The Effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy on Trust in close Relationships and Interpersonal Forgiveness and Intimacy of women injured by trauma husband infidelity
Subject Areas : Islamic-Iranian Family Studies Journal
Mahshid Niknezhadi
Ilnaz sajjadian
1 - PhD Student, Department of Psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Community Health Research Center, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch , Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Cognitive processing therapy, Trust in close Relationships, Interpersonal Interpersonal Forgiveness, Intimacy, Infidelity.,
Abstract :
Introduction: The effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy to improve the trust in close relationships, interpersonal forgiveness and intimacy of women injured by spouse’s infidelity. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy on trust in close relationships, interpersonal forgiveness, and intimacy in women injured by spouse’s infidelity. Method: The research method was quasi-experimental and pretest-posttest design with two-months follow-up. The statistical population was the women injured by spouse’s infidelity who referred to counseling centers in Isfahan city in 2020. After screening with the post-traumatic stress disorder measurement scale (Weathers et al. 1994), 30 people were selected through non-random purposive sampling and assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). The research tools included Questionnaire Trust in Close Relationships (Rempel & Holmes, 1986) and Interpersonal Forgiveness ( Ehteshamzadeh, et. al, 2011) and Intimacy (Walker & Thompson,1983). The data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. The experimental group underwent 8 sessions of 90-minutes cognitive processing therapy intervention by (Resick, et al. 2016), but the control group received no treatment. Finding: The results displayed the effect of cognitive processing therapy on trust in close relationships (P<0.001, F=6.063), Interpersonal Forgiveness (P<0.001, F=0.051) and Intimacy (P<0.001, F=0.934) in post-test, and stability of this effect was in the follow-up. Conclusion: According to the results of this research, cognitive processing therapy has significantly increased the components of the trust in close relationships, interpersonal forgiveness and intimacy is suggested.
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