Production of low fat hamburger using hydrocolloid coatings
Subject Areas : Food Science and Technology
زهرا Farajzadeh
ابراهیم Rahimi
محمد Hojjatoleslamy
هومن Molavi
1 - M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, ShahreKord Branch, Islamic Azad University, ShahreKord, Iran.
2 - Associat Professor of Food Science and Technology Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, ShahreKord Branch, Islamic Azad University, ShahreKord, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Food Science and Technology Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, ShahreKord Branch, Islamic Azad University, ShahreKord, Iran
4 - – Instructor of Food Science and Technology Departement, Faculty of Agriculture, ShahreKord Branch, Islamic Azad University, ShahreKord, Iran
Keywords: Hamburger, Hydrocolloids, Oil uptake reduction,
Abstract :
The use of hydrocolloid coatings is a suitable method to reduce oil uptake in fried foods. In this research, the effects of xanthan and guar gum coatings on reduction of oil uptake as well as sensory and physical properties of fried hamburgers were investigated. Hamburgers were coated with 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% of xanthan as well as 0.3%, 0.5% and 1% of guar. The effect of coatings on redguction of oil uptake, water retention, texture, color change, sensory acceptability of the hamburger samples was assessed. The results showed that the xanthan and guar coatings are the major factors affecting water retention, reduction of oil uptake, texture and color of the fried hamburgers. Coatings resulted in the reduction of oil uptake up to 25%. Data also did not suggest significant differences in sensory characteristics of coated and uncoated samples. The application of hydrocolloid coatings reduced oil uptake, whilst it did not affect the sensory characteristics of fried hamburgers. It was concluded that xanthan and guar gum coatings can improve the organoleptic and nutritional properties of fried food hamburgers.