Investigating and optimizing the effect of combined coating of whey protein concentrate, maltodextrin and rosemary essence on the chemical properties of tilapia fish during cold storage
Subject Areas :
Food Hygiene
Sahar Mirbagheri
Azadeh Salimi
Ashkan jebelli javan
Sara mehdizadeh mood
1 - MS student, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
Received: 2023-01-07
Accepted : 2023-02-08
Published : 2023-02-20
Abstract :
polyunsaturated fatty acids, and pH. One of the methods which can control the spoilage rate is the use of natural coatings. This study aimed to investigate the effect of coating Tilapia fish fillets with whey protein concentrate (10, 15, and 20% w/w), maltodextrin (15, 20, and 25% w/w), and rosemary essential oil (1, 3 and 5% v/w). The optimization of the process was conducted by response surface methodology and Design Expert software. For this purpose, 18 models were presented by the software, and the samples were immersed in the produced solutions and were kept at 4 °C for 6 days. After this period, peroxide value (PV), Thiobarbituric acid (TBARS), Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVBN), and pH were measured. The results showed that by increasing the concentration of biopolymers and essential oil, all the investigated parameters were in lower limits, and in the sample coated with the maximum concentration of substances, the values of PV, TBARS acid, TVBN, and pH (in 100 grams), were 1.05 meq, 0.05 mg, 5.7 mg and 6.2, respectively, while these values for the coated sample with minimum concentrations, were 3.44 meq, 0.305 mg, 10.85 mg and 6.79 respectively. By optimizing the production process by software, the best solution was achieved by mixing 11.214% w/w of whey protein concentrate, 25% w/w of maltodextrin, and 3.402% v/w of rosemary essential oil.
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Savvaidis, L, N., Ntzimani, A., Giatrakou, V., Pyrgotou, N. and Frangos, C. (2010). Combined effects of salting, oregano oil and vacuum-packaging on the shelf-life of refrigerated trout filets. Food Microbiology, 27(1): 115-121.
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Xiong, Y., Kamboj, M., Ajlouni, S. and Fang, Z. (2021). Incorporation of salmon bone gelatine with chitosan, gallic acid and clove oil as edible coating for the cold storage of fresh salmon fillet. Food Control, 125(35): 107994.
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Yildiz, P. O. and Yangilar, F. (2016). Effects of Different Whey Protein Concentrate Coating on Selected Properties of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) During Cold Storage (4°C). International Journal of Food Properties, 19(9), 2007-2015.
Zouari, N., Elgharbi, F., Fakhfakh, N., Bacha, A. B., Gargouri, Y. and Miled, N. (2010). Effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on lipid and color stability of chicken thigh meat. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(15): 2276-2283.
Antoniewski, M, N., Barringer, S, A., Knipe, C, L. and Zerby, H, N. (2007). Journal of Food Science, 72 (6): 382-387.
Arannilewa, S. , Salawu, S. O., Sorungbe, A. A. and Ola-Salawu, B. B. (2005). Effect of frozen period on the chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of frozen Tilapia fish (Sarotheroden galiaenus). African Journal of Biotechnology, 4(8): 852-855.
Bahram, S., Rezaei, M., Soltani, M., Kamali, A., Abdollahi, M., Khezri, Ahmadabad, M. and Nemati, M. (2016). Effect of whey protein concentrate coating cinamon oil on quality and shelf life of refrigerated Beluga sturgeon (huso huso). Food Quality, 39(6): 743-749. [In persian]
Gharibzahedi, S. M. T., Mousavi, S. M., Hamedi, M. and Ghasemlou, M. (2012). Response surface modeling for optimization of formulation variables and physical stability assessment of walnut oil in-water beverage emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 26: 293-301. [In persian]
Gimenez, B., Roncales, P. and Beltran, J. (2002). Modified atmosphere packaging of filleted rainbow trout. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82(10): 1154-1159
Gomes, H, A., Silva, E, N., Nascimento, M, R, L. and Fukuma, H, T. (2003). Evaluation of the 2-thiobarbituric acid method for the measurement of lipid oxidation in mechanically deboned gamma irradiated chicken meat. Food Chemistry, 80: 433–437.
Goulas, A.E. and Kontominas,M,G. (2005). Effect of salting and smoking-method on the keeping quality of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus): biochemical and sensory attributes. Food Chemistry, 93(3): 511-520.
Gram, L,.Huss,. H. (1996). Microbiological spoilage of fish and fish products. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 33:121-137.
Hassanzadeh, P., Moradi, M., Vaezi, N., Moosavy, M. H. and Razzagh, M. (2018). Effects of chitosan edible coating containing grape seed extract on the shelf-life of refrigerated rainbow trout fillet. Veterinary Research Forum, 9(1): 73–79. [In persian]
Jebelli Javan, A., Ghazvinian, K., Mahdavi, A., Javaheri Vayeghan, A., Staji, H. and Ghaffari khaligh, S. (2013). The effect of dietary zataria multiflura Boiss. Essential oil supplementation on microbial growth and lipid peroxidation of broiler breast fillets during refrigerated storage. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37(5): 881-888. [In persian]
Kape, A., Ruick, B. and Drusch, S. (2016). Characterization of the work of adhesion of food grade coating materials on a maltodextrin model surface. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 110: 152-159.
Khezri, Ahmadabad, M., Rezaei, M. and Ojagh, S. M. (2015). The effect of whey protein edible coating on microbial quality of rainbow trout fillet during cold storage. Journal of Food Technology, 12(49): 11-20. [In persian]
Kontominas, M, G., Savvaidis, I, N., Chouliara, I. and Chytiri, S. (2004). Microbiological, chemical and sensory assessment of iced whole and filleted aqua cultured rainbow trout. Food Microbiology, 21(2): 157-165.
Li, J. and Chen, H. (2000). Biodegradation of Whey Protein-Based Edible Films. Journal of Polymers and Enviroment, 8: 135-143.
Lou, Y., Jia, Sh, Liu, X. and Huang, Zh. (2016). Antimicrobial effects of cinnamon bark oil on microbial composition and quality of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during chilled storage. Food Control, (82): 214-324.
Myers, H.R., Montgomery, D.C., Vining, G.G., Borror, C.M. and Kowalski, S.M. (2004). Response Surface Methodology: A Retrospective and Literature Survey. Journal of quality technology, 36(1): 53-77.
Noori SMA, Khanzadi S, Fazlara A, Najafzadehvarzi H. and Azizzadeh M. (2018). Effect of lactic acid and ajwain (Carum copticum) on the biogenic amines and quality of refrigerated common carp (Cyprinus carpio). LWT, 97:434–39[In persian]
Pacheco-Aguilar,R,. Lugo-Sanchez,M,E. and Robles-Burgueno,M,R. (2000). Postmortem Biochemical and Functional Characteristic of Monterey Sardine Muscle Stored at 0 °C. Journal of Food Science, 65(1): 40-47.
Razavi Shirazi, H. (2007). Seafood technology: principles handling, Tehran, Naghshe Mehr pp35-74. [In persian]
Rezaeifar, M., Mehdizadeh, T. and Lngroodi. Rezae, F. (2020). Effect of chitosan edible coating enriched with lemon verbena extract and essential oil on the shelf life of vacuum rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Journal of Food Safety, 40(3): e12781. [In persian]
Rodriguez, Turienz, L., Cobos, A. and Diaz, O. (2012). Effects of edible coatings based on ultrasound-treated whey proteins in quality attributes of frozen Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Innovative Food science and Emerging Technologies, 14: 92-98.
Savvaidis, L, N., Ntzimani, A., Giatrakou, V., Pyrgotou, N. and Frangos, C. (2010). Combined effects of salting, oregano oil and vacuum-packaging on the shelf-life of refrigerated trout filets. Food Microbiology, 27(1): 115-121.
M. (2014). Effect of whey protein edible coating on bacterial, chemical and sensory characteristics of frozen common kilka. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 13(2):477-491. [In persian]
Seow, Y. X., Yeo, C. R., Chung, H. L. and Yuk, H. G. (2014). Plant essential oils as active antimicrobial agents. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 54: 625-644.
Seydim, A.C. and Sarikus, G. (2006). Antimicrobial activity of whey protein based edible films incorporated with oregano, rosemary and garlic essential oils. Food Research International, 39(5): 639-644.
Valizadeh, Sh., Naseri, M., Babaei, S. and Hashem Hosseini, S.M. (2020). Shelf-life extension of fish patty using biopolymer-coated active paper sheets. Food Packaging and Shelf life, 26: 305-321. [In persian]
Vidya, S.R. and Srikar, L. N. (1991). Effect of ice storage on protein and related changes in Pink Perch (Nemipterus japonicus). Journal of Food Science and Technology (Mysore), 2:101-104.
Xiong, Y., Kamboj, M., Ajlouni, S. and Fang, Z. (2021). Incorporation of salmon bone gelatine with chitosan, gallic acid and clove oil as edible coating for the cold storage of fresh salmon fillet. Food Control, 125(35): 107994.
Yuan,X., Liu, J., Zeng, G., Shi, J., Tong, J. and Huang,G. (2009). Optimization of conversion of waste rapeseed oil with high FFA to biodiesel using response surface methodology. Renewable Energy, 33(7): 1678-1684.
Yildiz, P. O. and Yangilar, F. (2016). Effects of Different Whey Protein Concentrate Coating on Selected Properties of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) During Cold Storage (4°C). International Journal of Food Properties, 19(9), 2007-2015.
Zouari, N., Elgharbi, F., Fakhfakh, N., Bacha, A. B., Gargouri, Y. and Miled, N. (2010). Effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on lipid and color stability of chicken thigh meat. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(15): 2276-2283.