Evaluation of morphophysiological reaction of Eryngium campestre under the influence of nitroxin, humic acid and glycine
Subject Areas : GeneticZeinab Nasrollahnejad 1 , Khodayar Hemmati 2 * , Vahid Erfani Moghaddam 3 , Mehrdad Babarabie 4
1 - Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,
2 - Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,Gorgan, Iran,
3 - Department of Nanobiotechnology, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan.Iran,
4 - Department of Agriculture, Minab Higher Education Center, University of Hormozgan, Hormozgan, Iran،
Keywords: Fresh weight, phosphorus, Potassium, Organic fertilizers, Intraction effect,
Abstract :
Eryngium campestre is a medicinal plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, which is very important in the pharmaceutical industry. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of glycine, nitroxin fertilizer, and humic acid on morphophysiological traits of Eringum campster. The experiment was conducted in factorial based on a completely randomized design with 3 factors namely, nitroxin (0, 1, 2 ml.l-1), humic acid (0, 1, 2 ml.l-1), and glycine (0, 75, 150 g.L-1) and 3 replications in the greenhouse of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources in the autumn of 2019. The measured traits included root fresh weight, root dry weight, root length, plant height, number of leaves, leaf surface, and absorption rate of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus elements by leaves. Results showed that the traits measured under nitroxin, glycine, and humic acid factors separately and in combination with each other were significantly different compared to the control. In general, the results showed that the factors used in this study had the potential to improve the quantitative and qualitative traits of the Eringum campster plant and can be used in commercial production.
Agha Alikhani, M., Iranpour, A. and Naghdi Badi, D. (2013). Changes in Agronomical and Phytochemical Yield of Purple Coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea (L.) Moench) Under Urea and Three Biofertilizers Application. Journal of Medicinal Plants. 12 (2): 121-137.
Ahmed, A.G., Orabi, S. A. and Gaballah, M.S. (2010). Effect of bio-N-P fertilizer on the growth, yield and some biochemical components of two sunflower cultivars. International Journal of Academic Research. 2: 271-277.
Akbari, P., Ghalavand, A. and Modarres Sanavi, A. (2009). Effects of different nutrition systems and biofertilizer (PGPR) on phenology period yield and yield components of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Crop Production. 2 (3):119-134.
Alamri, S.A. and Mostafa, Y. S. (2009). Effect of nitrogen supply and Azospirillum brasilense Sp-248 on the response of wheat to seawater irrigation. Advances in Environmental Research. 6: 391-399.
Ali, S., Eslami, S.V. Behdani, M.A. and Jami Al-Ahmadi, M. (2009). Influence of exogenous application of glycinebetaine on alleviating the effect of salinity stress at germination and early seedling growth of corn (Zea mays L.). Environmental Stresses in Crop Sciences, 2 (1): 53-63.
Azizi, M., and Safaei, Z. (2017). The effect of foliar application of humic acid and nano fertilizer (Pharmks®) on morphological traits, yield, essential oil content and yield of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Horticulture Science. 30(4): 671-680.
Babaei, B. (2011). Effect of cystocele on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Ocimum bosilicus L. under drought stress. MSc dissertation. Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Zabol, Iran.
Banchio, E., Bogino, P.C., Zygadlo, J. and Giordano, W. (2008). Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria improve growth and essential oil yield in Organum majorana L. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 36: 766-771.
Bronick, E.J. and Lai, R. (2005). Soil structure and management: a review. Geoderma, 124:3-22.
Cordeiro, F.C., Catarina, C.S., Silveira, V. and De Souza, S.R. 2011. Humic acid effect on catalase activity and the generation of reactive oxygen species in corn (Zea mays L.). Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 75(1):70-74.
Dakora, F.D. and Phillips, D.A. (2002). Root exudates as mediators of mineral acquisition in low-nutrient environments. Plant and Soil, 245:35-47.
DehSheikh. P., Mahmoudi Sourestani, M., Zolphaghari, M. and Enayati Zamir, N. (2017) .The study on the effect of biological and chemical fertilizers and humic acid on the growth, physiological characteristics and essential oil content of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.). Journal of Plant Production Research, 24 (2):61-76.
Earanna, N. (2007). Response of Stevia rebeudiana of biofertilizers. Karnataka Journal of Agriculture and Science, 20(3):616-617.
Fayazi, H., Abdali Mashhadi, A. and Koochekzade, A. (2016). The effect of organic and biological fertilizers application on yield and some morphological characteristics in Coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea L.). Iranian Journal of Filed Crop Science, 47 (2):301-315.
Fazel Tehrani, H., Nabi Ilkaei, M. and Mostafavi, Kh. (2017). Leaf characteristics of Basilicum (Ocimum basilicum L) affected by different levels of humic acid and tea compost. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 13 (4):65-73.
Garcia, A.L., Madrid, R., Gimeno, V., Rodriguez-Ortega, W.M., Nicolas, M. and Garcia-Sanchez, F. (2011). The effects of amino acids fertilization incorporated to the nutrient solution on mineral composition and growth in tomato seedlings. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(3):852-861.
Gendy, A.S.H., Said-Al Ahl, H.A.H. and Mahmoud, A.A. (2012). Growth, productivity and chemical constituents of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants as influenced bycattle manure and biofertilizers treatments. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(5):1-12.
Ghasemi, S., Khoshgftarmanesh, A., Hadadzadeh, H. and Afyuni, M. (2013). Synthesis, characterizatiation and theoretical and experimental investigations (11)–Amino acid complexes as ecofriendly plant growth promoters and highly bioavailable sources of zinc. Journal of Plant Growth Regulator, 32:315-323.
Gibon, Y.A., Bessieres, M., and Larher, F. (1997). Is glycinebetaine a nonompatible solute in higher plants do not accumulate it? Plants Cell and Environment, 20:329-340
Haghighi, M. and Mozaffarian, M. (2014). Application of amino acids on growth and yield Tomato and bell pepper plants in the greenhouse. Journal of Vegetables Sciences, 1(1), 59-64.
Han, H.S. and Lee, K.D. (2006). Effect of inoculation with phosphate and potassium co-in solubilizing bacteria on mineral uptake and growth of pepper and cucumber. Plant, Soil and Environ, 52:130–136.
Hashemabadi, D., Kaviani, B., Erfatpour, M. and Larijani, K. (2010). Comparison of essential oils compositions of Eryngo (Eryngium caucasicumTrautv.) at different growth phases by hydro distillation method. Plant Omics Journal, 3:135-139.
Jahan, M., Nariri Mahalati, M., Amiri, M.B. and Tahami, K. (2011). Effects of biological fertilizers on oil production and yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the winter cover crops. National Conference on sustainable agriculture, 1December, Islamic Azad University of Varamin-Pishva.
Jones, C.A., Jacobsen, J.S. and Mugaas, A. (2004). Effects of humic acid on phosphorus avaliability and spring wheat yield. Facts Fertilizer. 32-41.
Kadkhodaie, H., Sodaeizadeh, H. and Mosleh arani, A. (2014). The effects of exogenous application of glycine betain on growth and some physiological characteristics of Brossica napus under drought stress in field condition. Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, 3 (4):79-90.
Khattab, M., Shehata, A., Abou EI, E. and Hasani, K. (2016). Effect of Glycine, Methionine and Tryptophan on the Vegetative Growth, Flowering and Corms Production of Gladiolus Plant. Alexanderia Science Exchange Journal. 37: 648-658.
Khoshbakht, T., Bahadori, F., Khalighi, A. and Moez Ardalan, M. (2011). The Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Macro Element Content and Yield of Aloe vera in Green House Conditions. Crop Physiology Journal, 2 (8):45-59.
Khoshbakht, K., Hammer, K. and Pistrick, K. (2007) Eryngium caucasicumTrautv. Cultivated as a vegetable in the Elburz Mountains (Northern Iran). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 54: 445–448.
Koocheki, A., Tabrizi, L. and Ghorbani, R. (2008). Effect of biofertilizers on agronomic and quality criteria of Hyssop (Hyssopusoff cinalis). Crop Research Journal, 6(1):127-137.
Koozehgar Kaleji, M., Ardakani, M.R. (2017). The application of organic and biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of spear mint (Mentha spicata L.). Journal of Applied Research Plant Ecophysiology, 4(1): 157-172.
Liu, X. Q., Ko, K.Y., Kim, S.H. and Lee, K.S. (2008). Effect of amino acid fertilization on nitrate assimilation of leafy radish and soil chemical properties in high nitrate soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39: 269-281
Mackowiak, C.L., Grossl, P.R. and Bugbee, B.G. (2001). Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Science, 65: 1744-1750.
Mehrafarin, A., Naghdiabadi, H.A., Purhadi, M., Ghavami, N. and Kadkhoda, Z. (2012). Phytochemical and crop response of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) to application of biological and urea fertilizers. Journal of Medicinal Plant, 10:4.107-118.
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Mohammadi babazeidi, H., Falaknaz, M., Heidari, P., Hemati, M. and Farokhian, Sh. (2013). The Effect of Azosprillium Spp Bacteria, Salicylic Acid and Drought Stress on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics Of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Production of crops. 3(12):31-36.
Moradi, K., Siadat, A., Ebdali Mashhadi, A., Mirzaei, S., Hamdi Shangari, A. and Shahrajabian, M. (2012). The effect of glycine betaine treatment on germination and growth of Zea mays seedlings under salinity stress. Journal of Agiculture, 95:46-56.
Nabavi, S.M, Nabavi, S.F, Ebrahimzadeh, M.A. and Eslami, B. (2009). In Vitro Antioxidant Activi-ty of Pyrus Boissieriana, Diospyros Lotus, Eryngium Caucasicum and Froriepia Sub-pinnata. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, 8(2):139-150.
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Azizi, M., and Safaei, Z. (2017). The effect of foliar application of humic acid and nano fertilizer (Pharmks®) on morphological traits, yield, essential oil content and yield of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Horticulture Science. 30(4): 671-680.
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DehSheikh. P., Mahmoudi Sourestani, M., Zolphaghari, M. and Enayati Zamir, N. (2017) .The study on the effect of biological and chemical fertilizers and humic acid on the growth, physiological characteristics and essential oil content of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.). Journal of Plant Production Research, 24 (2):61-76.
Earanna, N. (2007). Response of Stevia rebeudiana of biofertilizers. Karnataka Journal of Agriculture and Science, 20(3):616-617.
Fayazi, H., Abdali Mashhadi, A. and Koochekzade, A. (2016). The effect of organic and biological fertilizers application on yield and some morphological characteristics in Coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea L.). Iranian Journal of Filed Crop Science, 47 (2):301-315.
Fazel Tehrani, H., Nabi Ilkaei, M. and Mostafavi, Kh. (2017). Leaf characteristics of Basilicum (Ocimum basilicum L) affected by different levels of humic acid and tea compost. Journal of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 13 (4):65-73.
Garcia, A.L., Madrid, R., Gimeno, V., Rodriguez-Ortega, W.M., Nicolas, M. and Garcia-Sanchez, F. (2011). The effects of amino acids fertilization incorporated to the nutrient solution on mineral composition and growth in tomato seedlings. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(3):852-861.
Gendy, A.S.H., Said-Al Ahl, H.A.H. and Mahmoud, A.A. (2012). Growth, productivity and chemical constituents of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants as influenced bycattle manure and biofertilizers treatments. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(5):1-12.
Ghasemi, S., Khoshgftarmanesh, A., Hadadzadeh, H. and Afyuni, M. (2013). Synthesis, characterizatiation and theoretical and experimental investigations (11)–Amino acid complexes as ecofriendly plant growth promoters and highly bioavailable sources of zinc. Journal of Plant Growth Regulator, 32:315-323.
Gibon, Y.A., Bessieres, M., and Larher, F. (1997). Is glycinebetaine a nonompatible solute in higher plants do not accumulate it? Plants Cell and Environment, 20:329-340
Haghighi, M. and Mozaffarian, M. (2014). Application of amino acids on growth and yield Tomato and bell pepper plants in the greenhouse. Journal of Vegetables Sciences, 1(1), 59-64.
Han, H.S. and Lee, K.D. (2006). Effect of inoculation with phosphate and potassium co-in solubilizing bacteria on mineral uptake and growth of pepper and cucumber. Plant, Soil and Environ, 52:130–136.
Hashemabadi, D., Kaviani, B., Erfatpour, M. and Larijani, K. (2010). Comparison of essential oils compositions of Eryngo (Eryngium caucasicumTrautv.) at different growth phases by hydro distillation method. Plant Omics Journal, 3:135-139.
Jahan, M., Nariri Mahalati, M., Amiri, M.B. and Tahami, K. (2011). Effects of biological fertilizers on oil production and yield of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the winter cover crops. National Conference on sustainable agriculture, 1December, Islamic Azad University of Varamin-Pishva.
Jones, C.A., Jacobsen, J.S. and Mugaas, A. (2004). Effects of humic acid on phosphorus avaliability and spring wheat yield. Facts Fertilizer. 32-41.
Kadkhodaie, H., Sodaeizadeh, H. and Mosleh arani, A. (2014). The effects of exogenous application of glycine betain on growth and some physiological characteristics of Brossica napus under drought stress in field condition. Desert Ecosystem Engineering Journal, 3 (4):79-90.
Khattab, M., Shehata, A., Abou EI, E. and Hasani, K. (2016). Effect of Glycine, Methionine and Tryptophan on the Vegetative Growth, Flowering and Corms Production of Gladiolus Plant. Alexanderia Science Exchange Journal. 37: 648-658.
Khoshbakht, T., Bahadori, F., Khalighi, A. and Moez Ardalan, M. (2011). The Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Macro Element Content and Yield of Aloe vera in Green House Conditions. Crop Physiology Journal, 2 (8):45-59.
Khoshbakht, K., Hammer, K. and Pistrick, K. (2007) Eryngium caucasicumTrautv. Cultivated as a vegetable in the Elburz Mountains (Northern Iran). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 54: 445–448.
Koocheki, A., Tabrizi, L. and Ghorbani, R. (2008). Effect of biofertilizers on agronomic and quality criteria of Hyssop (Hyssopusoff cinalis). Crop Research Journal, 6(1):127-137.
Koozehgar Kaleji, M., Ardakani, M.R. (2017). The application of organic and biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of spear mint (Mentha spicata L.). Journal of Applied Research Plant Ecophysiology, 4(1): 157-172.
Liu, X. Q., Ko, K.Y., Kim, S.H. and Lee, K.S. (2008). Effect of amino acid fertilization on nitrate assimilation of leafy radish and soil chemical properties in high nitrate soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39: 269-281
Mackowiak, C.L., Grossl, P.R. and Bugbee, B.G. (2001). Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Science, 65: 1744-1750.
Mehrafarin, A., Naghdiabadi, H.A., Purhadi, M., Ghavami, N. and Kadkhoda, Z. (2012). Phytochemical and crop response of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) to application of biological and urea fertilizers. Journal of Medicinal Plant, 10:4.107-118.
Michael, K. (2001). Oxidized lignites and extracts from oxidized lignites in agriculture. Soil Science, 1-23.
Miri, H. and Zamaei Moghadam, A. (2015). External application of glycine betaine to reduce the effects of drought stress on maize (mays Zea). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research, 12.
Mohammad Zamani, M., Rabiyei, V. and Nejatian, M.A. (2013). Effect of Proline and Glycine Betaine Application on some Physiological Characteristics in Grapevine under Drought Stress. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 43(4):393-401.
Mohammadi babazeidi, H., Falaknaz, M., Heidari, P., Hemati, M. and Farokhian, Sh. (2013). The Effect of Azosprillium Spp Bacteria, Salicylic Acid and Drought Stress on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics Of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Production of crops. 3(12):31-36.
Moradi, K., Siadat, A., Ebdali Mashhadi, A., Mirzaei, S., Hamdi Shangari, A. and Shahrajabian, M. (2012). The effect of glycine betaine treatment on germination and growth of Zea mays seedlings under salinity stress. Journal of Agiculture, 95:46-56.
Nabavi, S.M, Nabavi, S.F, Ebrahimzadeh, M.A. and Eslami, B. (2009). In Vitro Antioxidant Activi-ty of Pyrus Boissieriana, Diospyros Lotus, Eryngium Caucasicum and Froriepia Sub-pinnata. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, 8(2):139-150.
Nahed, G., Abdel Aziz, A.A., Mazher, M. and Farahat, M.M. (2010). Response of vegetative growth and chemical constituents of Thuja orientalisL. plant to foliar application of different amino acids at Nubaria. Journal of American Science, 6:295-301
Najafi, F., Mahdavi Damghani, M., Tabrizi, L. and Nejad Ebrahimi, S. (2014). Effect of biofertilizers on growth, yield and essential oil content of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) and sage (Salvia officinalis L.). Journal of Essent and Oil Bear Plant, 17: 2. 237-250.
Nayebzadeh, M., Hakimi, L. and Khalighi, A. (2019). Investigating the effect of Glycine betaine and humi-forthi on morpho-physiological and biochemical properties Pelargonium graveolens under water stress. Journal of Plant Production Research, 26 (2):37-56.
Nikolay, S., Strigul, A. and Kravchenco, V. (2006). Mathematical modeling of PGPR inoculation into the rhizosphere. Enviromental Modeling and Software, 21: 1158-117
Olsen, S.R. and Sommers, L.E. (1982). Phosphorus, Methods of Soil Analysis, American Society of Agronomy, 403-430.
Rahi, A.R. 2013. The effect of super nitro plas and bio super phosphors on morphologic characteristic of (Ocimum basilicum L. Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture Soilless Culture Research Center, 7(26):125-135.
Rawia, A., Eid, S, Abo-sedera, A. and Attia, M. (2006). Influence of nitrogen fixing bacteria incorporation with organic and/or inorganic nitrogen fertilizers on growth, flower yield and chemical composition of Celosia argentea. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2:450-458
Razipour, P., Golchin, A. and Daghestani, M. (2016). Effects of different levels of cow manure and inoculation with nitroxin on growth and performance of Melissa officinalis L. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 32 (5):807-823.
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