Cultural goods consumption, cultural goods, veteran’s students
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Managementسهیلا کیاسی 1 * , دکتر زهرا برومند 2 *
1 - نویسنده و مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Strategic Analysis of Cultural, Art and Cultural Institutes,
Abstract :
The present study aims at investigating the factors for analyzing culturalentrepreneurship guidelines and indicating the most effective factors in performingthe guidelines as well as providing an appropriate model for art and cultural institutes.In order to conduct the study, a questionnaire based on both kinds of the descriptivemethod, case and field, and a variance-based methodology have been adopted asmethods of data collection and data analysis. Upon providing the definitions ofcultural entrepreneurship and cultural entrepreneurship management, the researcherhas dealt with the significance of cultural entrepreneurship guidelines analysis indeveloping activities of utilitarian and non-utilitarian art and cultural institutes. Inaddition to reviewing the related literature, in order to come up with the researchhypotheses, a study was run in which more than 40 managers from different art andcultural institutes participated in the study. The results indicated that the role of insideenvironment factors were more significant than the outside environment ones in theprocess of strategy analysis. In this study, some factors such as probability, stability,competitive advantage, and compatibility with environmental factors have been copedwith as merits, demerits, opportunities and environmental threats.