lack of attention to the legal foundations of this phenomenon.Therefore, it is believed by tradition that the different policy of Article 9 of the Child and Adolescent Protection Law was written without considering the basics of guardianship of the child and did not distinguish between guardians who have guardianship or other guardians.On the other hand, it is very different from the international documents in this field, and it has not mentioned the right to punish from the point of view of discipline, which is mentioned in Article 158 of the Penal Code.While the above-mentioned law has been prescribed in the field of interpretation, which is against the requirement of criminal revision.Therefore, with the mentioned arguments, it is suggested to amend Article 9 of the Protection Law and Article 158 of the Islamic Penal Code. Manuscript profile

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      7 - Specific Executor Traits in the Iranian Law and the Islamic Jurisprudence
      Ahmad Ali Ghane Esmaeil Mohammadpour
      Issue 23 , Vol. 12 , Autumn 2019
      The will is a kind of legal-social entity and one of the most widely used and important subjects in Islamic jurisprudence, which has been advocated and emphasized by the Islamic religion and has been discussed repeatedly by jurists and lawyers. But over time, new issues More
      The will is a kind of legal-social entity and one of the most widely used and important subjects in Islamic jurisprudence, which has been advocated and emphasized by the Islamic religion and has been discussed repeatedly by jurists and lawyers. But over time, new issues have arisen about this legal-juridical institution that needs to be further explored, while Iran's law has not discussed expeditiously, contrary to Islamic jurisprudence, and this abbreviation has led to the creation of many ambiguities that unfortunately have not been answered by lawyers. The specificity of Wills institution; in view of the fact that the beginning of the testator assignment is related to the time after the death of testator, and at that time there is no longer any time in which to decide on the issues of authority in the task of determining and deciding; caused doubling the importance and necessity of the discussion about the assignment of these ambiguities. In the present study, the traits and requirements for the executor will be known and different views will be examined in this regard, after which the guarantee for the lack of necessary conditions and the valid time for having them, will be determined. Eventually the result of the research is that in addition to the general conditions, the executor must be sure and trustworthy and, in some cases, be Muslim, and the existence of other conditions in him (except in the manner specified by testator) is not necessary. Manuscript profile

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      8 - Re-examining the jurisprudential foundations of the civil responsibility of the media نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن»
      maryam pourbabaei fariba pahlevani abbas samavati
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      Abstract:The importance of the media in today's era is not hidden from anyone. In today's world, the media is considered as one of the most important and influential tools in people's lives and their thoughts. The expansion of media and the use of it by humanity in vari More
      Abstract:The importance of the media in today's era is not hidden from anyone. In today's world, the media is considered as one of the most important and influential tools in people's lives and their thoughts. The expansion of media and the use of it by humanity in various fields has caused it to be one of the most important challenges in the last century. The lack of strong laws in various fields of media and the violation of ethics and human privacy in the media have prompted governments to seriously reconsider the legislation in the field of media. Now the question is, who is responsible for compensation if a loss is caused by the media? Because in Iran, the laws and rights are derived from Islamic principles. Considering the damage that some media causes to the rights of individuals, this researchAn analysis has tried to examine the jurisprudential foundations of the civil responsibility of the media in order to make the correct decision of the Islamic State in the matter of legislation.Keywords: media, civil responsibility, waste rule, harmless ruleنماد «مورد تأیید انجمن»نماد «مورد تأیید انجمن» Manuscript profile

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      9 - Social aspects in juridical school of Hillah
      mahboobe hosseini ozra entekhabian mohsen razmi
      Issue 26 , Vol. 13 , Winter 2021
      How are the social aspects of a school depicted at a historical juncture, and what role can jurists play in these aspects? In order to reach the answer to this question, in the model of juridical school of Hillah, with a descriptive-analytical approach, it examines hist More
      How are the social aspects of a school depicted at a historical juncture, and what role can jurists play in these aspects? In order to reach the answer to this question, in the model of juridical school of Hillah, with a descriptive-analytical approach, it examines historical reports and jurisprudential and principled propositions. This essay first depicts the social phenomena that stood in front of the jurists of the Hillah school; Phenomena such as the Mongol War, popular uprisings against the Mongols, saviorism, tribalism, the multiplicity of religions and sects, the political and economic geographical location of Hillah, and the background of the social status of the Hillah jurists. Then he observes the scientific and practical works and activities of the jurists of Hillah in the social aspects with regard to this space. The result of this observation is the inference of the four aspects of "spirituality", "education", "reasoning rationalism" and "social interaction" and their types and varieties. In the final analysis, it is stated that the jurists, according to the principles of Sharia and doctrinal principles, succeeded in reforming and social guidance in a way that was more principled and broader than many rival governmental and social achievements. This success brought with it another double and reciprocal success, and that is the dynamism and development of the branches of jurisprudence, the principles of jurisprudence and the theological(kalam) foundations of Shia jurisprudence. Manuscript profile

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      10 - مسئولیت مدیران در ورشکستگی به تقصیر در حقوق ایران با نگاهی به مبانی فقهی آن
      hamid khatibzadeh mohammadreza pasban ali zare
      Issue 31 , Vol. 16 , Spring 2023
      ورشکستگی به معنای عدم امکان پرداخت دیون توسط تاجر می باشد. بحث ورشکستگی تاجر اعم از ورشکسته به تقصیر یا تقلب یکی از مباحث مهم در حیطه تجارت است. احصاء مواردی از مصادیق ورشکستگی به تقصیر در ماده 541 قانون تجارت دال بر اهمیت این موضوع است. به محضی که تاجر ورشکسته شد، با ص More
      ورشکستگی به معنای عدم امکان پرداخت دیون توسط تاجر می باشد. بحث ورشکستگی تاجر اعم از ورشکسته به تقصیر یا تقلب یکی از مباحث مهم در حیطه تجارت است. احصاء مواردی از مصادیق ورشکستگی به تقصیر در ماده 541 قانون تجارت دال بر اهمیت این موضوع است. به محضی که تاجر ورشکسته شد، با صدور حکم تاجر محجور تلقی می گردد و حق دخالت در اموال ودارایی های خود ندارد. مسئولیت مدنی تاجرورشکسته نسبت به سهام داران یا طلبکاران برکسی پوشیده نیست. و طبق قاعده کلی تاجر مسئول است مگر اینکه بتواند ادله ی بر رافع بودن مسئولیت مدنی خود ارائه دهد و اثبات کند.این پژوهش به روش توصیفی – تحلیلی و با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ی، مبانی فقهی - حقوقی مسئولیت مدنی تاجر ورشکسته به تقصیر را بررسی کرده است. دراین میان مبانی حقوقی از قبیل: نظریه تقصیر، نظریه خطر، نظریه مختلط، نظریه تضمین حق، ودر میان مبانی فقهی، آیات قرآن کریم و قواعد فقهی ازقبیل: اتلاف، لاضرر و احترام موید مسئولیت مدنی وضامن بودن تاجرورشکسته می باشند. Manuscript profile
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      1 - Jurisprudential and legal examination of the effects of changes in the contract in accordance with the Convention on the International Sale of Goods
      Farman Safari Mahboubeh Abdolahi Hassan Heidari
      The fact that the exchange is known and the necessity and fulfillment of the promise is one of the basic conditions for the authenticity of the transaction in Iran's legal system and the Convention on the International Sale of Goods. It may become impossible and difficu More
      The fact that the exchange is known and the necessity and fulfillment of the promise is one of the basic conditions for the authenticity of the transaction in Iran's legal system and the Convention on the International Sale of Goods. It may become impossible and difficult for the obligor to execute the contract due to the change in the circumstances at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The obligation to fulfill a difficult and impossible obligation causes undue loss to one party and unjust enrichment to the other party, and disturbs the balance of the exchange, which is not fair and is prohibited based on the rule of "harmless" and "negation of hardship and embarrassment" in order to avoid Inevitably, loss and liquidation of contracts is a solution that should be considered to adjust the contract and its price, which is one of the effects of the change in the situation and the best solution for the balance of exchange and the survival of the contract and compensation methods that can be found in the legal system of Iran and the Convention on the International Sale of Goods. The principles and articles of the civil law were considered acceptable. Due to the fact that the customary profit in exchange contracts is expected by the parties, conventional changes should not create a disruption in the necessity and fulfillment of contract obligations unless the fundamental and unforgivable changes are in custom, but through general legal principles such as the principle of good faith, the rule of harmlessness, Negotiating hardship and inconvenience, price reduction, renegotiation can be inferred and justified by adjusting the contract and accordingly adjusting the price and terminating the contract, which are the effects of changing the circumstances of the contract, and can be Manuscript profile

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    نشانی: تهران، انتهای بزرگراه ستاری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم و تحقیقات، ساختمان علوم پایه،طبقه سوم جنوبی


    شماره تماس:  44865154-8



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