Veneration of Teachers: Designing a Model and Explanation through Grounded Theory
Subject Areas : curriculum
parisa abdipour
ali maghool
Moslem Ghobadian
Fatemeh Jafarkhani
1 - Ph.D. student of Neyshabur Azad University
2 - Faculty 0f Islamic Azad University of Neyshabur
3 - Assistant Professor, Farhangian University, Karaj.
4 - Assistant Professor, Allameh Tabataba’i, Tehran.
Keywords: Grounded Theory, Paradigm Model, venerating teachers,
Abstract :
Venerating the status of teachers is a clear sign of the progress of any society and the rational quality of investment and budget allocation. The purpose of this study is to design a model to explain the position and dignity of the teacher. This research study was conducted with a qualitative approach. It has benefited from grounded theory strategy within the constructivist paradigm. The data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 people from among principals, professors, and experienced education experts in the city of Khorramabad who were selected using the snowball sampling technique. The process continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Data analysis was done using the constant comparison method during three stages of open, axial and selective coding in MAXQDA software. The validity of the research was confirmed by the interviewees and the expert professors. To measure the reliability, the test-retest method was utilized (r= 79%). Finally, the paradigm model was explained. Findings showed that veneration of teachers in Khorramabad can be classified into five categories: causal conditions, contextual factors, strategies, intervening factors, national and international interactions, and consequences.