Contamination of Fresh Beef to Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritidis in Sanandaj during 2012
Subject Areas : Food Science and Technology
هیوا Karimi Darehabi
فرزین Esmailneshad
کیوان Ebrahimi mohammadi
1 - Assistant Professor of Food Hygiene Department, Faculty of Veterinary Science, SanandajBranch, Islamic Azad University, Kurdistan, Iran.
2 - Member of young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, damegan,Iran
3 - Department of food science and technology, Faculty of agriculture, Islamic Azad University, mahabad branch, Iran.
Keywords: Multiplex PCR, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, beef,
Abstract :
Salmonella infection is among the main food-borne gastrointestinal disease. Meat has been recognized as a major source of human illness caused by Salmonella serovars. The presence of Salmonella was detected in 60 samples of fresh beef from retailsof Sanandaj. The presence of Salmonella was assessed by conventional culture method and confirmed by PCR assay. To confirm the identification of isolated colonies as Salmonella spp. and determining serovars as typhimuriumand enteritidisserovars, a multiplex PCR assay, using three pairs of primers were employed. S141 and S139 for InvAgene, specific for the genus of Salmonella, Fli15 and Tym for FliCgene, specific for typhimurium serovar and Prot6e-5 and Prot6e-6 for Prot6E gene, specific for Enteritidisserovar.12 samples 20% were determined as contaminated with Salmonella sppwith microbial culture method but with PCR method only seven samples 11.66% were confirmed. 4 samples (6.6%) of isolated colonies were confirmed as SalmonellaTyphimuriumand any number of isolated colonies were confirmed as Salmonella Enteritidis , the other isolated colonis were belong to other salmonella serovars. This study showed a relatively highprevalence of salmonella in fresh beef from Sanandaj.