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    Journal of Health Management
    Ethical commitment letter form

    We hereby undertake to prepare an article entitled: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Submitted for publication in the Journal of Health Management, none of the following types of research misconduct have been reported. In case of proving any of the following violations, the authors are fully responsible for the action and the magazine has no responsibility and the journal office has the right to report the violation to the relevant authorities and delete the article.

    Data creation or fabrication of data or information (Fabrication).
    Distortion or alteration of the results of a research (Falsification).
    Scientific-literary copying, writing the work of others in one's own name, without mentioning that (Plagiarism) the use of the same expressions, thoughts of others, or electronic content of others (Copy of electronic content) (Cyberplagiarism) examples It is.
    Intentionally causing damage to government and non-government movable and immovable property while conducting research.
    Destroying or tampering with equipment, data materials, and research information.
    Intimidation or harassment of a person who has reported research abuse to others.
    Reprint and republish all or part of an article published in a magazine, the Internet, newspapers and the like without obtaining the permission of the first publisher or complying with the criteria of the first publisher (Self-plagiarism).
    Copying the research topic with the proposal of others.
    Exercising any coercion or threat to obtain informed consent to participate in the research.
    Failure to compensate the physical injury, material and moral damage that has been imposed on the subject after conducting research.
    Failure to report drug side effects in clinical trials (Not including data on side effects in a clinical trial).
    Conducting research on humans without informed consent. (Conducting research on humans without informed consent)
    Conflict of interest: Not disclosing a conflict of interest when personal communication (love and hate) or financial interests affect the performance or judgment of the author, arbitrator or editor.
    Use of financial credits approved by a research outside the terms of the contract.
    Failure to fulfill the obligations that will be signed by the contractor when concluding the contract.
    Non-payment of remuneration to those whose names appear in the personnel cost section of the parent research of the article, despite the performance of the prescribed duties and their entitlement.
    Coercion of others to add the name of an individual as an author or collaborator in research projects without his / her right (Coercion authorship).
    Important Note: In the articles extracted from the dissertation and student dissertation, it is mandatory to include the name of the supervisor and the name of any person other than the supervisor and advisor.

    Add others' names in order to justify the article by validating their names.
    Not attributing the names of people who have qualified as authors in the list of authors (Not attributing other authors).
    Lack of care for humans against the potential dangers of research.
    Exercising any lure and seduction in obtaining conscious consent to participate in research.
    Failure to observe the material and intellectual rights of the relevant organization in submitting a report or announcing the results of the investigation.
    Lack of written consent from the legal guardian of groups of minors, the mentally retarded, people with dementia and psychiatric patients in researching them.
    Modeling: Using the structure of other people's articles - even irrelevant ones - to organize your article in a way that is considered copying (Templating).
    Lack of approval from the ethics committee when necessary.
    Failure to report lost data.
    Lgnoring outliers without declaring it.
    Publication of the results of subsequent analyzes without declaring the method of obtaining it (Publication of post hoc analysis without decharing it data dredging).
    Incomplete and insufficient search of texts.
    Abuse of laboratory animals.
    Add the names of others as authors in the form of Admiration authorship.
    Adding the name of others as an author as a one-sided favor or adding an offering (gift) of another's name (for example to fulfill the right of teacher and student or similar) (Gift authorship).
    Refusal to include a person as an author, despite entitlement (Ghostwriting).
    Non-observance of precedence and latency of authors' names in the article (Authorship misordering)
    Submit an article to multiple domestic or foreign journals at the same time (Shotgunning)
    Segmenting the results of a research and compiling several articles from a research just to increase the number of articles and without scientific justification
    Disclosure of information about the subject and not providing confidentiality conditions so that the subject suffers material or moral damage.
    Paraphrasing others' sentences and writing in their own name (Paraphrasing).