Risk assessment to consumers from mercury in Acanthopagrus latus
Subject Areas : Food Science and TechnologyA. Koshafar 1 , M. Velayatzadeh 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor of Department of Environment, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Muscle, Risk Assessment, Mercury, Acanthopagrus latus,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the concentration of mercury in Acanthopagrus latus of Bahmanshir River using atomic absorption spectrophotometer and also to estimate the consequent health hazard. For this purpose, 30 samples of fish were prepared from Choebdeh seaport. The average concentration of mercury of Acanthopagrus latus was 0.24±0.08 mg/Kg of fresh wet weight of muscle. The results showed that average concentration of mercury in muscle of Acanthopagrus latus was less than the international organizations standards. According to Statistical Yearbook of Iran Fisheries Organization, the calculations indicated that daily and weekly mercury uptake for the adult Iranian consumers (70 Kg), was 0.000085 mg/Kg/day and 0.000595 mg/Kg/weekly. In addition, it was revealed that HQ index for Acanthopagrus latus was 0.85 which was estimated below 1. Accordingly, maximum daily intake of fish contaminated with 0.24 mg mercury/Kg wet weight for a 70 Kg person was estimated at 29 g/day and 203 g/week
● Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Tanabe, S., Pourkazemi, M., Aubrey, D.G. (2004). Concentrations of trace elements in muscle of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49: 789–800.
● Ahmad, A.K. and Shuhaimi-Othman, M. (2010). Heavy metal concentration in sediments and fishes from Lake Chini, Pahang, Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (2): 93-100.
● Ahmadi Kordestani, Z., Hamidian, A., Hosseini, S.V., Ashrafi, S. (2013). Risk assessment of mercury due to consumption of edible aquatic species. Journal of Marine Biology, 5 (17): 63-70. [in Persian].
● Alonso, M.L., Montana, F.P., Miranda, M., Castillo, C., Hernandez, J., Benedito, J. (2004). Interactions between toxic (As, Cd, Hg and Pb) and nutritional essential (Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) elements in the tissues of cattle from NW Spain. Journal of Bio Metals,17: 389-397.
● Al-Yousuf, M.H., El-Shahawi, M.S., Al-Ghais, S.M. (2000). Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrinus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. Science of The Total Environment, 256: 87-94.
● Askary Sary, A., Velayatzadeh, M., Mohammadi, M. (2010_. Mercury concentration in mudskipper (Periophthalmus waltoni) and flat fish (Cynoglossus arel) in Bandar-e-Emam and Bandar Abbas. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 4(2), pp. 51-56. [In Persian].
● Askary Sary, A., Javahery Baboli, M., Mahjob, S., Velayatzadeh, M. (2012). The comparison of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) in the muscle of Otolithes ruber in Abadan and Bandar Abbas Ports, the Persian Gulf. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 21 (3): 99-106. [In Persian].
● Askary Sary, A., Velayatzadeh, M. (2014). Heavy metals in aquatics. Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Publication, 1st Edition, pp. 380. [In Persian].
● Bahnasawy, M., Khidr, A., Dheina, N. (2011). Assessment of heavy metal concentrations in water, plankton and fish of Lake Manzala, Egypt. Turkish Journal Zoology, 35 (2): 271-280.
● Bellassoued, K., Hamza, A., Pelt, J., Elfeki, A. (2013). Seasonal variation of Sarpa salpa fish toxicity, as related to phytoplankton consumption, accumulation of heavy metals, lipids per oxidation level in fish tissues and toxicity upon mice. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185:1137–1150.
● Castilhos, Z.C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Rodrigues, A.P., Villas-Boas, R.C., Siegel, S., Veiga, M.M., Beinhoff, C. (2006). Mercury contamination in fish from gold mining areas in Indonesia and human health risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 368: 320–325.
● Cheraghi, M., Spergham, A., Javanmardi, S. (2013). Determination of Mercury Concentration in Liza abu from Karoon River. Journal of MazandaranUniversityofMedical Sciences, 23 (103): 105-113. [In Persian].
● Coulibaly, S., Celestin Atse, B., Mathias Koffi, K., Sylla, S., Justin Konan, K., Joel Kouassi, N. (2012). Seasonal Accumulations of Some Heavy Metal in Water, Sediment and Tissues of Black-Chinned Tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron from Bietri Bay in Ebrie Lagoon, Ivory Coast. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88: 571–576.
● Dogan-Saglamtimur, N., Kumbur, H. (2010). Metals (Hg, Pb, Cu and Zn) Bioaccumulation in Sediment, Fish, and Human Scalp Hair: A Case Study from the City of Mersin Along the Southern Coast of Turkey. Biological Trace Element Research, 136 (1): 55-70.
● Eboh, L, Mepba, H.D., Ekp, M.B. (2006). Heavy metal contaminants and processing effects on the composition, storage stability and fatty acid profiles of five common commercially available fish species in Oron Local Government, Nigeria. Food Chemistry, 97 (3): 490-497.
● Edlund, C., Bjorkman, L. (1996). Resistance of normal human microflora to Mercury and anti microbials after exposure to Mercury from dental amalgam fillings. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 22 (6): 944-50.
● Esmaili Sari, A. (2002). Pollution, Health and Environmental Standards. Naghshmehr Publisher. Tehran, pp. 767. [In Persian].
● Esmaili Sari, A., Nori Sari, H., Esmaili Sari, A. (2007). Mercury in environment. Bazargan Publisher. Rasht. pp. 226. [In Persian].
● Esmaili-Sari A., Abdollahzadeh E., Joorabian Shooshtari S., Ghasempouri S.M. (2011). Fish consumption limit for mercury compounds. Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences, 1 (2) :24-31. [In Persian].
● Fatahi Pour, S., Nabavi, S.M.B., Nikpour, Y., Rajabzadeh, E. (2014). Evaluation of total mercury bioaccumulation in edible and inedible fish tissue Liza persicus and relationship with some specifications dining in the range of Mahshahr. The National Conference of environmental and technical preceding studies. Environmental assessment environment association Hegmataneh. Hamedan. 14 P. [In Persian].
● Filazi, A., Baskaya, R., Kum, C. (2003). Metal concentration in tissues of the Black Sea fish Mugil auratus from Sinop-Icliman, Turkey. Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology, 22: 85-87.
● Goldblum, D.K., Rak, A., Ponnapalli, M.D., Clayton, C.J. (2006). The Fort total mercury pollution risk assessment: A case history. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 136: 406–417.
● Hosseini, S.M., Mir Ghafari, N., Mahbobi Sophiani, N., Hosseini, S.V. (2011).Risk assessment to consumers from mercury in Rutilus frisii kutum from Caspian Sea in Mazandaran Province. Fisheries Journal, 64 (3): 243-257. [In Persian].
● Hosseini, M., Nabavi, S.M.B. and Nabavi, S.N., Adami Pour, N. (2015). Heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Fe, and Hg) content in four fish commonly consumed in Iran: risk assessment for the consumers. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (5): 237.
● Ikemoto, T., Tu, N.P., Okuda, N., Iwata, A., Omori, K., Tanabe, S., Tuyen, B.C., Takeuchi, I. (2008). Biomagnification of trace elements in aquatic food web in the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 54 (3): 504-515.
● Iranian Fisheries Organization. (2014). Department of Statistics and Studies development Fisheries. Programmery office. Iranian Fisheries Organization yearly (2001-2011). Tehran. Iran 64 P. [In Persian].
● Kalay, G., Bevis, M.J. (2003). Structure and physical property relationships in processed polybutene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 88: 814-824.
● Khoshnod, R., Khoshnod, Z., Mokhlesi, A., Afkhami, M., Ehsan Pour, M. (2010). The study of mercury pollution in liver and muscle of two species fishes from Persian Gulf. Aquatic and Fisheries Journal, 1 (2): 33-39. [In Persian].
● Kojadinovic, J., Potier, M., Corre, M.L., Cosson, R.P., Bustamante, P. (2006). Mercury content in commercial pelagic fish and its risk assessment in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment,366: 688–700.
● Mardoukhi, S., Hosseini, S.V., Hosseini, S.M. (2013). Risk to consumers from mercury in croaker (Otolithes ruber), from the Mahshahr port. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 2 (3): 43-55. [In Persian].
● Merian, E. (1991). Metals and their compounds in the Environment. VCH.
● Mortazavi, M.S., Sharifian, S. (2011). Mercury Bioaccumulation in Some Commercially Valuable Marine Organisms from Mosa Bay, Persian Gulf. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5 (3): 757-762.
● Olowu, R.A., Ayejuyo, O.O., Adewuyi, G.U., Adejoro, I.A., Denloye, A.A.B., Babatunde, A.O., Ogundajo, A.L. (2010). Determination of heavy metals in fish tissues, water and sediment from Epe and Badagry Lagoons, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Chemistry, 7 (1): 215-221.
● Parsa, Y., Hosseini, M., Nabavi, S.M.B., Nabavi, S.N. (2014). Mercury Accumulation in food chain of fish, crab and sea bird from Arvand River. Journal Marine Science Research and Development, 4 (2): 1-6.
● Pizzichini, M., Fonzi, M., Fonzi, L. and Sugherini, L. (2002). Release of Mercury from dental amalgam and its influence on salivary antioxidant activity. Sciences of The Total Environment, 4 (1-3): 19-25.
●Rahimi, E. and Behzadnia, A. (2011). Determination of Mercury in Fish (Otollithes ruber) and Canned Tuna Fish in Khuzestan and Shiraz, Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 15 (11): 1553-1556.
● Raissy, M., Ansari, M. (2014). Health risk assessment of mercury and arsenic associated with consumption of fish from the Persian Gulf. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 (2): 1235-1240.
● Rezayi, M., Esmaeli Sary, A., Valinasab, T. (2011). Mercury and Selenium Content in Otolithes ruber and Psettodes erumei from Khuzestan Shore, Iran. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 86 (5): 511-514.
● ROPMI. (1999). Manual of oceanographic and pollutant analysis method. Third Edition. Kuwait. 1-100.
● Rouessac, F., Rouessac, A. (2007). Chemical Analysis Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques. 2nd Edition, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
● Ruelas-Inzunza, J., Meza-Lopeza G., Paez-Osuna, F. (2008). Mercury in fish that are of dietary importance from the coasts of Sinaloa (SE Gulf of California). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21: 211–218.
●Saei-Dehkordi, S.S., Fallah, A.A., Nematollahi, A. (2010). Arsenic and mercury in commercially valuable fish species from the Persian Gulf: influence of season and habitat. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (10): 2945-2950.
●Shahab Moghadam, F., Esmaili Sari, A., Vali Nasab, T., Karim Abadi, M. (2010). Comparison of heavy metals accumulation in muscle of Himantura gerrardi andSelar crumenophthalmus from Persian Gulf. Iranian Science Fisheries Journal, 19 (2): 85-94. [In Persian].
●Velayatzadeh, M., Abdollahi, S. (2010). A study and comparison of acummulation Hg, Cd and Pb in the muscle and liver of Aspius vorax in Karoon River of winter season. Journal of Animal Environment, 2 (4): 65-72. [In Persian].
●Velayatzadeh, M., Tabibzadeh, M. (2011). A study and comparison of heavy metals acummulation Hg, Cd and Pb in the muscle and liver of Cyprinion macrostomus in Karoon River. Journal of Innovation in Food Science and Technology, 3 (1): 27-33. [In Persian].
●Velayatzadeh, M., Askary Sary, A., Hoseinzadeh Sahafi, H. (2014).Determination of mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead in muscle and liver of Liza dussumieri from the Persian Gulf, Iran. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 5 (3): 227-234.
●USEPA, (2000). Arsenic occurrence in public drinking water supplies, EPA-815-R-00-023, Washington DC.
●Zhang, W., Wang, W. X. (2012). Large-scale spatial and interspecies differences in trace elements and stable isotopes in marine wild fish from Chinese waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 215-216: 65-74.
_||_● Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Tanabe, S., Pourkazemi, M., Aubrey, D.G. (2004). Concentrations of trace elements in muscle of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49: 789–800.
● Ahmad, A.K. and Shuhaimi-Othman, M. (2010). Heavy metal concentration in sediments and fishes from Lake Chini, Pahang, Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences, 10 (2): 93-100.
● Ahmadi Kordestani, Z., Hamidian, A., Hosseini, S.V., Ashrafi, S. (2013). Risk assessment of mercury due to consumption of edible aquatic species. Journal of Marine Biology, 5 (17): 63-70. [in Persian].
● Alonso, M.L., Montana, F.P., Miranda, M., Castillo, C., Hernandez, J., Benedito, J. (2004). Interactions between toxic (As, Cd, Hg and Pb) and nutritional essential (Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) elements in the tissues of cattle from NW Spain. Journal of Bio Metals,17: 389-397.
● Al-Yousuf, M.H., El-Shahawi, M.S., Al-Ghais, S.M. (2000). Trace metals in liver, skin and muscle of Lethrinus lentjan fish species in relation to body length and sex. Science of The Total Environment, 256: 87-94.
● Askary Sary, A., Velayatzadeh, M., Mohammadi, M. (2010_. Mercury concentration in mudskipper (Periophthalmus waltoni) and flat fish (Cynoglossus arel) in Bandar-e-Emam and Bandar Abbas. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 4(2), pp. 51-56. [In Persian].
● Askary Sary, A., Javahery Baboli, M., Mahjob, S., Velayatzadeh, M. (2012). The comparison of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) in the muscle of Otolithes ruber in Abadan and Bandar Abbas Ports, the Persian Gulf. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 21 (3): 99-106. [In Persian].
● Askary Sary, A., Velayatzadeh, M. (2014). Heavy metals in aquatics. Islamic Azad University Ahvaz Publication, 1st Edition, pp. 380. [In Persian].
● Bahnasawy, M., Khidr, A., Dheina, N. (2011). Assessment of heavy metal concentrations in water, plankton and fish of Lake Manzala, Egypt. Turkish Journal Zoology, 35 (2): 271-280.
● Bellassoued, K., Hamza, A., Pelt, J., Elfeki, A. (2013). Seasonal variation of Sarpa salpa fish toxicity, as related to phytoplankton consumption, accumulation of heavy metals, lipids per oxidation level in fish tissues and toxicity upon mice. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185:1137–1150.
● Castilhos, Z.C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Rodrigues, A.P., Villas-Boas, R.C., Siegel, S., Veiga, M.M., Beinhoff, C. (2006). Mercury contamination in fish from gold mining areas in Indonesia and human health risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 368: 320–325.
● Cheraghi, M., Spergham, A., Javanmardi, S. (2013). Determination of Mercury Concentration in Liza abu from Karoon River. Journal of MazandaranUniversityofMedical Sciences, 23 (103): 105-113. [In Persian].
● Coulibaly, S., Celestin Atse, B., Mathias Koffi, K., Sylla, S., Justin Konan, K., Joel Kouassi, N. (2012). Seasonal Accumulations of Some Heavy Metal in Water, Sediment and Tissues of Black-Chinned Tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron from Bietri Bay in Ebrie Lagoon, Ivory Coast. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88: 571–576.
● Dogan-Saglamtimur, N., Kumbur, H. (2010). Metals (Hg, Pb, Cu and Zn) Bioaccumulation in Sediment, Fish, and Human Scalp Hair: A Case Study from the City of Mersin Along the Southern Coast of Turkey. Biological Trace Element Research, 136 (1): 55-70.
● Eboh, L, Mepba, H.D., Ekp, M.B. (2006). Heavy metal contaminants and processing effects on the composition, storage stability and fatty acid profiles of five common commercially available fish species in Oron Local Government, Nigeria. Food Chemistry, 97 (3): 490-497.
● Edlund, C., Bjorkman, L. (1996). Resistance of normal human microflora to Mercury and anti microbials after exposure to Mercury from dental amalgam fillings. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 22 (6): 944-50.
● Esmaili Sari, A. (2002). Pollution, Health and Environmental Standards. Naghshmehr Publisher. Tehran, pp. 767. [In Persian].
● Esmaili Sari, A., Nori Sari, H., Esmaili Sari, A. (2007). Mercury in environment. Bazargan Publisher. Rasht. pp. 226. [In Persian].
● Esmaili-Sari A., Abdollahzadeh E., Joorabian Shooshtari S., Ghasempouri S.M. (2011). Fish consumption limit for mercury compounds. Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences, 1 (2) :24-31. [In Persian].
● Fatahi Pour, S., Nabavi, S.M.B., Nikpour, Y., Rajabzadeh, E. (2014). Evaluation of total mercury bioaccumulation in edible and inedible fish tissue Liza persicus and relationship with some specifications dining in the range of Mahshahr. The National Conference of environmental and technical preceding studies. Environmental assessment environment association Hegmataneh. Hamedan. 14 P. [In Persian].
● Filazi, A., Baskaya, R., Kum, C. (2003). Metal concentration in tissues of the Black Sea fish Mugil auratus from Sinop-Icliman, Turkey. Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology, 22: 85-87.
● Goldblum, D.K., Rak, A., Ponnapalli, M.D., Clayton, C.J. (2006). The Fort total mercury pollution risk assessment: A case history. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 136: 406–417.
● Hosseini, S.M., Mir Ghafari, N., Mahbobi Sophiani, N., Hosseini, S.V. (2011).Risk assessment to consumers from mercury in Rutilus frisii kutum from Caspian Sea in Mazandaran Province. Fisheries Journal, 64 (3): 243-257. [In Persian].
● Hosseini, M., Nabavi, S.M.B. and Nabavi, S.N., Adami Pour, N. (2015). Heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Fe, and Hg) content in four fish commonly consumed in Iran: risk assessment for the consumers. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187 (5): 237.
● Ikemoto, T., Tu, N.P., Okuda, N., Iwata, A., Omori, K., Tanabe, S., Tuyen, B.C., Takeuchi, I. (2008). Biomagnification of trace elements in aquatic food web in the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 54 (3): 504-515.
● Iranian Fisheries Organization. (2014). Department of Statistics and Studies development Fisheries. Programmery office. Iranian Fisheries Organization yearly (2001-2011). Tehran. Iran 64 P. [In Persian].
● Kalay, G., Bevis, M.J. (2003). Structure and physical property relationships in processed polybutene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 88: 814-824.
● Khoshnod, R., Khoshnod, Z., Mokhlesi, A., Afkhami, M., Ehsan Pour, M. (2010). The study of mercury pollution in liver and muscle of two species fishes from Persian Gulf. Aquatic and Fisheries Journal, 1 (2): 33-39. [In Persian].
● Kojadinovic, J., Potier, M., Corre, M.L., Cosson, R.P., Bustamante, P. (2006). Mercury content in commercial pelagic fish and its risk assessment in the Western Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment,366: 688–700.
● Mardoukhi, S., Hosseini, S.V., Hosseini, S.M. (2013). Risk to consumers from mercury in croaker (Otolithes ruber), from the Mahshahr port. Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology, 2 (3): 43-55. [In Persian].
● Merian, E. (1991). Metals and their compounds in the Environment. VCH.
● Mortazavi, M.S., Sharifian, S. (2011). Mercury Bioaccumulation in Some Commercially Valuable Marine Organisms from Mosa Bay, Persian Gulf. International Journal of Environmental Research, 5 (3): 757-762.
● Olowu, R.A., Ayejuyo, O.O., Adewuyi, G.U., Adejoro, I.A., Denloye, A.A.B., Babatunde, A.O., Ogundajo, A.L. (2010). Determination of heavy metals in fish tissues, water and sediment from Epe and Badagry Lagoons, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Chemistry, 7 (1): 215-221.
● Parsa, Y., Hosseini, M., Nabavi, S.M.B., Nabavi, S.N. (2014). Mercury Accumulation in food chain of fish, crab and sea bird from Arvand River. Journal Marine Science Research and Development, 4 (2): 1-6.
● Pizzichini, M., Fonzi, M., Fonzi, L. and Sugherini, L. (2002). Release of Mercury from dental amalgam and its influence on salivary antioxidant activity. Sciences of The Total Environment, 4 (1-3): 19-25.
●Rahimi, E. and Behzadnia, A. (2011). Determination of Mercury in Fish (Otollithes ruber) and Canned Tuna Fish in Khuzestan and Shiraz, Iran. World Applied Sciences Journal, 15 (11): 1553-1556.
● Raissy, M., Ansari, M. (2014). Health risk assessment of mercury and arsenic associated with consumption of fish from the Persian Gulf. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 (2): 1235-1240.
● Rezayi, M., Esmaeli Sary, A., Valinasab, T. (2011). Mercury and Selenium Content in Otolithes ruber and Psettodes erumei from Khuzestan Shore, Iran. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 86 (5): 511-514.
● ROPMI. (1999). Manual of oceanographic and pollutant analysis method. Third Edition. Kuwait. 1-100.
● Rouessac, F., Rouessac, A. (2007). Chemical Analysis Modern Instrumentation Methods and Techniques. 2nd Edition, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
● Ruelas-Inzunza, J., Meza-Lopeza G., Paez-Osuna, F. (2008). Mercury in fish that are of dietary importance from the coasts of Sinaloa (SE Gulf of California). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21: 211–218.
●Saei-Dehkordi, S.S., Fallah, A.A., Nematollahi, A. (2010). Arsenic and mercury in commercially valuable fish species from the Persian Gulf: influence of season and habitat. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (10): 2945-2950.
●Shahab Moghadam, F., Esmaili Sari, A., Vali Nasab, T., Karim Abadi, M. (2010). Comparison of heavy metals accumulation in muscle of Himantura gerrardi andSelar crumenophthalmus from Persian Gulf. Iranian Science Fisheries Journal, 19 (2): 85-94. [In Persian].
●Velayatzadeh, M., Abdollahi, S. (2010). A study and comparison of acummulation Hg, Cd and Pb in the muscle and liver of Aspius vorax in Karoon River of winter season. Journal of Animal Environment, 2 (4): 65-72. [In Persian].
●Velayatzadeh, M., Tabibzadeh, M. (2011). A study and comparison of heavy metals acummulation Hg, Cd and Pb in the muscle and liver of Cyprinion macrostomus in Karoon River. Journal of Innovation in Food Science and Technology, 3 (1): 27-33. [In Persian].
●Velayatzadeh, M., Askary Sary, A., Hoseinzadeh Sahafi, H. (2014).Determination of mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead in muscle and liver of Liza dussumieri from the Persian Gulf, Iran. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 5 (3): 227-234.
●USEPA, (2000). Arsenic occurrence in public drinking water supplies, EPA-815-R-00-023, Washington DC.
●Zhang, W., Wang, W. X. (2012). Large-scale spatial and interspecies differences in trace elements and stable isotopes in marine wild fish from Chinese waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 215-216: 65-74.