Investigation on the Effect of Arabic Gum Concentration and Spray Dryer Temperature on the Physicochemical Properties of Aloe Vera Powder
Subject Areas : MicrobiologyM. Nouhi 1 , Sh. Shabani 2 * , F. Zamani-Hargalani 3
1 - M. Sc. Student of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Academic Member of the Department of Food Science & Technology, Science and Reaserch Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Reaserch Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Aloe Vera, Aloe vera powder, Aloin, Arabic Gum, Spray Dryer,
Abstract :
Introduction: Aloe vera is used industrially for various purposes where it is employed in many food products including beverages, milk, etc. One factor that makes aloe vera gel difficult to store and transfer is its high moisture content. This might be handled by the application of methods such as drying and dehydration. The application of spray drier to produce high Quality powder is a suitable method. The product obtained from this process contains smaller particles with a better particle size distribution, appearance, texture, drop characteristics, compressibility, mass density, dispersibility, and solubility index. Materials and Methods: In this research, the drying of Aloe Vera gel was studied using a spray dryer in four different temperatures of 135,145,155 and 175°C and different Arabic gum concentration of %0, %1.5 and %3. Among the 12 produced samples, the two samples dried at 145 and 175 degrees Celsius and gum concentration of %1.5 with desirable conditions in terms of humidity, solubility and efficiency were studied for comparative tests such as pH, moisture, antioxidants capacity, level of aloin, size and shape evaluation by an electron microscope, particle color and size using the available samples on the market by applying one-way ANOVA test and Duncan's Multiple Range Test with a confidence level of %95. Results: The samples with higher input temperature and less process time contained more antioxidant capacity and aloin, with less quality degradation and have shown better qualitative results. Conclusion: The sample dried at the temperature of 175°C and gum concentration of %1.5 was selected as the preferred sample in terms of the parameters used for this research.
Ahmadi Rad, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z. & Asadi, H (2016). Effect of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical properties of cornelian pherry juice powder. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50 (13), 67-68. [In Persian].
Alipour Espahi, M. & Aryai, P. (2015). 4th National Food Security Seminar. [In Persian].
Aslam Maan, A., Nazir, A., Iqbal Khan, M. K., Ahmad, T., Zia, R., Murid, M. and Abrar, M. (2018). The therapeutic properties and applications of Aloe vera: A review. Journal of Herbal Medicine.
A-sun, K., Thumthanaruk, B., Lekhavat, S. & Jumnongpon, R. (2015). Effect of spray drying conditions on physical characteristics of
coconut sugar powder. International Food Research Journal, 23 (3), 1315-1319.
Aziztaemeh, H., Kazemi, A. & Razavi, J. (2005). Pomegranate juice powder production. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2 (3), 59-65. [In Persian].
Bhandari, B. R., Snoussi, A., Dumoulin E. D. & Lebert, A. (1993). Spray drying of concentrated fruit juices. Drying Technology, 11, 1081-1092.
Bozzi, A., Perrin, C., Austin, S. & Arce Vera, F. (2005). Quality and authenticity of commercial aloe vera gel powders. Food Chemistry, 103, 22–30.
Cano-Chauca, M., Stringheta Paulo, C., Sardagna Luiggi, D. & Cal Vidal, J. (2004). Mango Juice Dehydration Spray Drying using different carriers and functional Characterization. Proceedings of the 14th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2004). São Paulo, Brazil, 22-25.
Cervantes-Martinez, C. V., Medina-Torres, L., González-Laredo, R. F., Calderas, F., Sánchez-Olivares, G., Herrera-Valencia, E. E., Gallegos Infante, J. A., Rocha-Guzman, N. E. & Rodríguez-Ramírez, J. (2013). Study of spray drying of the Aloe vera mucilage (Aloe vera barbadensis Miller) as a function of its rheological properties. Food Science and Technology, 55, 426-435.
Chegini, R. G. & Ghobadian, B. (2005). Effect of spray-drying conditions on physical properties of orange juice powder. Drying Technology, 23, 657-668.
Esmaeili Adabi, M., Mousavi Seyedi, S. R., Kalantari, D. & Ghavami Adl, B. (2016). Mathematical modelling, kinetics and energy consumption for drying Aloe Vera gel in hot Air dryer with exhaust Air recycle. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54 (13), 73-83. [In Persian].
Esmaeili Adabi, M., Mousavi Seyedi, S. R., Kalantari, D., & Taghizadeh, A. (2016). Evaluation of some qualitative properties of aloe vera gel by using recycling hot air dryer. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54 (13), 85-93. [In Persian].
Fazaeli, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z., Ashtari, A.K. & Omid, M. (2012). Effect of Spray Drying Conditions and Feed Composition on the Physical Properties of Black Mulberry Juice Powder, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90, 667–675.
Goula, A. M. & Adamopoulos, K. G. (2005). Stability of lycopene during spray drying of tomato pulp. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38, 479–487.
Javed, S. & Atta-ur, R. (2014). Aloe Vera Gel in Food, Health Products, and Cosmetics Industry. Natural Products Chemistry. Vol. 41.
Jawade Ninad, R. & Chavan Abhijeet, R. (2013). Ultrasonic –Assisted extraction of Aloin from Aloe Vera gel. Procedia Engineering, 51, 487–493.
Jittanit, W., Niti-Att, S. & Techanuntachikul, O. (2010). Study of spray drying of pineapple juice using maltodextrin as an adjunct. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 37, 498-506.
Kucuk, H., Midilli, A., Kilic, A. & Dincer, I. (2014). A Review on Thin-Layer Drying-Curve Equations. Drying Technology, 32, 757–773.
Kuzuya, H., Tamai, I., Beppu, H. & Chihara. T. (2001). Determination of Aloenin, barbaloin and Isobarbaloin in Aloe species by micellar electro kinetlc chromatography. Journal of Chromatography. B. 752, 91-97
Lako, J., Trenerry, V., Wahlqvist, M., Wattanapenpaiboon, N., Sotheeswaran, S. & Premier, R. (2006). Phytochemical flavonols, carotenoids and the antioxidant properties of a wide selection of Fijian fruit, vegetables and other readily available foods. Food Chemistry, 101, 1727–1741.
Medina-Torres, L., Calderas, F., Minjares, R., Femenia, A., Sanchez-Olivares, G., Gonzalez-Laredo, F. R., Santiago-Adame, R., Ramirez-Nu~nez D. M., Rodríguez-Ramírez, J. & Manerog, O. (2015). Structure preservation of Aloe vera (barbadensis Miller) mucilage in a spray drying process. Food Science and Technology, 66, 93-100.
Minjares-Fuentes, R., Femenia, A., Comas-Serra, F., Rossell, C., Rodríguez-Gonzalez, V. M., Gonzalez-Laredo, R. F., Gallegos-Infante, J. A. & Medina-Torres, L. (2016). Effect of different drying procedures on physicochemical properties and flow behavior of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel. Food Science and Technology, 74, 378-386.
Oberoi, D. P. S. & Sogi, D. S. (2015). Effect of drying methods and maltodextrin concentration on pigment content of watermelon juice powder, Journal of Food Engineering, 1-23.
Papadakis, S. E., Chryssavgi, G. & Constantina, T. (2006). Spray Drying of Raisin Juice Concentrate, Drying Technology, 24 (2), 173-180.
Parvaneh, V. (2013). Quality control & the chemical analysis of food. University of Tehran press. 3-20. [In Persian].
Papadakis, S.E., Gardeli, C. & Tzia, C. (1998). Raisin extract powder: Production, physical and sensory properties. In: Proceedings of the 11th international drying symposium IDS ’98, Halkidiki, Greece.
Properties of Black Mulberry Juice Powder, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90, 667–675.
Quek, Y. S., Chok, N. K. & Swedlund, P. (2007). The physicochemical properties of spray-dried watermelon powders. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 46, 386-392.
Qian, H., Liu, C., Eshun, K. & Zhang, T. (2005). Quality and safety assurance in the processing of aloe vera gel juice. Food Control, 16, 95-104.
Raskin, I. (1992) Role of Salicylic Acid in Plants. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 43, 439-463.
Shrestha, A.K. , Ua-arak, T., Adhikari, B. R., Howes, T. & Bhandari, B. R. (2007). Glass transition behavior of spray dried orange juice powder measures by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal mechanical compression test (TMCT). International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 661–673.
Tavakolipour, H. (2009). Principles of drying of food materials agricultural products. Aeej Press. [In Persian].
Vega, A., Uribe, E., Lemus, R. & Miranda, M. (2006). Hot-air drying characteristics of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) and influence of temperature on kinetic parameters. LWT, 40, 1698–1707.
_||_Ahmadi Rad, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z. & Asadi, H (2016). Effect of spray drying conditions on the physicochemical properties of cornelian pherry juice powder. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50 (13), 67-68. [In Persian].
Alipour Espahi, M. & Aryai, P. (2015). 4th National Food Security Seminar. [In Persian].
Aslam Maan, A., Nazir, A., Iqbal Khan, M. K., Ahmad, T., Zia, R., Murid, M. and Abrar, M. (2018). The therapeutic properties and applications of Aloe vera: A review. Journal of Herbal Medicine.
A-sun, K., Thumthanaruk, B., Lekhavat, S. & Jumnongpon, R. (2015). Effect of spray drying conditions on physical characteristics of
coconut sugar powder. International Food Research Journal, 23 (3), 1315-1319.
Aziztaemeh, H., Kazemi, A. & Razavi, J. (2005). Pomegranate juice powder production. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2 (3), 59-65. [In Persian].
Bhandari, B. R., Snoussi, A., Dumoulin E. D. & Lebert, A. (1993). Spray drying of concentrated fruit juices. Drying Technology, 11, 1081-1092.
Bozzi, A., Perrin, C., Austin, S. & Arce Vera, F. (2005). Quality and authenticity of commercial aloe vera gel powders. Food Chemistry, 103, 22–30.
Cano-Chauca, M., Stringheta Paulo, C., Sardagna Luiggi, D. & Cal Vidal, J. (2004). Mango Juice Dehydration Spray Drying using different carriers and functional Characterization. Proceedings of the 14th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2004). São Paulo, Brazil, 22-25.
Cervantes-Martinez, C. V., Medina-Torres, L., González-Laredo, R. F., Calderas, F., Sánchez-Olivares, G., Herrera-Valencia, E. E., Gallegos Infante, J. A., Rocha-Guzman, N. E. & Rodríguez-Ramírez, J. (2013). Study of spray drying of the Aloe vera mucilage (Aloe vera barbadensis Miller) as a function of its rheological properties. Food Science and Technology, 55, 426-435.
Chegini, R. G. & Ghobadian, B. (2005). Effect of spray-drying conditions on physical properties of orange juice powder. Drying Technology, 23, 657-668.
Esmaeili Adabi, M., Mousavi Seyedi, S. R., Kalantari, D. & Ghavami Adl, B. (2016). Mathematical modelling, kinetics and energy consumption for drying Aloe Vera gel in hot Air dryer with exhaust Air recycle. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54 (13), 73-83. [In Persian].
Esmaeili Adabi, M., Mousavi Seyedi, S. R., Kalantari, D., & Taghizadeh, A. (2016). Evaluation of some qualitative properties of aloe vera gel by using recycling hot air dryer. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54 (13), 85-93. [In Persian].
Fazaeli, M., Emam-Djomeh, Z., Ashtari, A.K. & Omid, M. (2012). Effect of Spray Drying Conditions and Feed Composition on the Physical Properties of Black Mulberry Juice Powder, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90, 667–675.
Goula, A. M. & Adamopoulos, K. G. (2005). Stability of lycopene during spray drying of tomato pulp. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38, 479–487.
Javed, S. & Atta-ur, R. (2014). Aloe Vera Gel in Food, Health Products, and Cosmetics Industry. Natural Products Chemistry. Vol. 41.
Jawade Ninad, R. & Chavan Abhijeet, R. (2013). Ultrasonic –Assisted extraction of Aloin from Aloe Vera gel. Procedia Engineering, 51, 487–493.
Jittanit, W., Niti-Att, S. & Techanuntachikul, O. (2010). Study of spray drying of pineapple juice using maltodextrin as an adjunct. Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 37, 498-506.
Kucuk, H., Midilli, A., Kilic, A. & Dincer, I. (2014). A Review on Thin-Layer Drying-Curve Equations. Drying Technology, 32, 757–773.
Kuzuya, H., Tamai, I., Beppu, H. & Chihara. T. (2001). Determination of Aloenin, barbaloin and Isobarbaloin in Aloe species by micellar electro kinetlc chromatography. Journal of Chromatography. B. 752, 91-97
Lako, J., Trenerry, V., Wahlqvist, M., Wattanapenpaiboon, N., Sotheeswaran, S. & Premier, R. (2006). Phytochemical flavonols, carotenoids and the antioxidant properties of a wide selection of Fijian fruit, vegetables and other readily available foods. Food Chemistry, 101, 1727–1741.
Medina-Torres, L., Calderas, F., Minjares, R., Femenia, A., Sanchez-Olivares, G., Gonzalez-Laredo, F. R., Santiago-Adame, R., Ramirez-Nu~nez D. M., Rodríguez-Ramírez, J. & Manerog, O. (2015). Structure preservation of Aloe vera (barbadensis Miller) mucilage in a spray drying process. Food Science and Technology, 66, 93-100.
Minjares-Fuentes, R., Femenia, A., Comas-Serra, F., Rossell, C., Rodríguez-Gonzalez, V. M., Gonzalez-Laredo, R. F., Gallegos-Infante, J. A. & Medina-Torres, L. (2016). Effect of different drying procedures on physicochemical properties and flow behavior of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) gel. Food Science and Technology, 74, 378-386.
Oberoi, D. P. S. & Sogi, D. S. (2015). Effect of drying methods and maltodextrin concentration on pigment content of watermelon juice powder, Journal of Food Engineering, 1-23.
Papadakis, S. E., Chryssavgi, G. & Constantina, T. (2006). Spray Drying of Raisin Juice Concentrate, Drying Technology, 24 (2), 173-180.
Parvaneh, V. (2013). Quality control & the chemical analysis of food. University of Tehran press. 3-20. [In Persian].
Papadakis, S.E., Gardeli, C. & Tzia, C. (1998). Raisin extract powder: Production, physical and sensory properties. In: Proceedings of the 11th international drying symposium IDS ’98, Halkidiki, Greece.
Properties of Black Mulberry Juice Powder, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90, 667–675.
Quek, Y. S., Chok, N. K. & Swedlund, P. (2007). The physicochemical properties of spray-dried watermelon powders. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 46, 386-392.
Qian, H., Liu, C., Eshun, K. & Zhang, T. (2005). Quality and safety assurance in the processing of aloe vera gel juice. Food Control, 16, 95-104.
Raskin, I. (1992) Role of Salicylic Acid in Plants. Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology, 43, 439-463.
Shrestha, A.K. , Ua-arak, T., Adhikari, B. R., Howes, T. & Bhandari, B. R. (2007). Glass transition behavior of spray dried orange juice powder measures by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal mechanical compression test (TMCT). International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 661–673.
Tavakolipour, H. (2009). Principles of drying of food materials agricultural products. Aeej Press. [In Persian].
Vega, A., Uribe, E., Lemus, R. & Miranda, M. (2006). Hot-air drying characteristics of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) and influence of temperature on kinetic parameters. LWT, 40, 1698–1707.