A Semiotic of the Heaven’s Reflection in the Holy Koran
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Managementعلی اصغر محکی 1 * , راضیه سوزن چی کاشانی 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - مسئول مکاتبات
Keywords: Holy Koran, Semiotic, Heaven, functions Communication Model, Roman Jacobson,
Abstract :
The semiotics of the Heaven’s Reflection in the Holy Koran is the topic of a descriptive and interdisciplinary research that tries to meet these symbols through using semiotics . The heaven in the holy Koran denotes to be the eternal place of the emancipated people and has been referred as Jannah (Garden), Firdaus (Paradise), Rizvan and Adn (Eden .( In this research, Islamic literature on the eloquence and the rhetoric of speech has been taken into consideration and at the same time Jacobson’s theory of communicative functions of language ‐ broadly speaking, similar to this Islamic tradition ‐ has played a leading role. To meet these ends, the frequency of the six functions of the language in Jakobson's theory (Referential, Expressive [emotive or affective], Conative, Poetic, Phatic and Metalingual) has been verified in all verses containing heaven . And with a clear focus on these sort of verses, every aspects of functions have been scrutinized to see if they have a dominant function in the text or not, or what kind of functions do they represent simultaneously . At the end of the day, the research has been designed in a way to have an introduction, review of literature, methodology, findings, conclusion and suggestions . The review of the literature and conceptual framework of the research has four parts: Heaven in the Holy Koran, semiotics, Koran’s Rhetoric and literary devices and finally the language functions . Annotating, or better to say, underlining key words and phrases and the patterns in the text such as repetitions, contradictions, similarities and so on, are all based on the close reading method. In this research, 283 verses about Heaven have been used as the unit of analysis. Research findings show note worthy points to ponder about related verses to heaven.