Studying the Effectiveness Rate of Performing the Portal Informational System in Administrational Systems (Studying Khorasan’s Province Staff)
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Effectiveness, Portal System, Khorasan’s Province Staff,
Abstract :
This research studies the effectiveness rate of performing the portalinformational system in administrational systems (in studying Khorasan’s provincestaff). The assessing indices are categorized into three groups: 1- The Portal systemconcerning content, 2- The Portal system concerning techniques & 3- The Portalsystem concerning management support. Three main hypotheses are designed throughthe foresaid categories. After defining the research framework, the subject is studiedtheoretically. Then, data collection has been done through the descriptive researchmethod and field method in library (searching, studying, surveying & takingadvantage of digital texts & magazines) and none-library (initial & final interviews &questionnaires) contexts. The questionnaire entitled as “Studying the EffectivenessRate of Performing the Portal Informational System in Administrational Systems(Studying Khorasan’s Province Staff)” was distributed among system members. Afterthe questionnaires were answered, then they were analyzed through Spearman's rankcorrelation coefficient (to test the relation among the indices), Student's t-distribution(to test the main hypotheses), Friedman (to test the side hypotheses and to classifytheir indices & dimensions) and the SPSS soft ware. The results show that the Portalinformational system performed in administrational systems has been effective incontent, technique and support of all indices. But, the effectiveness rate is not similarin all indices. Eventually, some suggestions and recommendations have been made tohelp boost the effectiveness rate of the Portal system.