• Abdollahi.Parisa The Competition between Saudi Arabia and the UAE in China’s Digital Silk Road [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Abolhasani.Salameh Synthesis of white-collar crime factors in Iran and Norway with a look at international documents [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Afrough.Abdolmohammad Explaining the mechanism of the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Afrough.Abdolmohammad Evaluation of the tools and mechanisms of the United Nations in the protection of human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Afrough.Abdolmohammad Emerging technologies, military field, human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • alborzi.seyed ramin The role of charismatic leadership in guiding the revolution and stabilizing the political system; case study: the role of Imam Khomeini (RA) in the victory and stabilization of the Islamic Republic system (1979-1981) [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • amjadi.golnaz The dispute settlement mechanism between member countries of the Shanghai Organization [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Anooshe.Ebrahim Meta theoretical foundations of feminism theory in international relations [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • ansarifar.zahra Synthesis of white-collar crime factors in Iran and Norway with a look at international documents [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Askari hesn.shahram Examining the chosen model of the United States of America in the face of Iran (confrontationalism and redesigning aggressive realism) [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Askary.Arezoo Examining the economic goals of Iran and China in the comprehensive strategic cooperation document [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]


  • bagheri zadeh.ali New developments and the defense-security system of Iran in the face of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime (with an emphasis on the role of Yemen). [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • bagherinia.hadis Examining Russia's foreign policy towards Ukraine from the perspective of aggressive realism (2000-2020) [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Baninaeimeh.Eisa Comparative study of dimensions and political components of security measures in Iranian and French laws [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Bargahi.Ahmad Structural and geopolitical reasons for the presence of Iran's advisor in the Syrian crisis in order to fight terrorism [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Barzegarzadeh.Abbas Emerging technologies, military field, human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Basiri.Abbas Explaining the mechanism of the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Basiri.Abbas Evaluation of the tools and mechanisms of the United Nations in the protection of human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • behdarvand.hossein Investigating the consequences of the assassination of Martyr Soleimani in the West Asia region [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]


  • davari.nooh The impact of Trump's Middle East foreign policy on the perception of America's decline in the Palestinian issue [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • dianat.mohsen A new approach to the right to self-determination in international law with a view to minority rights [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]


  • Falahzadeh.Abouzar Media (Ilam network) and the construction of the identity of the Iraqi Kurds and its role in Iran's national security [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Faqih Habibi.Ali Requirement of the right to a sustainable climate in international relations and the reduction of climate risks [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Farhangpour.Shapour The position of public order and national security in international commercial arbitration [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]


  • Ghasemzadeh.Mohammad Taghi Investigating how the United Nations General Assembly plays a role in the development of human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Ghorbanzadeh.Zahra Pathology of nationalism discourse in contemporary Iran in the shadow of reading the works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals (case example: the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Ahmed Kasravi) [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Golkhandan.Samira Analyzing deviation from fair criminal proceedings affected by the status and position of the accused in Iranian law and international documents [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]


  • habibi souraki.parisa Comparative Analysis of the Foreign Policies of Russia and Iran Towards the United States from 2011 to 2020 [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Hakakzadeh.Mohammad Reza Investigating how the United Nations General Assembly plays a role in the development of human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Heidari.Hassan Identifying the dimensions and components of the judge's civil responsibility in the laws of Iran, Egypt and international documents [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Heidari.Hassan Investigating how the United Nations General Assembly plays a role in the development of human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Heidari.Hassan Comparative study of dimensions and political components of security measures in Iranian and French laws [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Heidari.Nosratollah Media (Ilam network) and the construction of the identity of the Iraqi Kurds and its role in Iran's national security [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Hosseini Goli.Seyed Sameil Analyzing the dimensions and components of electronic money policies on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Hosseinzadeh.Ali Hossein The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards terrorist groups in the Middle East region [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]


  • ilkhani.ali China's energy strategy (with emphasis on the war in Ukraine and the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabi [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • IRANNEJAD.SEYED MOSTAFA Analysis of Saudi Arabia's approach in Syria and Yemen "with an emphasis on delimiting the strategic area of ​​Iran" [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]


  • Jahanbin.Shabab Requirement of the right to a sustainable climate in international relations and the reduction of climate risks [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]


  • Kalantari.darioush Synthesis of white-collar crime factors in Iran and Norway with a look at international documents [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Kamaei.Arsalan Explaining the mechanism of the International Criminal Court in promoting human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Kamaei.Maryam Synthesis of white-collar crime factors in Iran and Norway with a look at international documents [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • Karimi Mazidi.Fariba The dispute settlement mechanism between member countries of the Shanghai Organization [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Karimifard.Hossein The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards terrorist groups in the Middle East region [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Karimifard.Hossein The role of charismatic leadership in guiding the revolution and stabilizing the political system; case study: the role of Imam Khomeini (RA) in the victory and stabilization of the Islamic Republic system (1979-1981) [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Karkhaneie.Ali Asghar Shahid Soleimani and the direction of the defense-security doctrine of J.A. Iran with an emphasis on: active activism and the "extraordinary insight decision-making" model [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]
  • kenche.Neha The role and position of public opinion in foreign policy [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]
  • Khedri.Saleh The position of public order and national security in international commercial arbitration [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • kosari langari.rohulla Analysis of Saudi Arabia's approach in Syria and Yemen "with an emphasis on delimiting the strategic area of ​​Iran" [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]


  • layeghi.Samiyar Factors affecting the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the African continent [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]


  • mahdipour.asieyeh The role of charismatic leadership in guiding the revolution and stabilizing the political system; case study: the role of Imam Khomeini (RA) in the victory and stabilization of the Islamic Republic system (1979-1981) [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Mahmoudi.Hossein Analyzing the dimensions and components of electronic money policies on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Mavalizadeh.Seyyed Bassem Explaining the position and application of the personality file in Iranian, French and international laws; A look at the position of international human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]
  • mirzaii.jalal China's energy strategy (with emphasis on the war in Ukraine and the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabi [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Mobaderi.Ali Analyzing deviation from fair criminal proceedings affected by the status and position of the accused in Iranian law and international documents [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Mohaghegh Nia.Hamed Structural and geopolitical reasons for the presence of Iran's advisor in the Syrian crisis in order to fight terrorism [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mohamadi.Ali Requirement of the right to a sustainable climate in international relations and the reduction of climate risks [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Mohammadzadeh.sohrab The agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia and its effect on the activism of the Palestinian resistance groups [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Mohebi.Syrus Pathology of nationalism discourse in contemporary Iran in the shadow of reading the works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals (case example: the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Ahmed Kasravi) [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • mokaramipor.mohammad bager Comparative Analysis of the Foreign Policies of Russia and Iran Towards the United States from 2011 to 2020 [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Mokaramipour.Mohammadbagher The agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia and its effect on the activism of the Palestinian resistance groups [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • Mokaramipour.Mohammadbagher Examining Russia's foreign policy towards Ukraine from the perspective of aggressive realism (2000-2020) [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Mokaramipour.Mohammadbagher Factors affecting the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the African continent [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Moradi.jahanbakhsh The role of charismatic leadership in guiding the revolution and stabilizing the political system; case study: the role of Imam Khomeini (RA) in the victory and stabilization of the Islamic Republic system (1979-1981) [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Moradi.Jahanbakhsh The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards terrorist groups in the Middle East region [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Moradi.Jahanbakhsh Structural and geopolitical reasons for the presence of Iran's advisor in the Syrian crisis in order to fight terrorism [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Mousavi.Seyed Ghasem The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards terrorist groups in the Middle East region [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]
  • Musai.Maysam India, the Persian Gulf and the emergence of a superset [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]


  • Nik Ravesh.Parviz Pathology of nationalism discourse in contemporary Iran in the shadow of reading the works of contemporary Iranian intellectuals (case example: the works of Sadegh Hedayat and Ahmed Kasravi) [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]


  • Oghabi.Tofigh Media (Ilam network) and the construction of the identity of the Iraqi Kurds and its role in Iran's national security [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]


  • Parsa.Neda The agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia and its effect on the activism of the Palestinian resistance groups [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • pirani.shohreh Comparative Analysis of the Foreign Policies of Russia and Iran Towards the United States from 2011 to 2020 [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]


  • Rabani.Tahereh Evaluation of the tools and mechanisms of the United Nations in the protection of human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Rajabieh.Mohammad Hossein Analyzing deviation from fair criminal proceedings affected by the status and position of the accused in Iranian law and international documents [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Ramezannezhad.Leila A new approach to the right to self-determination in international law with a view to minority rights [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • Rashidfar.Ali Comparative study of dimensions and political components of security measures in Iranian and French laws [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Roozegar.Tahereh Emerging technologies, military field, human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]


  • Safaryani Gilan.Afshin A new approach to the right to self-determination in international law with a view to minority rights [ Vol.2, Issue 6 - Winter Year 1403]
  • salehiyeganeh.Mehrdad Examining the economic goals of Iran and China in the comprehensive strategic cooperation document [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • shadmani.mahdiyeh Examining Russia's foreign policy towards Ukraine from the perspective of aggressive realism (2000-2020) [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Shaheidari.Firouze The position of public order and national security in international commercial arbitration [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • Shirzad.Hamidreza Analyzing the dimensions and components of electronic money policies on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]
  • shokri.reza The dispute settlement mechanism between member countries of the Shanghai Organization [ Vol.1, Issue 1 - Summer Year 1402]
  • shokri.reza China's energy strategy (with emphasis on the war in Ukraine and the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabi [ Vol.1, Issue 2 - Winter Year 1402]
  • soleimani.maryam Explaining the position and application of the personality file in Iranian, French and international laws; A look at the position of international human rights [ Vol.2, Issue 5 - Autumn Year 1403]


  • Torabi.Mohammad Investigating the consequences of the assassination of Martyr Soleimani in the West Asia region [ Vol.1, Issue 4 - Summer Year 1403]


  • vatanyar.Asaf Examining Russia's foreign policy towards Ukraine from the perspective of aggressive realism (2000-2020) [ Vol.1, Issue 3 - Spring Year 1403]