Effect of dietary Lactobacillus fermentum and lactulose on fatty acid profile and heavy metal residues in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Subject Areas : Food Science and TechnologyS. Madreseh 1 , H.R. Ghaisari 2 , S. Hosseinzadeh 3 *
1 - Ph.D. Student of Food Hygiene and Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Department of Food Hygiene and Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Professor of Department of Food Hygiene and Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: Rainbow trout, Probiotic, fatty acid profile, Synbiotic, Heavy metal,
Abstract :
Recently, demands upon the consumption of various seafood are increasing in a human diet. Heavy metals naturally occur in the environment and contamination of foodstuffs are causing great concerns. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of encapsulated and lyophilized Lactobacillus fermentum as probiotic and lactulose on heavy metal residues and fatty acid profile in rainbow trout. Thus, fishes were randomly allocated into three replicates of six different treatments. The experimental groups received basal diet (control group), basal diet plus lactulose, basal diet plus lyophilized L. fermentum and lactulose, basal diet plus encapsulated L. fermentum and lactulose, basal diet plus lyophilized L. fermentum, basal diet plus encapsulated L. fermentum. All the groups were fed three times daily for a period of 56 days. At the end of experiments, samples of the fillet and liver were taken. Our results showed that encapsulated L. fermentum and lactulose as synbiotic, significantly increased n-6 fatty acid in muscles and reduced moisture (p < 0.05). This supplementary diet significantly reduced Pb and Cd residues in muscles and Pb, Zn and Cd residues in liver (p < 0.05). Results showed that using encapsulated L. fermentum and lactulose in the diet improve the overall quality of fish.
- · Abbaszadeh, S., Gandomi, H., Misaghi, A., Bokaei, S. and Noori, N. (2014). The effect of alginate and chitosan concentrations on some properties of chitosan‐coated alginate beads and survivability of encapsulated Lactobacillus rhamnosus in simulated gastrointestinal conditions and during heat processing. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(11): 2210-2216.
- · Abhari, K., Shekarforoush, S., Sajedianfard, J., Hosseinzadeh, S. and Nazifi, S. (2015). The effects of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic diets containing Bacillus coagulans and inulin on rat intestinal microbiota. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, 16(3): 267-273.
- · Akpinar, M. A., Görgün, S., and Akpinar, A. E. (2009). A comparative analysis of the fatty acid profiles in the liver and muscles of male and female Salmo trutta macrostigma. Food Chemistry, 112(1): 6-8.
- · AOAC (2000).Official Method of the Analytical Chemists, AOAC International. 17th edition. pp: 21–447.
- · Calik, A. and Ergün, A. (2015) Effect of lactulose supplementation on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, cecal microbial population, and short-chain fatty acid composition of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 94 (9):2173-2182.
- · Delabanda, I. G., Lobo, C., Leon-Rubio, J. M., Tapia-Paniagua, S., Balebona, M. C., Morinigo, M. A. et al., (2010). Influence of two closely related probiotics on juvenile Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) performance and protection against Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida. Aquaculture, 306(4): 281-288.
- · Divya, J. B. and Nampoothiri, K. M. (2015). Encapsulated Lactococcus lactis with enhanced gastrointestinal survival for the development of folate enriched functional foods. Bioresource Technology, 188: 226-230.
- · Fallah, A. A., Saei-Dehkordi, S. S., Nematollahi, A. and Jafari, T. (2011). Comparative study of heavy metal and trace element accumulation in edible tissues of farmed and wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using ICP-OES technique. Microchemical Journal, 98(2): 275-279.
- · Firouzbakhsh, F., Mehrabi, Z., Heydari, M., Khalesi, M. K. and Tajick, M. A. (2014). Protective effects of a synbiotic against experimental Saprolegnia parasitica infection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 45(4): 609-618.
- · Gbadamosi, O. K. and Lupatsch, I. (2018). Effects of dietary Nannochloropsis salina on the nutritional performance and fatty acid profile of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Algal Research, 33: 48-54.
- · Gbassi, G. K. and Vandamme, T. (2012). Probiotic encapsulation technology: from microencapsulation to release into the gut. Pharmaceutics, 4(1): 149-163.
- · Giannenas, I., Karamaligas, I., Margaroni, M., Pappas, I., Mayer, E., Encarnacao, P. et al., (2015). Effect of dietary incorporation of a multi-strain probiotic on growth performance and health status in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 41(1): 119-128.
- · Giri, S. S., Yun, S., Jun, J. W., Kim, H. J., Kim, S. G., Kang, J. W. et al., (2018). Therapeutic effect of intestinal autochthonous Lactobacillus reuteri P16 against waterborne lead toxicity in Cyprinus carpio. Frontiers in Immunology, https://dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffimmu.2018.01824.
- · Gumus, E., Kubilay, A., Guney, Ş., Guzel-Seydim, Z., Kok-Tas, T., Metin, S. et. al., (2017). Effect of dietary kefir on the growth performance, feed utilization and fatty acid profile of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(5): 964-972.
- · Guo, H., Chen, L., Cui, H., Peng, X., Fang, J., Zuo, Z. et al., (2015). Research advances on pathways of nickel-induced apoptosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17: 10-14.
- · Halttunen, T., Salminen, S., Tahvonen, R. (2007). Rapid removal of lead and cadmium from water by specific lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 114(1): 30-35.
- · Hoseinifar, S. H., Mirvaghefi, A., Amoozegar, M. A., Sharifian, M. and Esteban, M. Á. (2015). Modulation of innate immune response, mucosal parameters and disease resistance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) upon synbiotic feeding. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 45(1): 27-32.
- · Jafarpour, D., Shekarforoush, S. S., Ghaisari, H. R., Nazifi, S., Sajedianfard, J. and Eskandari, M. H. (2017). Protective effects of synbiotic diets of Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus plantarum and inulin against acute cadmium toxicity in rats. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17: 291-298.
- · Khanipour, A., Ahmadi, M. and Seifzadeh, M. (2018). Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in the muscle of wels catfish (Silurus glanis) in the Anzali Wetland. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 17(1): 244-250.
- · Kos, B., Šuskovic, J., Beganovic, J., Gjuracic, K., Frece, J., Iannaccone, C. et al., (2008). Characterization of the three selected probiotic strains for the application in food industry. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24(5): 699-707.
- · Leung, H., Leung, A., Wang, H., Ma, K., Liang, Y., Ho, K. et al., 2014. Assessment of heavy metals/metalloid (As, Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cu, Mn) concentrations in edible fish species tissue in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 78: 235-245.
- · Majlesi, M., Shekarforoush, S. S., Ghaisari, H. R., Nazifi, S., Sajedianfard, J. and Eskandari, M. H. (2017). Effect of probiotic Bacillus coagulans and Lactobacillus plantarum on alleviation of mercury toxicity in rat. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 9(3): 300-309.
- · Michael, E., Amos, S. O. and Hussaini, L.T. (2014). A review on probiotics application in aquaculture. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, 5 (4):111-113.
- · Noel, L., Chekria, R., Millour, S., Merlo, M., Leblanc, J. C. and Guerin, T. (2013). Distribution and relationships of As, Cd, Pb and Hg in freshwater fish from five French fishing areas. Chemosphere, 90: 1900-1910.
- · Park, Y., Lee, S., Hong, J., Kim, D., Moniruzzaman, M. and Bai, S. C. (2017). Use of probiotics to enhance growth, stimulate immunity and confer disease resistance to Aeromonas salmonicida in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 48(6): 2672-2682.
- · Razavi, S., Vahabzadeh, H., Zamini, A., Askary Sary, A. and Velayatzadeh M. (2012). Measured and Comparison of heavy metals Hg, Pb, Cd in the muscle and shell of Fenneropenaeus indicusPersian Gulf (Bahrekan, Khuzestan Province). Journal of Aquatic Animals and Fisheries,3(9): 43-90.
- · Seth, D., Mishra, H. N. and DEKA, S. C. (2017). Effect of microencapsulation using extrusion technique on viability of bacterial cells during spray drying of sweetened yoghurt. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 103: 802-807.
- · Tapia-Paniagua, S. T., Diaz-Rosales, P., De La Banda, I. G., Lobo, C., Clavijo, E., Balebona, M. C. et al., (2014). Modulation of certain liver fatty acids in Solea senegalensis is influenced by the dietary administration of probiotic microorganisms. Aquaculture, 424: 234-238.
- · Topal, A., Atamanalp, M., Oruc, E. and Erol, H. S. (2017). Physiological and biochemical effects of nickel on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues: Assessment of nuclear factor kappa B activation, oxidative stress and histopathological changes. Chemosphere, 166: 445-452.
- · Tulumoglu, S., Kaya, H.and Simsek, O. (2014). Probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus fermentum strains isolated from tulum cheese. Anaerobe 30:120-125.
- · Varol, M., Kaya, G. K.and Alp, A. (2017). Heavy metal and arsenic concentrations in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in a dam reservoir on the Firat (Euphrates) River: Risk-based consumption advisories. Science of the Total Environment, 599: 1288-1296.
- · Yar-Ahmadi, P., Moradi, N. and Ghysvandi, N. (2014). The effect of dietary supplemented with Synbiotic (Biomin IMBO®) on growth performance, carcass composition, hematological and serum biochemical parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758, Cyprinidae). Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 4(3): 2129-2139.
- · Yi, Y., Yang, Z. and Zhang, S. (2011). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in fishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 159: 2575-2585.
- · Yildiz, M., Kose, I., Issa, G. and Kahraman, T. (2015). Effect of different plant oils on growth performance, fatty acid composition and flesh quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 46: 2885-2896.
- · Zhai, Q., Wang, H., Tian, F., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Chen, W. (2017). Dietary Lactobacillus plantarum supplementation decreases tissue lead accumulation and alleviates lead toxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Research, 48(9): 5094-5103.
- · Abbaszadeh, S., Gandomi, H., Misaghi, A., Bokaei, S. and Noori, N. (2014). The effect of alginate and chitosan concentrations on some properties of chitosan‐coated alginate beads and survivability of encapsulated Lactobacillus rhamnosus in simulated gastrointestinal conditions and during heat processing. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(11): 2210-2216.
- · Abhari, K., Shekarforoush, S., Sajedianfard, J., Hosseinzadeh, S. and Nazifi, S. (2015). The effects of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic diets containing Bacillus coagulans and inulin on rat intestinal microbiota. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, 16(3): 267-273.
- · Akpinar, M. A., Görgün, S., and Akpinar, A. E. (2009). A comparative analysis of the fatty acid profiles in the liver and muscles of male and female Salmo trutta macrostigma. Food Chemistry, 112(1): 6-8.
- · AOAC (2000).Official Method of the Analytical Chemists, AOAC International. 17th edition. pp: 21–447.
- · Calik, A. and Ergün, A. (2015) Effect of lactulose supplementation on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, cecal microbial population, and short-chain fatty acid composition of broiler chickens. Poultry Science 94 (9):2173-2182.
- · Delabanda, I. G., Lobo, C., Leon-Rubio, J. M., Tapia-Paniagua, S., Balebona, M. C., Morinigo, M. A. et al., (2010). Influence of two closely related probiotics on juvenile Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup 1858) performance and protection against Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida. Aquaculture, 306(4): 281-288.
- · Divya, J. B. and Nampoothiri, K. M. (2015). Encapsulated Lactococcus lactis with enhanced gastrointestinal survival for the development of folate enriched functional foods. Bioresource Technology, 188: 226-230.
- · Fallah, A. A., Saei-Dehkordi, S. S., Nematollahi, A. and Jafari, T. (2011). Comparative study of heavy metal and trace element accumulation in edible tissues of farmed and wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using ICP-OES technique. Microchemical Journal, 98(2): 275-279.
- · Firouzbakhsh, F., Mehrabi, Z., Heydari, M., Khalesi, M. K. and Tajick, M. A. (2014). Protective effects of a synbiotic against experimental Saprolegnia parasitica infection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 45(4): 609-618.
- · Gbadamosi, O. K. and Lupatsch, I. (2018). Effects of dietary Nannochloropsis salina on the nutritional performance and fatty acid profile of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Algal Research, 33: 48-54.
- · Gbassi, G. K. and Vandamme, T. (2012). Probiotic encapsulation technology: from microencapsulation to release into the gut. Pharmaceutics, 4(1): 149-163.
- · Giannenas, I., Karamaligas, I., Margaroni, M., Pappas, I., Mayer, E., Encarnacao, P. et al., (2015). Effect of dietary incorporation of a multi-strain probiotic on growth performance and health status in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 41(1): 119-128.
- · Giri, S. S., Yun, S., Jun, J. W., Kim, H. J., Kim, S. G., Kang, J. W. et al., (2018). Therapeutic effect of intestinal autochthonous Lactobacillus reuteri P16 against waterborne lead toxicity in Cyprinus carpio. Frontiers in Immunology, https://dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffimmu.2018.01824.
- · Gumus, E., Kubilay, A., Guney, Ş., Guzel-Seydim, Z., Kok-Tas, T., Metin, S. et. al., (2017). Effect of dietary kefir on the growth performance, feed utilization and fatty acid profile of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Nutrition, 23(5): 964-972.
- · Guo, H., Chen, L., Cui, H., Peng, X., Fang, J., Zuo, Z. et al., (2015). Research advances on pathways of nickel-induced apoptosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17: 10-14.
- · Halttunen, T., Salminen, S., Tahvonen, R. (2007). Rapid removal of lead and cadmium from water by specific lactic acid bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 114(1): 30-35.
- · Hoseinifar, S. H., Mirvaghefi, A., Amoozegar, M. A., Sharifian, M. and Esteban, M. Á. (2015). Modulation of innate immune response, mucosal parameters and disease resistance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) upon synbiotic feeding. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 45(1): 27-32.
- · Jafarpour, D., Shekarforoush, S. S., Ghaisari, H. R., Nazifi, S., Sajedianfard, J. and Eskandari, M. H. (2017). Protective effects of synbiotic diets of Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus plantarum and inulin against acute cadmium toxicity in rats. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 17: 291-298.
- · Khanipour, A., Ahmadi, M. and Seifzadeh, M. (2018). Study on bioaccumulation of heavy metals (cadmium, nickel, zinc and lead) in the muscle of wels catfish (Silurus glanis) in the Anzali Wetland. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 17(1): 244-250.
- · Kos, B., Šuskovic, J., Beganovic, J., Gjuracic, K., Frece, J., Iannaccone, C. et al., (2008). Characterization of the three selected probiotic strains for the application in food industry. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24(5): 699-707.
- · Leung, H., Leung, A., Wang, H., Ma, K., Liang, Y., Ho, K. et al., 2014. Assessment of heavy metals/metalloid (As, Pb, Cd, Ni, Zn, Cr, Cu, Mn) concentrations in edible fish species tissue in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 78: 235-245.
- · Majlesi, M., Shekarforoush, S. S., Ghaisari, H. R., Nazifi, S., Sajedianfard, J. and Eskandari, M. H. (2017). Effect of probiotic Bacillus coagulans and Lactobacillus plantarum on alleviation of mercury toxicity in rat. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 9(3): 300-309.
- · Michael, E., Amos, S. O. and Hussaini, L.T. (2014). A review on probiotics application in aquaculture. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, 5 (4):111-113.
- · Noel, L., Chekria, R., Millour, S., Merlo, M., Leblanc, J. C. and Guerin, T. (2013). Distribution and relationships of As, Cd, Pb and Hg in freshwater fish from five French fishing areas. Chemosphere, 90: 1900-1910.
- · Park, Y., Lee, S., Hong, J., Kim, D., Moniruzzaman, M. and Bai, S. C. (2017). Use of probiotics to enhance growth, stimulate immunity and confer disease resistance to Aeromonas salmonicida in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 48(6): 2672-2682.
- · Razavi, S., Vahabzadeh, H., Zamini, A., Askary Sary, A. and Velayatzadeh M. (2012). Measured and Comparison of heavy metals Hg, Pb, Cd in the muscle and shell of Fenneropenaeus indicusPersian Gulf (Bahrekan, Khuzestan Province). Journal of Aquatic Animals and Fisheries,3(9): 43-90.
- · Seth, D., Mishra, H. N. and DEKA, S. C. (2017). Effect of microencapsulation using extrusion technique on viability of bacterial cells during spray drying of sweetened yoghurt. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 103: 802-807.
- · Tapia-Paniagua, S. T., Diaz-Rosales, P., De La Banda, I. G., Lobo, C., Clavijo, E., Balebona, M. C. et al., (2014). Modulation of certain liver fatty acids in Solea senegalensis is influenced by the dietary administration of probiotic microorganisms. Aquaculture, 424: 234-238.
- · Topal, A., Atamanalp, M., Oruc, E. and Erol, H. S. (2017). Physiological and biochemical effects of nickel on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues: Assessment of nuclear factor kappa B activation, oxidative stress and histopathological changes. Chemosphere, 166: 445-452.
- · Tulumoglu, S., Kaya, H.and Simsek, O. (2014). Probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus fermentum strains isolated from tulum cheese. Anaerobe 30:120-125.
- · Varol, M., Kaya, G. K.and Alp, A. (2017). Heavy metal and arsenic concentrations in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in a dam reservoir on the Firat (Euphrates) River: Risk-based consumption advisories. Science of the Total Environment, 599: 1288-1296.
- · Yar-Ahmadi, P., Moradi, N. and Ghysvandi, N. (2014). The effect of dietary supplemented with Synbiotic (Biomin IMBO®) on growth performance, carcass composition, hematological and serum biochemical parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758, Cyprinidae). Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 4(3): 2129-2139.
- · Yi, Y., Yang, Z. and Zhang, S. (2011). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in fishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 159: 2575-2585.
- · Yildiz, M., Kose, I., Issa, G. and Kahraman, T. (2015). Effect of different plant oils on growth performance, fatty acid composition and flesh quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture Research, 46: 2885-2896.
- · Zhai, Q., Wang, H., Tian, F., Zhao, J., Zhang, H., Chen, W. (2017). Dietary Lactobacillus plantarum supplementation decreases tissue lead accumulation and alleviates lead toxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Research, 48(9): 5094-5103.