Thermal stability optimization of the Soybean oil affected by thymus daenensis Celak essential oil by use of response surface methodology
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
M. Eghbalian Rad
A. A. Sari
A. Daraei Garmakhany
1 - MSc graduated, Dept. of food hygiene and quality control, Faculty of veterinary science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Irann
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of food hygiene and quality control, Faculty of veterinary science, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of food Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Natural resources of Toyserkan, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
Received: 2018-02-16
Accepted : 2018-10-17
Published : 2018-12-22
response surface methodology,
Soybean oil,
thermal stability,
Thymus daenensis Celak essential oil,
Abstract :
Oxidative stability of oils and fats was affected by various factors such as oxygen, light, heat, metal ions and enzymes. The use of synthetic antioxidant for preventing oxidative deterioration, despite having high performance, due to the possibility of toxicity and carcinogenicity, has been under question. The aim of this study was to optimize the thermal stability of soybean oil by the addition ofThymus daenensis Celakessential oil. In this study soybean oil was treated under various conditions of frying temperature (150, 170 and 190 °C), frying time (0, 6 and 12 h) and Thymus daenensis Celak essential oil concentrations (0, 400 and 800 ppm) and different quality attributes of samples such as the acid value, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid, polar compounds, and conjugated diene value were studied. Results showed that Thymus essential oil due to containing different phenolic compounds increased the thermal stability of soybean oil significantly (p<0.05). The results of the acidic value, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid, and polar compounds in fried oil samples for 12 hours at 190 °C showed that the addition of essential oil of thyme oil keeps the quality of fried oil after 12 hours frying at 190 °C. This study shows that essential oils can be a good alternative for synthetic antioxidants.
· AOAC. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 18th Edition. Maryland, USA: AOAC International. pp. 6-13.
· Ayoughi, F., Barzegar, M., Sahari, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2009). Antioxidant effect of Dill (Anethum graveolens Boiss.) oil in crude soybean oil and comparison with chemical antioxidants. Journal of Medical Plants, 2(30): 71-83.
· Arabshahi-Delouee, S. and Urooj, A. (2006). Antioxidant properties of various solvent extracts of mulberry (Morus indica L.) leaves. Food Chemistry, 102: 1233–1240.
· Ataei Salehi, E., Esmaeilzadeh Kenari, R. and Nasiri Takami, S. (2014). Antioxidant effect of Pimppinella affinis Ledeb plant methanolic extract on stability of canola oil during storage condition. Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal, 10(2): 176-181.
· Blois, M.S. (1958). Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature, 181(4617): 1199.
· Choe, E. and Min, D.B. (2006). Mechanisms and factors for edible oil oxidation. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 5: 169-186.
· Esmaeilzadeh kenari, R. Mehdipour, S. Z. and Razavi, R. (2017). Investigate the changes in fatty acid and antioxidant properties of Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa ) peel extract on stability of sunflower oil in thermal conditions. Iranian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 68(14): 125-135.
· Espin, J.C., Soler-Rivas, C. and Wichers, H.J. (2000). Characterization of the total free radical scavenger capacity of vegetable pils and oil fractions using 2, 2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl radical. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48: 648-656.
· Fazel, M., Omidbeygi, M., Barzegar, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2007). Influence of heating on antiradical activity of essential oils of Thyme, Summer Sarvory and Clove by 2, 2- Diphenyl- 1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Method. Journal of Medical Plants, 6 (22): 54- 63.
· Firestone, D., Stier, R.F. and Blumental, M.M. (1991). Regulation of frying fats and oils. Journal of Food Technology, 45: 90-94.
· Frega, N., Mozzon, M. and Lercker, G. (1999). Effect of free fatty acids on the oxidative stability of vegetable oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 76: 325-329.
· Gertz, C. (1996). Chemical changes of oils and fats at elevated temperatures. In: Bell, B.M., editor. Fat in the diet. Barnes and Assoc. Inc., Bridgwater, UK, pp. 15-21
· Goli, A.H., Barzegar, M. and Sahari, M.A. (2005). Antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds of pistachio (Pistachia vera) hull extracts. Food Chemistry, 92: 521-525.
· Golparvar, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., Zinaly, H. and Hadipanah, A. (2012). Effect of harvest times on quantity (morphological) and quality characteristics of Thymus daenensis Celak. in Isfahan.Journal of Herbal Drugs, 2(4): 245-254.
· Haghiroalsadat, F., Azhdari, M., Oroojalian, F., Omidi, M. and Azimzadeh, M. (2015). The chemical assessment of seed essence of three native medicinal plants of Yazd province (bunium premium, Cuminum cyminum, trachyspermum copticum) and the comparison of their antioxidant properties. Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 22(6): 1592-1603.
· Hamedanim F. and Haddad Khodaparast, M.H. (2013). Evaluation of chemical composition and oxidative stability of khinjuk kernel oils. Journal of Research and Innovation in Food Science and Technology, 2(3): 265-278.
· Hashemi, Z., Hojati, M. and Taharnejad, M. (2014). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Artemisia Sieberi essential. Food Chemistry, 6: 19-35.
· Kamal-Eldin, A. (2006). Effect of fatty acids and tocopherols on the oxidative stability of vegetable oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 58: 1051-1061.
· Keshvari, M., Asgary, S., Jafarian-dehkordi, A., Najafi, S. and Ghoreyshi-Yazdi, S. M. (2013). Preventive effect of cinnamon essential oil on lipid oxidation of vegetable oil. ARYA Atherosclerosis, 9(5): 280–286.
· Logani, M.K. and Davies, R.E. (1980). Lipid oxidation: Biological effects and antioxidants, a review. Lipids 15(6): 485-495.
· Mohagheghi Samarin, A., Poorazarang, H., Elhamirad, A. H., Dezashibi, Z. and Hematyar, N. (2011). Extraction of phenolic compounds from potato peel (Ramus variety) with solvent and ultrasound-assisted methods and evaluation of its antioxidant activity in soybean oil. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8(1): 81-91.
· Parker, T.D., Adams, D.A., Zhou, K., Harris, M. and Yu, L. (2003). Fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of cold-pressed edible seed oils. Journal of Food Science, 68: 1240– 1243.
· Rajaei, A., Barzegar, M. and Sahari, M.A. (2011). Investigation on antioxidative and antimicrobial activities of pistachio (Pistachia vera) green hull extracts. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8(1): 111-120.
· Pirbalouti, A., Rahimmalek, M., Malekpoor, F. and Karimi, A. (2011). Variation in antibacterial activity, Thymol and Carvacrol contents of wild populations of' Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis' Celak. Plant Omics Journal, 4(4): 209-214.
· Samadloiy, H.R., Azizi, M.H. and Barzegar, M. (2007). Antioxidative effect of pomegranate seed phenolic components on Soybean Oil. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 14(4): 193-200.
· Schulte, E. (2004). Economical micro-method for determination of polar components in frying fats. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 106: 772–776.
· Shahsavari, N., Barzegar, M., Sahari, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2008). An Investigation on the Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Zataria multiflora Boiss. In Soy Bean Oil. Journal of Medical Plants, 4 (28): 56-68.
· Shantha, N.C., Decker, E.A. (1994). Rapid, sensitive, iron-based spectrophotometric methods for determination of peroxide values of food lipids. Journal of AOAC International, 77(2): 421-424.
· Singh, G. and Marimuthu, P. (2006). Antioxidant and biocidal activities of Carum nigrum (seed) essential oil, oleoresin, and their selected components. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 174-181.
· Taha Nejad, M., Barzegar, M., Sahari, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2012). Evaluation of antiradical activity of Malva sylvestris extract and its application in oil System. Journal of Medical Plants, 2 (42): 86-97.
· Vieira, T.M.F.S., Marisa, A.B. and Regitano-d, A. (2001). Canola oil thermal oxidation during oven test and microwave heating. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 34: 215-221.
· Vyncke, W. (1970). Direct determination of the thiobarbituric acid value in trichloracetic acid extracts of fish as a measure of oxidative rancidity. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 72: 1084-1087.
· Yildirim, A., Mavi, A. and Kara, A.A. (2001). Determination of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Rumex crispus L. extracts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49: 4083-4089.
· Zainol, M.K., Abd-Hamid, A., Yusof, S. and Muse, R. (2003). Antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds of leaf, root, and phenolic of four accessions of centella asiatica (L.) Ubram. Food Chemistry, 81: 575-581.
· AOAC. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 18th Edition. Maryland, USA: AOAC International. pp. 6-13.
· Ayoughi, F., Barzegar, M., Sahari, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2009). Antioxidant effect of Dill (Anethum graveolens Boiss.) oil in crude soybean oil and comparison with chemical antioxidants. Journal of Medical Plants, 2(30): 71-83.
· Arabshahi-Delouee, S. and Urooj, A. (2006). Antioxidant properties of various solvent extracts of mulberry (Morus indica L.) leaves. Food Chemistry, 102: 1233–1240.
· Ataei Salehi, E., Esmaeilzadeh Kenari, R. and Nasiri Takami, S. (2014). Antioxidant effect of Pimppinella affinis Ledeb plant methanolic extract on stability of canola oil during storage condition. Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal, 10(2): 176-181.
· Blois, M.S. (1958). Antioxidant determinations by the use of a stable free radical. Nature, 181(4617): 1199.
· Choe, E. and Min, D.B. (2006). Mechanisms and factors for edible oil oxidation. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 5: 169-186.
· Esmaeilzadeh kenari, R. Mehdipour, S. Z. and Razavi, R. (2017). Investigate the changes in fatty acid and antioxidant properties of Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa ) peel extract on stability of sunflower oil in thermal conditions. Iranian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 68(14): 125-135.
· Espin, J.C., Soler-Rivas, C. and Wichers, H.J. (2000). Characterization of the total free radical scavenger capacity of vegetable pils and oil fractions using 2, 2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl radical. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48: 648-656.
· Fazel, M., Omidbeygi, M., Barzegar, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2007). Influence of heating on antiradical activity of essential oils of Thyme, Summer Sarvory and Clove by 2, 2- Diphenyl- 1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Method. Journal of Medical Plants, 6 (22): 54- 63.
· Firestone, D., Stier, R.F. and Blumental, M.M. (1991). Regulation of frying fats and oils. Journal of Food Technology, 45: 90-94.
· Frega, N., Mozzon, M. and Lercker, G. (1999). Effect of free fatty acids on the oxidative stability of vegetable oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 76: 325-329.
· Gertz, C. (1996). Chemical changes of oils and fats at elevated temperatures. In: Bell, B.M., editor. Fat in the diet. Barnes and Assoc. Inc., Bridgwater, UK, pp. 15-21
· Goli, A.H., Barzegar, M. and Sahari, M.A. (2005). Antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds of pistachio (Pistachia vera) hull extracts. Food Chemistry, 92: 521-525.
· Golparvar, A., Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A., Zinaly, H. and Hadipanah, A. (2012). Effect of harvest times on quantity (morphological) and quality characteristics of Thymus daenensis Celak. in Isfahan.Journal of Herbal Drugs, 2(4): 245-254.
· Haghiroalsadat, F., Azhdari, M., Oroojalian, F., Omidi, M. and Azimzadeh, M. (2015). The chemical assessment of seed essence of three native medicinal plants of Yazd province (bunium premium, Cuminum cyminum, trachyspermum copticum) and the comparison of their antioxidant properties. Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, 22(6): 1592-1603.
· Hamedanim F. and Haddad Khodaparast, M.H. (2013). Evaluation of chemical composition and oxidative stability of khinjuk kernel oils. Journal of Research and Innovation in Food Science and Technology, 2(3): 265-278.
· Hashemi, Z., Hojati, M. and Taharnejad, M. (2014). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Artemisia Sieberi essential. Food Chemistry, 6: 19-35.
· Kamal-Eldin, A. (2006). Effect of fatty acids and tocopherols on the oxidative stability of vegetable oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 58: 1051-1061.
· Keshvari, M., Asgary, S., Jafarian-dehkordi, A., Najafi, S. and Ghoreyshi-Yazdi, S. M. (2013). Preventive effect of cinnamon essential oil on lipid oxidation of vegetable oil. ARYA Atherosclerosis, 9(5): 280–286.
· Logani, M.K. and Davies, R.E. (1980). Lipid oxidation: Biological effects and antioxidants, a review. Lipids 15(6): 485-495.
· Mohagheghi Samarin, A., Poorazarang, H., Elhamirad, A. H., Dezashibi, Z. and Hematyar, N. (2011). Extraction of phenolic compounds from potato peel (Ramus variety) with solvent and ultrasound-assisted methods and evaluation of its antioxidant activity in soybean oil. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8(1): 81-91.
· Parker, T.D., Adams, D.A., Zhou, K., Harris, M. and Yu, L. (2003). Fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of cold-pressed edible seed oils. Journal of Food Science, 68: 1240– 1243.
· Rajaei, A., Barzegar, M. and Sahari, M.A. (2011). Investigation on antioxidative and antimicrobial activities of pistachio (Pistachia vera) green hull extracts. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 8(1): 111-120.
· Pirbalouti, A., Rahimmalek, M., Malekpoor, F. and Karimi, A. (2011). Variation in antibacterial activity, Thymol and Carvacrol contents of wild populations of' Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis' Celak. Plant Omics Journal, 4(4): 209-214.
· Samadloiy, H.R., Azizi, M.H. and Barzegar, M. (2007). Antioxidative effect of pomegranate seed phenolic components on Soybean Oil. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 14(4): 193-200.
· Schulte, E. (2004). Economical micro-method for determination of polar components in frying fats. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 106: 772–776.
· Shahsavari, N., Barzegar, M., Sahari, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2008). An Investigation on the Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Zataria multiflora Boiss. In Soy Bean Oil. Journal of Medical Plants, 4 (28): 56-68.
· Shantha, N.C., Decker, E.A. (1994). Rapid, sensitive, iron-based spectrophotometric methods for determination of peroxide values of food lipids. Journal of AOAC International, 77(2): 421-424.
· Singh, G. and Marimuthu, P. (2006). Antioxidant and biocidal activities of Carum nigrum (seed) essential oil, oleoresin, and their selected components. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54: 174-181.
· Taha Nejad, M., Barzegar, M., Sahari, M. and Naghdi Badi, H. (2012). Evaluation of antiradical activity of Malva sylvestris extract and its application in oil System. Journal of Medical Plants, 2 (42): 86-97.
· Vieira, T.M.F.S., Marisa, A.B. and Regitano-d, A. (2001). Canola oil thermal oxidation during oven test and microwave heating. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 34: 215-221.
· Vyncke, W. (1970). Direct determination of the thiobarbituric acid value in trichloracetic acid extracts of fish as a measure of oxidative rancidity. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 72: 1084-1087.
· Yildirim, A., Mavi, A. and Kara, A.A. (2001). Determination of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Rumex crispus L. extracts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49: 4083-4089.
· Zainol, M.K., Abd-Hamid, A., Yusof, S. and Muse, R. (2003). Antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds of leaf, root, and phenolic of four accessions of centella asiatica (L.) Ubram. Food Chemistry, 81: 575-581.