Evaluation of the tools and mechanisms of the United Nations in the protection of human rights
Subject Areas :Tahereh Rabani 1 , Abbas Basiri 2 * , Abdolmohammad Afrough 3
1 - PhD student in Public International Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran.
3 -
Keywords: United Nations, Human Rights Commission, Human Rights,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the tools and mechanisms of the United Nations in the protection of human rights. International mechanisms can never replace national mechanisms and measures to implement human rights standards. First of all, human rights should be implemented at the national and local levels. The first responsibility of governments to realize human rights is about the people who live in the territory of those governments. However, with the internationalization of human rights and the recognition of this, the protection and excellence of human rights is not in the exclusive domain of governments. The international community can play its legitimate role regarding the compliance of the accepted international standards with any of the states or powerful agents. Therefore, although the methods of international control cannot replace the national facilities and methods of implementing human rights, but the facilities have a complementary role, the international mechanisms show the general desire of the international community to provide the conditions that the Universal Declaration and Covenants of Civil Rights and economic, social and cultural have stated: "Recognizing the inherent dignity and equal and inseparable rights of family members is human-based, freedom, justice and peace in the world". Both types of mechanisms have positive features as well as criticisms of their way of working. In the case of the Human Rights Commission, the main debates are about the political nature of the decisions, the main debates are about the "Commission and the influence of the political environment and the greater attention of Western countries to the issue of civil and political rights."
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