: The Relationship between Cultural Capital and Leisure Style for the Visually Impaired and Retired Persons in Tehran
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural Management
Batool Etebari Goharrizi
عباسعلی ghaiyoomi
فاطمه عزیزآبادی فراهانی
1 - student of research & development azad university
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Management, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, \"North Tehran Unit, Islamic Azad University\", Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: leisure, Visually Impaired, Blind, cultural capital,
Abstract :
More than half a billion people worldwide are suffering from physical, mental or sensory illnesses. One useful way to help people with disabilities is to turn to physical activity and exercise. to the extent that it goes beyond entertainment, plays a therapeutic and preventive role in the effects of disability. So the results of this study can be used in future planning so that the satisfaction of the blind can be assessed by identifying the needs of the blind as well as prioritizing all kinds of leisure activities. In the present study, since the most representative of the constructs were 5, the sample was 50 blind and visually impaired individuals who are currently employed or retired who were selected through random cluster sampling. The Bourdieu Cultural Capital Standard Questionnaire and the Leisure Styles Questionnaire are two foreign (Dumazedier) and Iranian (Rajabzadeh) questionnaires. In examining the results of the model of the relationship between cultural capital and leisure styles of the blind and visually impaired, it was found that cultural capital is able to account for more than 65% of the variations in the leisure time of the blind and this is a significant amount and confirms the obvious relationship and impact of capital. Culture has an impact on leisure time for the blind and visually impaired. The highest direct impact factor on leisure time is 0.384 in the cultural-artistic leisure dimension.
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