Studying the Relation of EQ & Job Satisfaction of Instructors & Their Success Level
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Managementدکتر اسماعیل کاوسی 1 * , ژیلا سرلک چیوایی 2 *
1 - نویسنده و مسئول مکاتبات
2 - ندارد
Keywords: EQ (Emotional intelligence), Job Satisfaction, Organization of Education &, 
, , Instructors,
Abstract :
This research aims to study the relation of EQ and job satisfaction of instructors &their success level. The sample population in this research has been the instructorsworking in the 4 regions of Ahvaz teaching in the educational year of 1386-1387. Thisresearch is functional and an analytic & cross-sectional study. The research methodwas correlational research method. According to Morgan's table of sample size, 266questionnaires were completed. Two questionnaires were used in this research; onewas the EQ questionnaire of Cyberia Shrink and the other was Hesburgh's jobsatisfaction questionnaire.The research results have shown that there is a meaningful relation between EQand the job satisfaction of instructors. There is also a meaningful relation between jobsatisfaction and the factors of self-acknowledgement, self-control and socialquotient/sympathizing no matter what the sex. Job satisfaction andsocial/communicational skills had a meaningful relation with the sex of instructors.There was a meaningful relation between the job satisfaction of male and femaleinstructors, but there was no meaningful relation between the EQ of male or femaleinstructors.