Application of vacuum-steam-vacuum (VSV) technology for corn decontamination
Subject Areas :
Food Science and Technology
M. Rezaee Fard
M. Javanmard
A. Znouzi
1 - MSc. Graduate Student, Department of Food Science, Islamic Azad University Varamin Bramch, Varamin- Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Food Technologies Group, Chemical Technologies Department, Iranian Research Organization for Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Iranian Research Organization for Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2017-08-12
Accepted : 2018-05-05
Published : 2018-09-23
Microbial decontamination,
Sensory attributes,
Abstract :
Corn is a nutritious food which is stored in ensilage. Bacterial contamination is the most important problem in storage condition. Vacuum-Steam-Vacuum (VSV) Technology is a safe technique for microbial decontamination of food. In this methods decontaminating done by steam which effects thermally and mechanically to microbial destruction. Statistical Analysis was carried out based on full factorial designs that repeated three times in the form of random plan. Independent variables in this research were temperature (115, 120, 125 °C), steaming time (15, 20, 25 seconds) and first vacuum's time (60, 90 and 120). Dependent variables were Total bacterial load, Total moulds and yeast, moisture content, ash, sensory attributes (color, smell and overall acceptability). The results showed that the best bacterial decontamination was carried out in the following condition: treatment temperature 125 °C, the first vacuum time 90 s, steaming time 25 s and the second vacuum time 120 s. In this condition a decontamination rate of 4 log CFU for total bacterial count and 3.6 reduction log CFU in total mold and yeast was resulted. The highest percentage of moisture content in treated samples was 9.2 % which lower than national standards (13%). This technology as an applicable technique for food decontamination was advice.
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· Haoyu, J., Hongwei, X., Xiaoming, F. and Yanhong, L. (2015). Design and experiment of vacuum-steam pulsed blancher for fruits and vegetables. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, Issue 31.pp 230-238.
· Hassan, A., Skjerve, E., Bergh, C. and Nesbakken, T. (2015). Microbial effect of steam vacuum pasteurisation implemented after slaughtering and dressing of sheep and lamb. Meat Science, 99: 32–37.
· He, S.Y., Zhang, G.C., Yu, Y.Q. and Li, R.G. (2013). Effects of vacuum cooling on the enzymatic antioxidant system of cherry and inhib ition of surface-borne pathogens. International Journal of Refrigeration, 36: 2387–2394.
· Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (1992). Grain moisture content. Number specifications. ISIRI No. 2705. [in Persian]
· Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. (1992). Measuring the amount of mold and yeast in grams. Number specifications. ISIRI No. 10899. [in Persian]
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· Karami Asbo, R. Aboalfathi. M. (2015). Reducing Aflatxin hn corn. Iranian Plant Protection Research Institute. [in Persian]
· Kochevar, S.L., Sofos, J.N., Bolin, R.R., Reagan decontaminate, J.O., & Smith, G.C. (1997). Steam vacuuming as a pre-evisceration intervention to beef carcasses. Journal of Food Protection, Issue 63, pp.136-143.
· Kozempel, M., Radewonak, R., Scullen, J.O. and Goldbory, N. (2002). Application of the vacuum-steam-vacuum surface intevetion processto reduce bacteria on the surface of fruites and vagetables. Innovative food Science & Emerging Technologies, Issue 3, pp. 63-72.
· Machado, A. and Carvaliho, F. (2013). Microbiological and physical and chemical pernis pigs treated evaluation with organic acid and or steam in control surface for contamination Salmonella Typhimurium. Journal Food Microbiology, Issue 14, pp. 345-351.
· Paolesse. R, A. Alimelli., E. Martinelli and Di Natale. C. (2006). Detection of fungal contamination of cereal grain samples by an electronic nose. Science direct, Issue 119, pp.425–430.
· Pinedo, A. A. and Murr, F.E.X. (2006). Kinetics of vacuum drying of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima): Modeling with shrinkage. Journal of Food Engineering, pp. 562-567.
· Rezaei, Z. Javanmard, M. Zenouzi, A. (2015). Reduce the microbial load of spice vacuum-steam-vacuum method pepper red and thyme. Master's thesis, Islamic Azad University of Pharmaceutical Sciences. [in Persian]
· Shahedi, M. (2012). Use a vacuum in food processing. Iranian student’s news Agency. Khorasan region. [in Persian]
· Sommers, C.H. and Geveke, s. (2009). Inactivation of Listeria innocua on Frankfurters by Ultraviolet Light and Flash Pasteurization. Journal of Food Science, Issue4, pp 138-141.