The Importance of Cultural Activities in International Relations and Offering an Operational Model for Cultural diplomacy of Iran
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Managementدکتر محسن قدمی 1 * , حمید مصطفوی 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - نویسنده و مسئول مکاتبات
Keywords: Culture, Foreign policy, international cultural relatio, cultural diplomacy,
Abstract :
This research aims to evaluate the role and effect of cultural components inInternational Relations, review the current works of Cultural diplomacy of Iran withthe potential cultural capacities and capabilities of our country and studycomparatively the patterns and models of the cultural diplomacy in nine studiedcountries, and finally it tries to pathology of our international relations with othercountries. The method of the research was based on hypotheses and researchquestions were prepared by library and field methods. The statistical populationincluded cultural consultants, cultural dependants, and authorities of cultural centers,cultural experts and managers who have at least a three-year experience in culturalactivities in representatives of Iran held outside the country. In order to offer culturaldiplomacy model suitable for the Islamic Republic of Iran, the attitude system is used.From this perspective, cultural diplomacy is studied in two basic parts. The first partof cultural diplomacy, including the principles and rules that indicate formingcharacteristics cultural diplomacy and the second part is the structure of the system inwhich and by which cultural diplomacy will be accomplished. Optimal model fororganizing international cultural activities of governmental and non-governmentalsectors is to make use of combinational models, i.e. the continuous Cultural Relationsmodel which indicates that international cultural activities it must have an organicorder and relationship with each other and the whole process and all organizationsshould pursue the same goal. This optimal model should also use a consultative modelfor macro policies and strategies and for international cultural relations of Iran withother countries.