The Relationship between Culture, Entrepreneurship and Performance in the Organizations Technology Research (Case Study: Research Institute of Petroleum Industry)
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural ManagementEbrahim Rajabpour 1 * , Mohammad Hamid Ijazi 2
1 - دانشجو
2 - استاد
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Culture, Performance,
Abstract :
Supporting and promoting the culture of entrepreneurship, as a predisposing factor, for all societies and organizations is essential and important. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of culture (Involvement, Adaptability, Consistency and Mission) on entrepreneurship components of employees of the Oil Industry Research Institute. Culture and its dimensions as independent variables and entrepreneurship and performance as independent variables have been considered. This study used a descriptive approach based on branch correlation. The study population includes employees working in the Petroleum Industry Research (RIPI) included 390 people, among whom 210 subjects were randomly selected. The main tool for data collection, are the Denison’s questionnaire for culture and the Covin and Slevin’s questionnaire for entrepreneurship. Face and content validity was used to evaluate questionnaires Validity. Also, Cronbach's alpha was used to establish the reliability of instruments for each questionnaire respectively. The results show that there is a positive relationship among Involvement, Adaptability, Consistency, Mission and organizational culture with entrepreneurship. Moreover, there is a positive relationship between culture and performance, between entrepreneurship and performance Has been viewed significant relationship.
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