Optimization of Irradiated Kiwi Fruit Properties Using Response Surface Methodology and Prediction with Neural Network and Regression Method
Subject Areas : MicrobiologyH. Kiani 1 * , M. H. Rahmati 2 , A. Mohammad-Razdari 3
1 - Ph. D. Student of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystem, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystem, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - Ph. D. Student of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystem, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.
Keywords: Gamma Ray, Kiwifruit, Neural Network, Response Surface, Regression,
Abstract :
Introduction: Application of ionizing radiation as a new method in the preservation ofagricultural products has been introduced since 35 years ago. Gamma irradiation has beenintroduced as a new technique to preserve the foods.Materials and Methods: Kiwifruit cultivar (Hayward) has been used and the samples with 0(Control), 0.5, 1 and 2 kGy cobalt-60 were gamma irradiated then refrigerated at 3±1°C for aduration of 0, 30.60 and 90 days. In this study Response Surface Methodology and inputparameters consisted of irradiation dose and storage time for optimal conditions for storage ofirradiated kiwis were determined. Finally, using regression and neural network methodsoutput prediction and response surface method were compared.Results : The optimal conditions for storage of irradiated kiwis were determined. Theoptimum point for shelf-life, radiation dose, weight, color parameters L*, a* and b*, ascorbicacid content and pH value, were proposed respectively, (two months, 1 kGy, 48.13 and 45.86,11.03 and 12.79, 29.916, 3.2545). By increasing storage time and radiation dose, the weightof stored samples reduced. By increasing irradiation dose and duration of storage a*parameter decreased. By increasing irradiation dose also the b* parameter reduced but byincreased storage time, L* increased. Similarly, by increasing storage time and radiation dose,pH value increased and ascorbic acid content reduced.Conclusion: The neural network and regression analysis have been employed to predict thechanges in color, weight, pH value and ascorbic acid content.
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