Conceptual analysis of cultural activity, based on entities of the cultural project
Subject Areas : Journal of Cultural ManagementAliakbar Baghaie 1 * , Abasali ghayoomi 2 , sayed reza salehi amiri 3
1 - Ph.D. candidate in Cultural management and planning, Science and Research Branch
2 - Associate Professor of Cultural management and planning, Department of Cultural management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Cultural management and planning, Department of Cultural management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Ontology, Cultural activity, Cultural operation, Cultural project, meta-synthesis,
Abstract :
Context and Purpose: One of the most important efforts in every scientific and practical field is to disambiguate and clarify the concepts and vocabulary of that field. Because when the concepts under a topic are ambiguous, the descriptive sentences, explanatory sentences and prescriptive sentences of that field will also be ambiguous and rather useless. Accordingly, one of the basic challenges of the cultural management branch is defining the concept of cultural activity. Accepting this importance, this article tries to analyze the concept of cultural activity by emphasizing the ontological efforts of the cultural project. Research method: In this research, the stage of data collection and selection was done based on the library method and systematic review. The stage of data analysis and synthesis has been done based on the meta-synthesis method according to the seven-step model of Sandelowski and Barroso. MAXQDA software tool has been used to implement this technique. Results: Among the reviewed models, methods and methodologies, 10 cases were selected to perform meta-synthesis. The implementation of meta-synthesis led to the identification of 12 main entities for the cultural project. The entities counted were analyzed in terms of the ability to differentiate cultural activity from others, and five entities of problem, strategy, audience, product and value were identified as having this ability. Conclusion: By analyzing and comparing the definitional structure of the selected entities, three identifiers of target-problem, human-audience and product-value have been introduced as distinguishing identifiers of cultural activity.
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