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        2 - The Link between Talismans and Figural Images in Islam
        Negar Zeilabi
        Aniconism in Islam is an incontrovertible presumption for the researchers of Islamic arts. The main question of this study is that what the imagination and interpretation of Muslims, in the early centuries, was about figural images which caused aniconism in Islam. The p More
        Aniconism in Islam is an incontrovertible presumption for the researchers of Islamic arts. The main question of this study is that what the imagination and interpretation of Muslims, in the early centuries, was about figural images which caused aniconism in Islam. The present paper shows that the permanence of the verdict seems to be associated with the cultural conception of magic and talismans which was rooted in the old civilizations such as Iran, Egypt and ancient Palestine. The main hypothesis is that the relation between image-making and the magic and talismans was one of the most important social factors that caused the reaction of Muslim jurists and scholars to the issue and subsequently led to the persistence of aniconism in the middle centuries. Therefore, it can be stated that Islam’s opposition to figural images was not from an aesthetic standpoint but along with the Quran’s stand against polytheists and idolaters, was because of that cultural conception of magic and talisman.   References al- Aamāl al- Kāmila lil- Imām Muḥammad Abduh, Revised by Muḥammad ʿAmāra, Beirut, 1979/ 1357. A.Fodor, “The Rod of Moses in Arabic Magic”, in  Magic and Divination in Early Islam, ed.Lawrence I.Conrad, The Crownwellpress,2004. Gharawī, Djawād b. Muḥammad, Miftāḥ al- Karāma, Revised by Muḥammad Bāḳir Khāliṣī, Qom, 1419- 1424 AH/ 1998- 2003 AD. Anṣārī, Murtaḍā b. Muḥammad Amīn, al- Makāsib, Qom, 1415- 1420 AH/ 1994- 2000 AD. Arnold, Painting in Islam, Oxford,1928. Baḥrānī, Sayyid Hāshim b. Sulaymān, Madīna Maādjiz al- Aimma al- Ithna Ashar, Qom, 1413 AH/ 1993 AD. Barḳī, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, al- Maḥāsin, Revised by Djalāl al- Dīn Muḥaddith Urmawī, Qom, 1371/ 1992. Bayhaḳī, al- Sunan al- Kubrā, Beirut, (Und.). 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        3 - Baghdadi Paper in the Early Centuries of Islam; Reviewing an Idea
        Mahdi Mojtahedi
        One of the most important events that had an everlasting and unprecedented impact on Muslim cultural quests was their gaining access to paper and paper industry since the middle years of the second century AH.  In many recent studies, it has been cla More
        One of the most important events that had an everlasting and unprecedented impact on Muslim cultural quests was their gaining access to paper and paper industry since the middle years of the second century AH.  In many recent studies, it has been claimed that the development of paper industry in Baghdad and the production of Baghdadi paper happened within the first few decades after the construction of the city. According to those researches which are based on the reports of relatively recent sources, some years after paper production in Samarqand (about 179 AH), production of paper in Baghdad began by the order of al-Faḍl b. Yaḥyā al-Barmakī, the vizier of Harun al-Rashid (R. 170-193 AH). Because of the recency of the references that was used in the aforementioned studies and also the exclusiveness of paper manufacturing in China and Samarqand as well as the reliance of Baghdad on the imported paper from those lands until the sixth century AH, the present article shows that the birth of Baghdadi paper occurred no earlier than the time that Yaqut al-​​Hamavi speaks of it, which is the seventh century AH.   References Ḳurān-i Karīm. Afshar, Iraj, Kāghadh Dar Zindigī wa Farhang-i Irānī, Tehran, The Written Heritage Research Institute, 1390/ 2011. Aledavood, Seyed Ali, “Ibn Isfandiyār”, Dāirat al- Maārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, Kazem Mousavi-Bojnourdi (as supervisor), Tehran, The Center For The Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 3/13. Atiyeh, George N. (Ed.) ,The book in the Islamic world : the written word and Communication in the Middle East, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. kht-i Kāghadh Dar Mamālik Islāmī”, Trans. 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        4 - The Confiscation of Property in the Abbasid Era; its Political and Economic Aims and Performances
        Mahdi Qorbani Hesari Ebrahim Mousapour Besheli Qanbarali Roodgar
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        5 - Yemen Trade in the Rasulids Era (626-858 A.H.)
        Ebrahim Mohammadi Hadi Alemzadeh
        Yemen, has continuously been a significant centre for importing and exporting hence its geographical location at the trade crossroads of the East and the West, particularly the bokhur (spice) road. Under Rasulids dominance (626-858A.H.), the commercial relationships bet More
        Yemen, has continuously been a significant centre for importing and exporting hence its geographical location at the trade crossroads of the East and the West, particularly the bokhur (spice) road. Under Rasulids dominance (626-858A.H.), the commercial relationships between Yemen and different areas such as India, Egypt and Hijaz was developed and so the merchants carried the goods and products via sea routes from Yemen to Indian and Egyptian ports; and in return, importing different goods to Yemen. In addition, Yemen had also the commercial relationship with internal areas of Arabian Peninsula, especially Hijaz, by land and sea. The present article is an attempt to consider the causes of commercial development of Yemen in the Rasulids era. This study shows that in this period, Yemen was different from its prior time .It was due to the dominance of Mongols over the far East to Baghdad, that makes the commercial roads insecure and so the red sea became an alternative and safe route. It should be noticed that the role of Karemi merchants who had a disposal trade between Mediterranean sea and Indian Ocean coastlines to china via the Red sea was also developed the trade activities in Yemen. References Abū Makhrama, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd Allāh Ṭayyib, Tārīkh-i Thaghr Adan wa Tarādjum Ulamā- hā, Revised by Orvar Löfgren, Leiden, 1936/ 1314. Badkoobeh, Ahmad & Tajbakhsh, Ghadariyeh, “Rawābiṭ Bāzargānī-yi Ārāgūn wa Ḳashtāla bā Baybars wa Taḥrīm-i Iḳtiṣādī-yi Miṣr”, Journal of History & Civiliazation of Islamic Nation, No. 10, 1388/ 2009. Bakri, Abdallāh b. ʿAbd al ʿAzīz, al- Masālik  wal- mamālik, Revised by Van Leeuwen, Dār al- Maghrib al- Islāmī, Beirut, 1992 AD/ 1412 AH. 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      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Theory of Intertextuality as a Research Approach in Social History Studies; Ali ibn Abi Talib in the Inscriptions and Futuwat-namas from the Seventh to the Tenth Centuries H.
        Nasim Khalili Mahdi Farahani Monfared
        The aim of this article is to study the legend of Ali b. Abi Talib (puh) during Iranian Medieval history in a wide range of fields from architecture to literature and folklore. The author used the intertextuality approach and on basis of Roland Barthes's method, tries t More
        The aim of this article is to study the legend of Ali b. Abi Talib (puh) during Iranian Medieval history in a wide range of fields from architecture to literature and folklore. The author used the intertextuality approach and on basis of Roland Barthes's method, tries to clarify how the legend personality of Ali has been formed and re-produced through a cultural network during centuries.  References Afshar, Iraj, Yādigār-hā-yi Yazd, Tehran, Andjuman-i āthār wa mafākhir-i farhangī, 1995/1374. Afshari, Mehran, Futūwwat nāma-hā wa rasāil-i khaksāriyya, Tehran, Institute For Humanities & Cultural Studies, 2003/1382. Ahmadi, Babak, Sākhtār-i tawīl wa matn (the structure of text interpretation), Tehran, Nas̲h̲r-i- Markaz, 1991/1370. Ahmadi, Babak, Risāla-i tarīkh, djustārī dar Hirminūtīk-i Tarīkh (An essay on history- the Hermeneutic vision of history), Tehran, Mazkaz, 1999/1378. Alan, Graham, Biynāmatnīyat, (Intertextuality), trans. 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Gūlpīnārlī, ʿAbd al-Bāḳī, Futuwwat dar kishwar-hā-yi Islāmī, trans. Tofigh H. Sobhani, Tehran, Ruzana, 2000/1379. Hamzelu, Manouchehr, “Nām-i ʿAlī bar gunbad-i sulṭāniyya”,  Kitāb-i māh hunar, No.32-32, 2001/1380. Honarfar, lotf- Allah, Gandjīna-yi Āthār-i  Tarīkh-yi  Iṣfahān, Isfahan, Thaḳafī, 1965/1344. Ibn Maghāzilī, Manāḳib-i Maghāzilī, Revised by Muḥammad Djawād Ayatullāh Zāda Marʿashī Nadjafī, Qom, The library of Ayatollah Marashi Najafi, 1957/1336. Ibn  Miʿmār, Muḥammad b. Abu al- Makārim, Kitāb al-Futuwwat, Revised by Muṣṭafā Djawād, Baghdād, Maktab-i  al- Muthannā, 1957/1336. Kalbasi, Hossein & Ahmadi, Gholamhossein, “Hirminūtīk fan-i  ʿām-i fahm wa tafsīr az nazargāh-i Schleiermacher”, The University of Tabriz Journal of Literature and Humanities, No. 205, 1999/1378. Kashefi Sabzevari, Molla Hissein, Futuwwat-nāma-yi sulṭānī, Revised by Muhammad Jafar Mahjoub, Tehran, Cultural foundation of Iran, 1971/1350. Kristeva, Julia, Fardīyat-i  Ishtirākī(Head Cases: Julia Kristeva on Philosophy and Art in Depressed Times- Julia Kristeva, interview by Nina Zivancevic), trans. Mehrdad Parsa, Tehran, Rozbihān, 2010/1389. Ibid, “Kalām, mukālima wa rumān” dar Payam Yazdanjoo, ba sū-yi pasāmudirn: pasāsākhtār-garā-yī dar mutāliāt-i adabī, Tehran, markaz, 2002/ 1381. Lechte, John, Pandjāh mutafakkir-i Buzurg-i muāṣir az sākhtār-garā-yī tā pasāmudirnīta(Fifty keyContemporary thinkers: from structuralism to postmodernity), trans. Mohsen Hakimi, Tehran,  Khudjasta, 2004/1383. Lévi-Strauss, Claude, Nizhād wa Tarīkh (Race et histoire), trans. Abolhassan Najafi, Tehran, Pazhūhishkada-yi ʿulūm-i Irtibāṭī wa tawsiʿya-i Iran, (und.). Makaryk, Irena Rima, Dānish- nāma naẓariyya-hā-yi adabī muāṣir, trans. Mehran Mohajer & Muhammad Nabawi, Tehran, Āgah, 2005/1384. Mazzaoui, Michel, Piydāyish-i Dawlat Safawī (The origins of Safawids), trans. Yaghoub Azhand, Tehran, Gustara, 1984/1363. Mcquillan, Martin, Guzīda-yi Maḳālāt-i Rawāyat( The narraitive reader), trans. Fattah Muhammadi, Tehran, Mīnuwī-yi khirad, 2009/1388. Mirzaei, Faramarz, Rawish-i guftumān kāwī-yi shir, Iranian association of the Arabic language and literature, No.4, 2005/ 1384. Modarressi Tabatabaei, Seyyed Hosseien, Turbat-i pākān, Qom, Mihr-i ḳum, 1956/1335. Mostafavi, Seyyed Mohammad Taqi, Āthār-i tarīkh-yi Tehran, Revised by Mir Hashem Mohades, Tehran, Society For The Appreciation Of Cultural Works & Dignitaries, 1996/1375. Namvar motlagh, Bahman, Darāmadī bar Baynāmatnīyat, naẓariyya-hā wa kārburd-ha, Tehran, Sukhan, 2011/1390. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm & others, Hirminūtīk-i mudirn, Guzīna-yi djustār-hā, trans. Babak Ahmadi, Mehran Mohajer, Mohammad Nabavi, Tehran, Nashr-i  Markaz, 2006/1385. Safavi, Kourosh, “Munāsibāt-i- Baynāmatnīyatī”, dar Hasan Anushe, Dānishnama adab-i farsī, Tehran, Sāzmān-i čāp wa intishārāt, 1997/1376. Sarraf, morteza, Rasāil djavānmardān(traits des compagnons- chevaliers: Rasail-e javanmardan), Tehran, Andjuman iranshināsī Iran wa France wa intishārāt-i  Muʿīn, 1991/1370. Sasani, Farhad,“Pīshīnia wa Pasīnia-yi Naḳd-i- Baynāmatnīyatī” , Baynāb, No. 5-6, 2004/1383. Shayestehfar, Mahnaz,“Djāyigāh-i  ḳurʾān, ḥadīth wa adʿiyya dar katībia-hā-yi  islāmī”, Human sciences Modares, No. 23, pp. 94-57, 2001/1380. Ibid,“Tazʾīnāt katībia-iy gunbad-i sulṭāniyya”, Journal of fine arts, No. 11, 2001/1380. Strinati, Dominic, Muḳaddima-iy bar naẓarīya-hā-yi farhang-i An introduction to theories popular cultur), trans. Soraya Pak- Nazar, Tehran, Gām-i nū, 2009/1388. Tarsusi, Abu Tahir, Abu Muslim nāma, Revised by Hossein Esmaeili, Andjuman iranshināsī-yi France dar Iran wa Nashr-i ḳaṭra, 2001/1380. Todorov, Tzvetan, Būṭīḳā-yi sākhtār-garā (Qu'est - ce que le structuralisme), trans. Muhammad Nabawi, Tehran,Āgah,1998/ 1377. 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      • Open Access Article

        7 - Imperial Russia’s Military Designs and Road-Building Projects in Iran
        Mohammad Ali Kazembeyki
        In recent centuries, the relationship between Russia, as a great power, and a neighboring country has had a special place in Iran's foreign policy. Despite the multi-faceted nature of relations between the two countries, the development of Russia’s expansion, mili More
        In recent centuries, the relationship between Russia, as a great power, and a neighboring country has had a special place in Iran's foreign policy. Despite the multi-faceted nature of relations between the two countries, the development of Russia’s expansion, military threat and interventions has always been a cause of Tehran’s concern. The current article is a translation and study of a secret document regarding fragments of the Russian military plan in Iran, which British intelligence agents obtained in 1909. The examination of this plan in the context of military designs attributed to Russia for both territorial expansion in Iran and endangering the interests of the British in India, reveals Russia’s strategy to advance toward the Persian Gulf in 1907 and the military goals of St. Petersburg investment in road-building projects in Iran as well. The findings also show that following the conclusion of Anglo-Russian Agreement of 1907, the mentioned war plan, though primarily designed against the interests of Britain, in practice enforced against Iranian nationalists and the Central Powers in World War I. References Asnādī darbāra-yi Hudjūm-i England wa Russia bih Iran, Revised by M. Turkamān, Institute for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IPIS), 1991/1370. Asnādī Az Rawābiṭ Iran wa Russia, trans. R. Mosalmanian Qobadiani & B. Mosalmanian Qobadiani, Markaz Asnād wa Tāʿrīkh-i Dīplumāsī, Tehran, 1999/1378. British Documents on Foreign Affairs, Part I, Series B, vol. 13, ed. D. Gillard, University Publications of America, 1985. Dar Takāpū-yi Tādj wa Takht, Asnād-i Abū al-Fatḥ Mīrzā Sālār al- Dawla, Revised by Reza Azari, National Library of Iran, Tehran, 1999/1378. Guzārish-hā-yi siyasī Alā al- Mulk, Revised by A. Safaei, Vol. 2, Gurūh-i Intishārātī-yi Ābād, Tehran, 1981/1362. 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Ibid, “Kunsūl-garī-yi Britain dar Iyālāt-i Djunūbī-yi Daryā-yi Māzandarān dar Dawrān-i Ḳādjāriyya wa Kārkunān-i Maḥalī-yi Ān”, Journal of  Social History, No. 2, 2011/ 1390. Ibid, “Mardum, ʿUlamāʾ wa tawsiʿa dar ʿAṣr-i Ḳadjāriyya: Rah-i Gīlān”, Farhang, No. 60, 2006/ 1385. Kazemzadeh, F., “Russia and Britain in Persia, 1864- 1911”, Harvard Slavic Studies, 4(1957). Kowner, R. (ed.), The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War, Routledge Curzon, London, 2007. Kuropatkin, Gen. A., The Russian Army and Russo-Japanese War, translated into English by Captain A. B. Lindsay, E. P. Dutton and Co., New York, 1909. Litten, Wilhelm, Iran Az Nufūdh-i Musālimat- Āmīz tā Taḥt al- Ḥimāyigī (1919- 1860), Trans. M. Mir Ahmadi, Moin-Publisher, Tehran, 1986/ 1367. Lobanov-Rostovsky, A., “Russian Imperialism in Asia. Its Origin, Evolution and Character”, The Slavonic and East European Review, 8- No. 22 (1929). Lockhart, L., Nadir Shah: A Critical Study Based Mainly Upon Contemporary Sources, London, 1938. Ibid , “The ‘Political Testament’ of Peter the Great”, The Slavonic and East European Review, 41 (1936). Mackinder, H. J., “The Geographical Pivot of History”, The Geographical Journal, 23(1904). Marshall, A., The Russian General Staff and Asia, 1800–1917, Routledge, London, 2006. Moberley, Gen. F. J., Operations in Persia, 1914-1919, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London, 1987. Mojtahed-Zadeh, P., Small Players of the Great Game, Routledge Curzon, 2004. Nazem, H., Russia and Great Britain in Iran (1900-1914), Tehran, 1975. O’Brien, P. P. (ed.), The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, Routledge Curzon, London, 2004. Roostaei, M., “Sardār Akram naẓar ʿAlī Khān-i Ṭarhānī”, Luristān Pazhūhī, No. 3 & 4, 1998/ 1377. Reese, R., (ed.), The Russian Imperial Army, 1796–1917, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2006. Resis, A., “Russophobia and the ’Testament’ of Peter the Great, 1812-1980”, Slavic Review, 44: 4 (1985). Sārawī, Muḥammad Fatḥallah b. Muḥammad Taḳī, Tārrīkh-i Muḥammadī, Revised by GH. R. Tabatabai Majd, Amīr Kabīr, 1992/ 1371. Shneidman, J. I., “The Proposed Invasion of India by Russia and France in 1801”, Journal of Indian History, 35(1957). Spring, D. W., “The Trans-Persian Railway Project and Anglo-Russian Relations, 1909-14”, Slavonic and East European Review, 54-No. 1 (1976). Steinberg, J. W., All the Tsar’s Men: Russia’s General Staff and the Fate of the Empire, 1898–1914, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, D.C., 2010. Stone, D. R., A Military History of Russia, From Ivan the Terrible to the War in Chechnya, Praeger, Westprot CT, 2006. Strong, J. W., “Russia’s Plan for an Invasion against India in 1801”, Canadian Slavonic Papers, 7(1965). Subtelny, O., “Peter I's Testament: A Reassessment”, Slavic Review, 33: 4 (1974). Sutherland Edwards, H., Russian Projects against India, London, 1885. Taylor, B. D., Politics and the Russian Army: Civil–Military Relations, 1689–2000, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003. Teymouri, A., Aṣr-i bī- khabarī, Tarikh-i Imtiyāzāt Dar Iran, Iḳbāl, Tehran, 1953/ 1332. Van der Oye, D. S., “Paul’s great game: Russia's plan to invade British India”, Central Asian Survey, 33:2(2014). Van der Oye, D. S. and B.W. Manning (eds.), Reforming the Tsar's Army: Military Innovation in Imperial Russia from Peter the Great to the Revolution, Cambridge University Press and Woodrow Wilson Press, 2004.                                                     In recent centuries, the relationship between Russia, as a great power, and a neighboring country has had a special place in Iran's foreign policy. Despite the multi-faceted nature of relations between the two countries, the development of Russia’s expansion, military threat and interventions has always been a cause of Tehran’s concern. The current article is a translation and study of a secret document regarding fragments of the Russian military plan in Iran, which British intelligence agents obtained in 1909. The examination of this plan in the context of military designs attributed to Russia for both territorial expansion in Iran and endangering the interests of the British in India, reveals Russia’s strategy to advance toward the Persian Gulf in 1907 and the military goals of St. Petersburg investment in road-building projects in Iran as well. The findings also show that following the conclusion of Anglo-Russian Agreement of 1907, the mentioned war plan, though primarily designed against the interests of Britain, in practice enforced against Iranian nationalists and the Central Powers in World War I.   References Asnādī darbāra-yi Hudjūm-i England wa Russia bih Iran, Revised by M. Turkamān, Institute for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IPIS), 1991/1370. Asnādī Az Rawābiṭ Iran wa Russia, trans. R. Mosalmanian Qobadiani & B. Mosalmanian Qobadiani, Markaz Asnād wa Tāʿrīkh-i Dīplumāsī, Tehran, 1999/1378. 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      • Open Access Article

        8 - Fazlur Rahman’s Historical Approach to the Qur’an; A Descriptive-Analytic Study
        Mehrdad Abbasi
        Fazlur Rahman (d. 1988) can be regarded as one of the most influential thinkers in the twentieth century. Rahman's modern approach to the Qur'an is the base of his reform thoughts and in his Quranic studies, history has a particular place. Rahman's approach to the Qur'a More
        Fazlur Rahman (d. 1988) can be regarded as one of the most influential thinkers in the twentieth century. Rahman's modern approach to the Qur'an is the base of his reform thoughts and in his Quranic studies, history has a particular place. Rahman's approach to the Qur'an, based on the history and has reflected in his understanding of the nature of Qur'anic revelation, his view on the method of Qur'anic interpretation as well as his perspective on the methodology of Qur'anic studies. In this article, the significance of Rahman historical view on those three fields and its results have been illustrated. In his exposition on the nature of revelation, Rahman has emphasized on the circumstances of Prophet's era, proposing the “double movement” theory for Qur'anic exegesis in modern time and has defended of historical critic approach against literary analysis in Qur'anic studies. Aghaei, Seyyed Ali, “Kitab-shināsī-yi Faḍl al- Raḥmān”, Madrisa, Vol. 2, No, 4, 1385/ 2006, pp. 101- 94. Barlas, Asma, “Bāz- Khawānī-yi Matn-i Muḳaddas az Manẓar-i Zanān, Tafsīr-i Āmina Wadūd az Ḳurān”, (Quran and woman: rereading the sacred text from a womans perspective), Trans. Mehrdad Abbasi & Matinah Sadat Mousavi, Ayina-yi Pazhūhish, Vol. 24, No. 139, 1392/ 2013, pp.32-21. Jahanbakhsh, Forough, “Mudirnīst-yi Muʿtadil, Iḥyā- Gar-yi Akhlāḳ- Garā”, Interview with Saeed Shahab, Madrisa, Vol. 2, No. 4, Mihr 1385/ September 2006, pp. 85-81. Hallaq, Wael, Tārīkh-i Tiūrī- hā-yi Huḳūḳī-yi Islāmī: Muḳaddama- iy bar Uṣūl-i Fiḳh-i Sunnī(A History of Islamic Legal Theories), Trans. Muhammad Rasekh, Tehran, Nashr-i Niy, 1386/ 2007. Ibid, “Fiqh wa Ḳuʾrān”, Trans. Mehrad Abbasi, Editor in chief: McAuliffe Jane Dammen, Dāiratul- maārif-i Ḳurān, Khandaghabadi & Others (as supervisor), Tehran, Intishārāt-i Ḥikmat, Vol. 4, Forthcoming. Rippin, Andrew, “Taḥlīl-i Adabī-yi Ḳuʾrān, Tafsīr wa Sīra: Nigāhī ba Rawish- Shināsī-yi John Wansbrough”, Trans. Morteza  Karimi- Nia, Pazhūhish- hā-yi Ḳurānī, No. 23 -24, 1379/ 2001- 2000, pp. 217- 190. Madrisa, Vol. 2, No. 4, Mihr 1385/ September 2006, pp. 76- 71. Abbasi, Mehrdad, “Khalḳ-i Ḳuʾrān”, Dar Dānish- Nāma-yi Djahān-i Islām, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel (as supervisor),Vol. 16, Tehran, Intishārāt-i Kitāb  Mardja, 1390/ 2011. Elmi, Muhammad- Jafar, “Barrisī wa Naḳd-i Naẓarī-yi Faḍl al- Raḥmān Dar Bāz- Sāz-yi Idjtihād Dar Dīn”, Political Science, No. 37, Spring 1386/ 2007, pp. 124- 71. Faḍl al- Raḥmān, “Shudjāʿat-i Iymān Dāshtan”, Trans. Muhammad Eskandari, Kiyān, Vol. 10, No. 52, July & August 1379/ 2000/ pp. 37-39. Ibid, “Islām wa Mudirnnīta”, Trans. Abolfazl Valazadeh, Madrisa, Vol. 2, No. 4, September 1385/ 2006, pp. 93- 90. Madelung, Wilferd, “Rīsha- hā- yi Nizāʿ Darbāra-yi Khalḳ-i Ḳuʾrān”, Dar Maktab- hā wa Firḳa- hā- yi Islāmī dar Sada-hā-yi Miyyānih, Trans. Javad Ghasemi, (2st. ed.), Mashhad 1378/ 1999, pp. 123- 150. Wielandt, Rotraud, “Djaryān Shināsī-yi Tafāsīr-i Ḳuʾrān dar Dawra-yi Muʿāṣir”, Trans. Mehrdad Abbasi, Ayina-yi Pazhūhish, Vol. 15, No. 2, May & June 1383/ 2004. Manuscript profile